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TF 1-07

Mud Recce Man said:
But...this isn't the first time the major unit we are talking about here in Gtown has deployed...maybe to this particular patch of ground but...its not like they have never left the unit lines.

And to be fair to that Training Base, let's just point out the fact that after mounting Eriterea, Op Athena TAT, Haiti, Op Augural, et al the same problems with lack of infrastructure/support staff were noted in the AARs. There is no Svc Bn...yet here we go again.

Let's at least get realistic here and stop slamming Gagetown...alot of people are working their butts off and doing the best they can , given the infrastructure and lack of support staff, to do their best to accomodate everyone.

The exact same thing would happen to any Army operational base such as Pet or Edmonton only vice versa were the Army to send all of CTCs 8800 summer students to that Operational base for their summer training while that Base was mounting an Operation.

Where would that Base (Pet/Ed for example) put all those 8800 "extra" pers? In modular tentage etc the exact same thing Gagetown has had to do. Why? Because those bases are set up as Operational Units, and don't have the infrastructure to handle an influx of 8800 extra students.

Crap guys, the Op tempo is tremendous no matter which Base you are at...time for us to all build a very big bridge and get over it.
3 meals a day AND the shite tickets to deal with the aftermath  ;D

And, thinking back to something a WO said to me once...

"If the troops are complainin', it ain't that bad.  When they STOP complaining, its bad!"

Stick on the ice... :salute:
A former BSM of mine once said that some people look at a pile of manure and only see the manure,
while other's look at the pile of manure and see fertilizer. :warstory:
(... obviously not the one required to do the spreading)
Naw - we shoot the S***

Gawd guns.... you must be real old :)
I'm not that old but - when you were in  Dad's bag,
I was in Bagdad. ;D

I know I'm off the subject but I couldn't resist.
Money problems still alive and well for some members of TF 1-07.  >:(

I figure that there will always be "some" minor goofs, errors & omissions but, they should be the exception &not the rule.

Any for instances Gunns?
people had their income tax returned to them because money people said they were owed it.

Went to payroll and checked to see if true.

Told the money is theirs.

money spent.

returned from leave, money people want money back.

two options: pay all back in one payment or over two pay periods.

$400 paydays for next two pay periods.

Many happy campers.

on top of that were told they will not be paid over xmas break.

contract will not be renewed until they return from xmas break.

some may not sign contract after xmas break.

no life like it.
Guns,  someone brought up the subject of Income taxes before.... it's a bugger but, true enough that while in theatre their income will not be taxed but, while still at home, it will be.  If the troops were paid what's been held back, they have the $$ in their bank accounts.... and it was prolly spent - yeah, I know... but, while it is an inconvenience, no one is getting fleeced here.

With respect to the XMass break.... - that's downright wrong.  They are not supposed to conveniently allow one contract to expire and wait 2 or 3 weeks before starting up a new one..... is there a electronic copy of the message with that directive?

Pls send me a copy if possible - will at least verify the references for "correctness"
Better the money people in the orderly room ask for the money back fairly soon than the CRA ask for it 2 or 3 years later. A whole new level of hurt. And, just like elephants the CRA will never forget and will never trust you , personally, again, even if someone else frigged up the paperwork.
Jed.... I had my 1985 tax return audited 6 times... I'd appeal & win, they would contest, I'd appeal & win, ad nauseum. It was quiet for many years, then in 2005, they bugged me about my 2001 one for one complete year & I thought I had made em happy .... WRONG!.... now they are lookng at 2004 & I will have to prove them wrong once (or many times) again :( 

Ain't life grand?

Money in and money out problems are not restricted to the military alone, everyone will experience these situations throughout their lives.
What you do for a living will not make a difference, as they say "s**t happens".
When it seem to occur regularly than it fails to be a money issue but more of a admin. issue.
There are hundreds of reasons why this continues to happen but doesn't anyone learn from these mistakes and correct them.
I went on my first pay parade in Jan. 1968, in those days you were handed cash. I can not count the number times there wasn't an issue with my pay. It is still happening, is it that there is a constant turn-over of personnel within the pay section, I don't know. I would assume that after all these years improvements would be evident. I suggested that if it is happening to everyone, Reg & Res alike, than there is not much could be done at their level. If it is strictly a Reserve problem than they should follow all avenues available to correct it.

As for delaying contract signing till they return from Xmas leave, I can not say positively where it came from. All I was told was " they were told that their contract signing would be delayed upon their return from leave." I told them that it would never happen and wait till you have written confirmation. I suggested that the military would not allow you to return home without a contract because they would be concerned that you may decide not to resign. Christmas time and family can have an affect on your desire to serve your country. Especially just before deployment, a lot of emotions will be brought to the surface. As I stated just wait and see and if its true, make your decision.

Another small concern while I am at it. Our armoury here is willing to delay their Xmas Dinner and Dance so that our guys and girls  could be present. As it stands now the training schedule will not allow our people to make this function. They plan to let those that make the decisions aware of this. I do not see this as not happening. What I do see is the delay in letting them know.

Guns,  Per ADM(HR-MIL) INSTRUCTION 20/04 the intentional breaking of periods of service is a big "nono".... material for a big grievance.

4.1C     Short Breaks. Short breaks in svc may negatively impact the mbr’s benefits and entitlements. Therefore, the approving authority shall ensure that intentional short breaks in Cl “B” Res Svc, such as over weekends or holidays, are not permitted except in the case of annuitants or former contributors who are required to take (a) mandatory break(s) as set out in Part 1 of this document.

5.1C    Short Breaks. Short breaks in svc may negatively impact the mbr’s benefits and entitlements. Therefore, the approving authority shall ensure that intentional short breaks in Cl “C” Res Svc, such as over weekends or holidays, are not permitted except in the case of annuitants or former contributors who are required to take (a) mandatory break(s) as set out in Part 1.
Geo, Yep, nothing is sure but death and taxes. Gotta love them endless paper wars with the government,  ;)
Thank you for official language on this issue.

E-mailed those affected,this will ease their concerns now as opposed to finding out later.

GUNS said:
Thank you for official language on this issue.

E-mailed those affected,this will ease their concerns now as opposed to finding out later.

Let's hope their CoC was already WELL aware of this...was any of this confirmed that they would be breaking up the contracts??  Just curious.  No chance it was just a bad rumour?