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Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

Chimo said:
If the Regs aren't being enforced it is because an NCO isn't doing their job. Many are reluctant to take on things such as female hair standards because they are not very clear, as compared to the male standards.

My opinion is, if you see a breach of dress regs, ( after all they are regulations, not suggestions) fire em up, and they regs will support you. Make sure you arm yourself with the facts first.

The way to build a stronger NCO Corp is by enforcing existing standards, thats the job of every NCO.   :salute:

Last I heard, female hair regs are very clear. They can wear their hair down if it does not fall below the collar, otherwise it all must be up. Basically, if you have short hair you ahve it easy, if it is long, put it up in a bun, french roll, or a braid that is then tucked under to look professional.

I have a brushg up on my braiding since i haven't done it in years on myself, but buns are the easiest way to go, by far.

I am going to head over to my fav. tattoo and piercing shop and see what they have that will camoflouge my tongue piercing. My navel ring will stay in, but I am going to put in a plastic bar with very small balls on it so that it won't get in the way.....
Let's be honest:

Tatts on the neck cannot be covered by your uniform, if everyone had one on their neck then you would be uniform.  The dress regulations based on the CF Dress committee decision state that it is unprofessional.

If you camo your tongue piercing and one of my medics has to stick in 'breathing tube' to save your life and it gets in the way, it will be your family's loss. 

When you slide across the high rope on the obstacle course and your belly stud cuts you open or hangs you up, I think the blood on your shirt will give you away.

If you haven't started training and you are scheming ways to be non-compliant with or debating the regulations, I would not make any long term career plans.

Back in 1984 I worked with a Cpl (who shall remain nameless) who was a real idiot.  He was also somewhat ahead of his time regarding body piercings, etcetera (they weren't popular back then).

We had an RSM who was in AWESOME shape, and was a STICKLER for regulations - especially dress and deportment (as he should have been - he was an RSM after all.)

One day, Cpl Bloggins forgot to remove his earring prior to coming into work.  The RSM spotted it almost immediately.  The RSM grabbed Bloggins by the earlobe containing the offending item, and propelled Bloggins towards the RSM's office.  Naturally, we all kind of congregated in the hallway, hoping to hear what was going to happen.  We were treated to a fairly concise (and LOUD!) dissertation on Dress Regulations, and why they were important.  This dissertation was interspersed with whimpered "Yes, Sirs" and "No, Sirs" originating from Bloggins.

When the RSM had concluded - he dismissed Bloggins with an order to "haul ass down to the MIR and get that damned abortion removed from your ear".  The MIR?  What was the RSM talking about?

Bloggins exited the RSM's office and we saw that the offending earring had been crushed into his ear - the RSM had been SO furious that he had forgotten his own strength and actually crushed the earring beyond recognition.

Am I condoning the RSM's physical action in this case?  I don't think so - although I'm not sure.

I AM, however, offering a cautionary tale regarding the risks of ignoring regulations of any type - ESPECIALLY as "newbies" who haven't even joined yet!

Gunner98 may have said it best.

Gunner98 said:

If you haven't started training and you are scheming ways to be non-compliant with or debating the regulations, I would not make any long term career plans.
Gunner98 said:
If you camo your tongue piercing and one of my medics has to stick in 'breathing tube' to save your life and it gets in the way, it will be your family's loss.  

I am talking about a tongue ring that is flat on both top and bottom and is clear plastic. It would not get in the way of a breathing tube....trust me! I have had some large balls on the rod(that sounds so sick) and not even they get in the way of anything I am doing...even my dentist has been ok with it.

After chatting with my hubby, and getting a lecture form him at the same time, I decided I am going to see if I can train my tongue..lol

Basically take it out for set amount of hours and slowly progress in time while putting it back in at bedtime....that may allow me to be able to not wear it at all for 14-16 hours but not have it grow over either...that would make the CF happy and myself happy...
So my question is why not take it out all together and save yourself the hassle? Also if I am correct that any type of body peircings do not comform to DND dress and deportment? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Springroll said:
I am talking about a tongue ring that is flat on both top and bottom and is clear plastic. It would not get in the way of a breathing tube....trust me! I have had some large balls on the rod(that sounds so sick) and not even they get in the way of anything I am doing...even my dentist has been ok with it.

After chatting with my hubby, and getting a lecture form him at the same time, I decided I am going to see if I can train my tongue..lol

Basically take it out for set amount of hours and slowly progress in time while putting it back in at bedtime....that may allow me to be able to not wear it at all for 14-16 hours but not have it grow over either...that would make the CF happy and myself happy...

You're missing the point, Springroll.  You're still looking for ways AROUND the regulations, instead of complying with them.

Besides - what makes you think that your training days will only be "14-16" hours long??  :P
Gunner98 said:
Let's be honest:

Tatts on the neck cannot be covered by your uniform, if everyone had one on their neck then you would be uniform.   The dress regulations based on the CF Dress committee decision state that it is unprofessional.

Well some people also wear turbans and other religious head dress in "uniform" and they've never been stopped because not everyone wears one...

I don't have a neck tattoo but I'd never judge someone on their tattoos or their locations. Frankly it's none of my business...
P-Free said:
Well some people also wear turbans and other religious head dress in "uniform" and they've never been stopped because not everyone wears one...

I don't have a neck tattoo but I'd never judge someone on their tattoos or their locations. Frankly it's none of my business...

Those alternate headdress are APPROVED within the Dress Regs.  Neck tatts aren't.  You're comparing apples and oranges.
If a person has, lets say 2 crossed hammers or an ss or nazi symbol in plain site you wouldn't judge them.
P-Free said:
Well some people also wear turbans and other religious head dress in "uniform" and they've never been stopped because not everyone wears one...

I don't have a neck tattoo but I'd never judge someone on their tattoos or their locations. Frankly it's none of my business...

Oh, crap.  People put various symbols and pictures on their body to BE noticed.  If you DIDN'T notice them, the purpose would be defeated.

The symbols people choose to display are USUALLY designed to make a statement of some kind.  If I ran around with a t-shirt extolling the virtues of let's say, Beethoven - would you assume I was a Grateful Dead fan??  Of course not.

The same holds true for tattoos.  Although I am not personally opposed to them, I fail to understand the compulsion.  However - the symbols people have inked into their skin are a STATEMENT - of COURSE you can "judge" them based on their tattoos - that's what they're FOR!!!
Retired CC said:
Besides - what makes you think that your training days will only be "14-16" hours long??    :P

That was just an example of a time frame, that is all.

As for complying with the reg's, yes, I am trying to find a way around it. I have seen so many in the CF with piercings that why should I have to get rid of mine...I will find a solution that will satisfy both the CF reg's and myself, even if it means I have to take it out during working hours and while I am in uniform.

As for tat's, mine can be completely hidden if need be. I have a arm bad with my childrens first initals inside of a daisy, I have a rose on my breast that is coloured red, yellow and orange and it represents me and the type of person I am(fiery at times), and I have a sun on my tailbone which was a representation of my son when it was just him and I.

I also fully intend on getting another tattoo of a specific fairy on my shoulder blade and it will represent the relationship between my sister and I....but I can guarantee that you will never see any of my tat's unless I show you.
Springroll said:
That was just an example of a time frame, that is all.

As for complying with the reg's, yes, I am trying to find a way around it. I have seen so many in the CF with piercings that why should I have to get rid of mine...I will find a solution that will satisfy both the CF reg's and myself, even if it means I have to take it out during working hours and while I am in uniform.

As for tat's, mine can be completely hidden if need be. I have a arm bad with my childrens first initals inside of a daisy, I have a rose on my breast that is coloured red, yellow and orange and it represents me and the type of person I am(fiery at times), and I have a sun on my tailbone which was a representation of my son when it was just him and I.

I also fully intend on getting another tattoo of a specific fairy on my shoulder blade and it will represent the relationship between my sister and I....but I can guarantee that you will never see any of my tat's unless I show you.

"I have seen so many in the CF with piercings that why should I have to get rid of mine."

