To the issue about the fading, it‘s totally true, however, the ones being issued are colored differently and the problem is solved. On the matter of durability well, first off, you can‘t burn those threads anymore, you gotta cut them. This is so because many users came back with a burnt uniform. I still burn them but I make sure i‘m extra carefull...If you aren‘t an idiot, you shouldn‘t burn it. Also, (this is just the way I experience it), I think it‘s a little heavier than the previous, and it‘s certainly hotter too.
We should get a field exercice any weekend soon so I may be able to comment on durability vs wood, dirt, rocks, etc...
Still, even with those problems (durability, weight, hotter), after wearing them a bit, I still think it‘s better than the previous. Like the guy who wrote just before said, you can be suprised at how well you blend into woodland and you just appear hazier in general, wherever you stand.