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Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

aesop081 said:
I would love to see you provide the reference that backs your statement up.....i'll be waiting !

As soon as my hubby gets home, I will get his help with digging it up.
He was actually the one that pointed out to me today while we were out on our walk.

Give me a bit though, I have no clue when he is gonna be home tonight.
Springroll said:
As soon as my hubby gets home, I will get his help with digging it up.
He was actually the one that pointed out to me today while we were out on our walk.

Give me a bit though, I have no clue when he is gonna be home tonight.

Beleive me..i'll be checking
This thread is getting stupid. Are there any more comments or questions related to the original topic? If not, I believe it has run its course.....
aesop081 said:
Beleive me..i'll be checking

Hubby actually just got in and said he will check tomorrow since he has a copy there, but when he joined 9 or so years ago, it was in the dress reg's. He also said the dress reg's are changed as often as people changing their underwear, so it is quite possible that it is no longer in there.

Regardless of if I am right or wrong, I will post the findings tomorrow...
If a person has, lets say 2 crossed hammers in plain site you wouldn't judge them.

I would think he is one hardcore Pink Floyd fan
Springroll et al

Before you get too cocky, I suggest you become aware of the NDA (National Defence Act) for example:

1. (alternate to charge 2) s. 83 NDA, disobeyed a lawful command of a superior officer.
2. (alternate to charge 1) s. 129 NDA, conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline.

It might find you as the accused at court martial,  get you $900 fine and a criminal record that would take 5 years before you could get a pardon.

Not my idea of great way to begin service to my country.
Hatchet Man said:
I would think he is one hardcore Pink Floyd fan

I saw a guy in pet last week with a huge "the Wall screaming face" on his elbow that spread down his forearm and up his tricep. it was pretty cool...
Gunner98 said:
Springroll et al

Before you get too cocky, I suggest you become aware of the NDA (National Defence Act) for example:

1. (alternate to charge 2) s. 83 NDA, disobeyed a lawful command of a superior officer.
2. (alternate to charge 1) s. 129 NDA, conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline.

It might find you as the accused at court martial,  get you $900 fine and a criminal record that would take 5 years before you could get a pardon.

Not my idea of great way to begin service to my country.

Gunner98, you crack me up!  To the point, no BS, and factual - outstanding!!

Springroll - although the above scenario may SEEM heavy handed, it is definitely within the realm of possibility should you actually carry out your planned "avoidance" of the rules.  It is, in fact, one of the possible "consequences" I earlier asked if you were willing to accept.
Take your tongue ring out - they'll give you those ID disks to wear for a fashion statement instead (the guys who wear them outside of their shirt at the bar are by far the coolest....).
Infanteer said:
Take your tongue ring out - they'll give you those ID disks to wear for a fashion statement instead (the guys who wear them outside of their shirt at the bar are by far the coolest....).

lol, especially outside those wicked cool tshirts that say canadian army on the front and ninjasniper on the back
Springroll said:
Hubby actually just got in and said he will check tomorrow since he has a copy there, but when he joined 9 or so years ago, it was in the dress reg's. He also said the dress reg's are changed as often as people changing their underwear, so it is quite possible that it is no longer in there.

Regardless of if I am right or wrong, I will post the findings tomorrow...

It's not in dress regs, take my word for it (and dress regs haven't substantially changed in about 10 years, BTW). It may be in unit Standing Orders though a "no jeans" reg is very rare these days and usually confined to mess or school regulations. Back in the day (ca. 25 years ago) we were not permitted in the mess (dining) hall with anything other than a button-front shirt with collar, pressed slacks and proper shoes, but we could still wear jeans and t-shirts in the "snake pit" of the Jr Ranks mess.

To my recollection dress regs don't even try to regulate non-duty wear. Don't mix them up with Standing and Routine Orders.

I am going to second Acorn here - Please let me say that in no way am I getting involved in the right and wrongs of dress as an officer that would be somewhat out of my lane...

Anyhow a lot of Officer's Messes have the usual rules for what is acceptable dress in different areas of the mess.  It is curious to note in refernce to this particular thread that jeans are not usually considered as 'casual wear' and that when they are allowed they are typically classed under 'sports wear' - same as PT kit.

I seem to remember there were occasions in the JRs that we could wear jeans....but that period of my life seems to be clouded by various beverages that came out of something called 'kegs.'
Retired CC said:
Gunner98, you crack me up!   To the point, no BS, and factual - outstanding!!

Springroll - although the above scenario may SEEM heavy handed, it is definitely within the realm of possibility should you actually carry out your planned "avoidance" of the rules.   It is, in fact, one of the possible "consequences" I earlier asked if you were willing to accept.

I have already said what I am going to do...

I am going to remove my tongue ring when I am in class, training or whatever, but come nighty-night time, it is going back in.
When it is in, it will be as un-noticable as possible.

That is what I am going to do, and if they are going to charge me for what I choose to wear in bed, then by all means, go for it.
I wish them luck....
Springroll said:
I have already said what I am going to do...

I am going to remove my tongue ring when I am in class, training or whatever, but come nighty-night time, it is going back in.
When it is in, it will be as un-noticable as possible.

That is what I am going to do, and if they are going to charge me for what I choose to wear in bed, then by all means, go for it.
I wish them luck....

As I said in an earlier post - fill your boots!!
Springroll said:
I have already said what I am going to do...

I am going to remove my tongue ring when I am in class, training or whatever, but come nighty-night time, it is going back in.
When it is in, it will be as un-noticable as possible.

That is what I am going to do, and if they are going to charge me for what I choose to wear in bed, then by all means, go for it.
I wish them luck....


If you wish to keep it in at night thats fine.  I know the instructors you will have at CFSME.  The only thing i would say on that is to be ready to remove it in a hurry when the doors come knocking  at 2am for some " unscheduled training".

"i wish them luck"

Can i just give you one peice of advice ?  You may think you know it all now....but you years as a service spouse are not military experience.  May i suggest that before you  arrive at CFSME, you lose the attitude i see in some ( note i said "some") of your posts.  You will have enough thrown at you by the instructors as a matter of regular training without causing yourself any added greif.
aesop081 said:

"i wish them luck"

Can i just give you one peice of advice ?  You may think you know it all now....but you years as a service spouse are not military experience.  May i suggest that before you  arrive at CFSME, you lose the attitude i see in some ( note i said "some") of your posts.  You will have enough thrown at you by the instructors as a matter of regular training without causing yourself any added greif.

Exactly - thanks for saying that aesop081, I was trying to think of a tactful/nonconfrontational way of saying the same thing, but gave it up as a bad job.

Springroll - what he said.
I fully understand what you guys were saying, but to charge someone for having their piercing in when their sleeping is ridiculous, and I can thnk of a few other more important things they should be worrying about then my tongue when I am sleeping.

I can drop the "attitude" at the drop of a hat, if needed, that is no problem for me, and I appreciate what you guys have been saying, but I am also a stubborn chick who has dealt with the military all her life(daddy was navy, gramps and uncle both army, NUMEROUS boyfriends military  ;D)

I do appreciate what you guys have said though, don't get me wrong, I do, but there are always options that many people don't consider, such as what I am doing etc.

Now a tip for those with neck tat's...buy a really good all day cover-up or concealer, and that should do the trick with hiding any of it that is exposed. Be willing to spend some bucks on the good all day stuff though....you don't want it wearing off onto your collars.
Springroll said:
I fully understand what you guys were saying, but to charge someone for having their piercing in when their sleeping is ridiculous, and I can thnk of a few other more important things they should be worrying about then my tongue when I am sleeping.

I can drop the "attitude" at the drop of a hat, if needed, that is no problem for me, and I appreciate what you guys have been saying, but I am also a stubborn chick who has dealt with the military all her life(daddy was navy, gramps and uncle both army, NUMEROUS boyfriends military   ;D)

I do appreciate what you guys have said though, don't get me wrong, I do, but there are always options that many people don't consider, such as what I am doing etc.

Now a tip for those with neck tat's...buy a really good all day cover-up or concealer, and that should do the trick with hiding any of it that is exposed. Be willing to spend some bucks on the good all day stuff though....you don't want it wearing off onto your collars.

And beleive me....my former cohorts at CFSME know all too well how to deal with the " i was a cadet/my dad was army/my hubby is military/i was reserves therfore i know it all attitude.  between you and the staff......can you guess who is going to lose ?  If you can turn your attitude on and off easy....do it now....alot of your future instructors are members here.