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The Canadian Peacekeeping Myth (Merged Topics)

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E.R. Campbell said:
Walls are very rare. The biggest and best were attempts at a Strategic Defence Initiative to make the "homeland" secure, for a while at least ...


... they all failed, eventually.

The Israeli wall ...


... seems to be to be totally tactical: a temporary internal security/counter terrorism measure. It's aim is also to keep the "homeland" more secure, to, as Humphrey Bogart says, stabilize the situation until an acceptable strategic solution materializes.

In short, walls don't work ... but facts on the ground might.


Reminds me of the peace lines in Northern Ireland:

E.R. Campbell said:
In short, walls don't work ...
I'm sure the Trump cheerleaders will be along shortly with a carefully thought out rebuttal.....  ;)
well, you could say there are no Mexicans in China....  :whistle:  Not that I am a Cheerleader for the POTUS.
jollyjacktar said:
well, you could say there are no Mexicans in China....  :whistle:  Not that I am a Cheerleader for the POTUS.

Premise, Premise, Conclusion! 
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