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Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

Invalesco said:
Jesus christ, theres alot of smartasses in here. Yeah wow I typed in Tattoos and I found that too. Big Deal. So I guess if it's not offensive it's fine then.

Well if you found those links, when you searched for Tattoos, why did you bother posting, as your questions were answered in those threads.   If you think people are being "smartassess" now, you are in for a very big culture shock.
Hatchet Man said:
Well if you found those links, when you searched for Tattoos, why did you bother posting, as your questions were answered in those threads.   If you think people are being "smartassess" now, you are in for a very big culture shock.

Well first off I already searched and found those topics, the answers varied , as I read more people were saying that you can't have any tattoos above the neck anymore. So, I thought hey why not post a new thread and ask the question, hell, who knows maybe the rules changed or something.  So with that, I asked my question. Does that make sense to you? If it doesn't Sorry Can't help you out bud.

Sorry I thought this was a fourm, you know where you make posts and asks questions. Didn't realize this is just a FAQ
I'm going to tattoo instructions for the search function right on my head....
I see you're new here, Ace - so you get a freebie. Relax, chill out, and read (or re-read) the Conduct guidelines found at http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html  People here are generally helpful, if someone can demonstrate that they have tried to help themselves, and ask questions with a smile.

ok what if i have a piercing that has to stay in for 3 months minimum but i've only had it for two; would they let me keep it until it can be safley removed ( reservist )
safely removed? Just take it out and keep it clean. Why would you get it if you have to take it out in a couple months anyways? Seems kinda pointless.
atticus said:
safely removed? Just take it out and keep it clean. Why would you get it if you have to take it out in a couple months anyways? Seems kinda pointless.

I think you missed something...

Most piercings must remain in for several months before they can be removed after being pierced to give it time to heal. THEN it can be safely removed and regular maintenance performed.

The Army doesnt really care to be honest. If you have a nose ring and it needs to be in for 3 months, then you're out of luck as policy is policy.
No, most must be in for months so you can safely replace the jewelry without having the hole close up on you. If you take it out during the healing process the hole will close.
atticus said:
No, most must be in for months so you can safely replace the jewelry without having the hole close up on you. If you take it out during the healing process the hole will close.

I fail to see what differentiates your statement from mine...
I thought you meant that it is dangerous to remove it during the first few months.
Just to add something here I used to have my eyebrow pierced and It got ripped out  :crybaby:
that hurt but I guess it's my own fault for getting done. I couldn't where it at the school I whent to anyway and Im pretty sure most schools are like that. Thats probably one of the reasons why you can't have piercings while in Uniform is because even tho you can't see them EX your bellybutton
they can still be ripped out or limit you from doing a particular task. Also do you really want your piecing getting all full of dirt and stuff when your training or whatever It will get infected so fast on a tour. I have no problem taking out my other piercings once I get accepted to the army Personally I dont think you should be aloud any so even if you could I would not where them makes you look disrespecful to the uniform and country when you show up with a bunch of steel in your face and also if you just it hide thats just even more disrepctful to the army and your country because you think that somehow rules do not apply to you. This is the army so stop whining about something so stupid I think this thread shoud of been finished awile ago theres no need to keep complaining you dont have achoice so DEAL with it.

So has anyone heard of any actions being taken yet to remove tattoos from a member? I'm sure everyone here knows atleast one person in the army with a tattoo above the collar. Did it mention tattoos below the cuff? Hate to see any of the old dogs getting bussed to ottawa for removal of their CDO tats.
Inappropriate tattoos can always be covered by bandages while in uniform, removal is not necessary.  If a CO orders you to have it removed then he will have to pay from unit budget or out of his own pockets, uniformed medical folks don't have the cash.
I think this rule is great. Now we can start looking a little professional again ( in uniform) Nothing i hate more than a neck tattoo.
It looks like you just walked off the Springer show. What are we all gangsta now.
As for the peircings, as long as I don't see them it's OK with me. Heck put a padlock on your meat curtains if you need to. Just don't whine to me when you lost the key.
Read your CFAO's and QR&O's before putting the ink on. Don't rely on hear say and gossip.
The best rule for a tattoo. (This is for you first timers out there, one people only planning to get one, Ha like you can stop at just one)  Get it in a spot where you wont see it when you wear a short sleeve shirt. (Ladies a strapless dress)
I don't understand what's so difficult to understand....it's pretty self-explanatory.

If you have an open-collar shirt, and you can see your tattoo, nogo...anything above the neckline...nogo

arms (as long as not offensive or involving nudity) good to go..

I personally have several tats, but agree completely with the regs. Never was much for piercings, but whatever floats your boat...

however, i did hear about a guy in the Navy who had his nip pierced, and when doing firefighting training, it heated the piercing to the point where it seared into his nipple....mull that over before you you get a cold piece of metal shot through you.

I also knew a guy who had a piercing in the Nether regions, he said it was tough to piss, as it would spray everywhere, and he had to sit down when he went....seems kind of inconvenient
So I guess I have to remove my tongue peircing now?? :crybaby:

I just got it done in October. I also have three tats(my fourth will come very soon!) along with my navel pierced, and my ears twice(I am a girl after all)

Can I keep my tongue ring in if I go get one of those neat little barbells with flat ends on both sides??
As far as regs go, Tongue piercings aren't allowed...(It's visible)

That being said, I've seen members with them, and never seen the reg enforced (that doesnt mean it won't be)

my suggestion, if you should choose to keep your tongue piercing in, get one that's clear, and try to go with the least noticable. but be aware, you may get called on it
I fail to understand how a neck tattoo makes anyone less professional.
If the Regs aren't being enforced it is because an NCO isn't doing their job. Many are reluctant to take on things such as female hair standards because they are not very clear, as compared to the male standards.

My opinion is, if you see a breach of dress regs, ( after all they are regulations, not suggestions) fire em up, and the regs will support you. Make sure you arm yourself with the facts, first.

The way to build a stronger NCO Corp is by enforcing existing standards, thats the job of every NCO.   :salute: