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The brown Temperate Combat Boot (AKA: Mk IV Cbt Boot) - No longer CADPAT

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Got the three sets of CADPAT issued. It seems OK , though I haven‘t been in the field with it yet. Going to Pet. Nov 1st - 3rd so we‘ll see how it performs down there. Spent about an hour per set burning the threads off of it.
Most in our Regiment got their CADPAT issue now, the tiny people being the exception. They take some getting used to, the cardboard feel is almost gone now. Put them to the test this past weekend. Seem to repel mist and light rain pretty well. the design seems to work well in the terrain we were in. Don‘t like the upper drawstring setup, but no biggy. Comparing the brand new uniform to someone who has worn them for a couple of months, you can really see how fast they fade. I noticed my knees are starting to already look a little lighter then the rest of the pants, and thats just from one weekend!
I (and the rest of the Vancouver area) are still without CADPAT. No change in sight... ever.

That is all.
Got mine last Tues., was at the same ex as Sharpey this weekend. So far so good from what I see. Came out of the wash both times looking OK.
Time will tell I guess.

Hey Sharpey, whereinell were you guys? Were you the pack of Illti (I think that‘s the plural) for that last attack just before ENDEX? Seemed every other platoon got hit three or four times, but we only had one good probe of the lines and then that last attack some of our guys fired some shots but the bulk of the hit was on the two platoons ahead of us.

We were all freezing, even bundled up in thermals and Goretex. Guess next time we‘ll have to bring out the friggin artic kit. LMAO Ah well, what can‘t kill ya...
Yeah, we were the Ilti (that was correct) guys. Well, I was one of the schmuks moving up the hill behind our MLVW / make beleive APC. Took out a trench with our Militia bullets. Yes, we got shafted for ammo! Sux. Good weekend all in all. From what I saw, that final attack went well, apart from the vehicles getting stuck at the top of the hill. Grayling is nice, just to much freakn sand!
Anyone know if the contract has been awarded for the new temperate boots and when these might actually enter service?

Perhaps more importantly, anyone know whether logic and taste have prevailed and that G-D-awful cadpat design has been ditched in favour of black (or green or tan)?

P.S. Happy Canada Day
Perhaps you can explain how logic and taste dictate black boots, since obviously I have neither. :evil:
Black seems to work well for virtyually every other army under the sun (though I believe Aussies‘ are brown, another good color). :mg:
Yeah, but the point is, we‘re better than that....


Mind you, the US Marines, even wearing MarPat, still have black boots, if the Incredible Hulk is any indication of military style... :D

Seriously though, I‘ve been told by more than one person that when you‘re up against guys wearing CadPat, you watch for the boots. So if you change the boots, you can‘t watch for them any more. Black may look spiff, but CadPat is the wave of the future.

Just be glad you don‘t have to polish the CadPat ones...you‘d need CadPat boot polish...
you‘d need CadPat boot polish...
Careful, at this vey minute somewhere in NDHQ a special committee of 7 General Officers, 27 assorted Colonels and a a couple of dozen civilian employees are involved in a full time think tank project on how to develop, procure and issue in the most inefficient manner possible cadpat boot polish.
according to clothe the soldier they will be Cadpat


look under colour and the pic :blotto:
Originally posted by imacoy:
[qb] Black seems to work well for virtyually every other army under the sun[/qb]
I‘d say it was more a matter that the technology to efficiently print complex patterns on to boots hasn‘t beeen availiable that long. Don‘t worry, others will catch on. :cam:
Still like the black, or at least green or tan.

Call me a traditionalist, but camo boots sounds too Gucci.
US Marines dont wear black boots with MARPAT. They wear Coyote Brown suede boots. It is a part of the new uniform program. They have two different types. One for desert/jungle and one standard infantry combat boot that has Gore-Tex in it.
Thanks 8541, I was just about to say that. 8451 knows his ****.
I heard that they are in the process of replacing the Mk. 3 Combat boot.  A buddy of mine told me that 2RCR did the trials.

Anyone hear anything about this? Or can it be confirmed?