To paraphrase my sainted Mother "And if those kids who are breaking the rules jump off a bridge does that mean you would too?"

Or another from Mom "Two wrongs don't make a right".

You're still confused regarding "working hours" (which surprises me, actually - aren't you a current military spouse?).  There ARE no "working hours" in the military.  It's not "a job" - it's a way of life, and what you do, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year reflects upon the military.  This will be true for the entire span of your career - and , to a much reduced degree, after you retire.

As far as your various tatts go - I think the discussion involves "visible neck tattoos", or words to the effect.  The key word is "visible".  What you have tattoo'd on your breasts, or other regions which no one will ever see is irrelevant.

You can't get "around" it Springroll - you're either in compliance with regulations, or you aren't.  Sophistic arguments won't change that basic fact.

Should you choose to ignore those particular regulations you don't agree with, you WILL suffer consequences of some kind.  If that result is satisfactory to you - then fill your boots.
If a person has, lets say 2 crossed hammers or an ss or nazi symbol in plain site you wouldn't judge them.

No, because there are 6 billion people on this planet and I couldn't care less what anyone else thinks or believes in.

Retired CC said:
Those alternate headdress are APPROVED within the Dress Regs.   Neck tatts aren't.   You're comparing apples and oranges.

I know, I'm not debating the dress regs, just the logic behind them if neck tattoos are really banned because they create individuality. It's a double standard if there is religious individuality but tattoos must be "uniform" in uniform.
P-Free said:
No, because there are 6 billion people on this planet and I couldn't care less what anyone else thinks or believes in.

What's it like, being a "island" unto yourself??
Retired CC said:
You're still confused regarding "working hours" (which surprises me, actually - aren't you a current military spouse?).  There ARE no "working hours" in the military.  It's not "a job" - it's a way of life, and what you do, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year reflects upon the military.  This will be true for the entire span of your career - and , to a much reduced degree, after you retire.

I am well aware that I am never really "off duty", but what I chose to do, or wear, when I am not in uniform, is my choice.
If you want to get really specific, CF members are not permitted to wear jeans when they are "off duty", but I am pretty sure that a good 99% do....there are alot of reg's that are not enforced, that I will never argue, but to say that I can not have my piercing in when I am in the privacy of my home, is ridiculous.

Now, when I wrote about my tat's, it was in reference to people getting tattoo's to get noticed...if I wanted to be noticed, I would have a huge one on my forehead that said "LOOK HERE!"...hehehe ;D
P-Free said:
No, because there are 6 billion people on this planet and I couldn't care less what anyone else thinks or believes in.

I'm with you on that one. I do not judge people based on their chosen ink or piecrings, or hair colour.

Retired CC said:
What's it like, being a "island" unto yourself??

CC, let's stick to the topic and not throw insults at each other. I am sure we could both sit here all day and dream up witty ways to bash each other, but it would get us nowhere.

Life is too complicated to worry about what people walking down the street got inked, especially when you don't even know the meaning behind it.

Springroll said:
If you want to get really specific, CF members are not permitted to wear jeans when they are "off duty", but I am pretty sure that a good 99% do

I would love to see you provide the reference that backs your statement up.....i'll be waiting !
Springroll said:
I am well aware that I am never really "off duty", but what I chose to do, or wear, when I am not in uniform, is my choice.
If you want to get really specific, CF members are not permitted to wear jeans when they are "off duty", but I am pretty sure that a good 99% do....there are alot of reg's that are not enforced, that I will never argue, but to say that I can not have my piercing in when I am in the privacy of my home, is ridiculous.

Now, when I wrote about my tat's, it was in reference to people getting tattoo's to get noticed...if I wanted to be noticed, I would have a huge one on my forehead that said "LOOK HERE!"...hehehe ;D

Can't wear jeans?  Really?  Can you show me that one in the books?  I've seen the dress regs a number of times and I've never seen anything that talks about jeans off duty.  ::)

As for your piercings.  Yes, what you choose to impale yourself with in the privacy of your own home is your business.  However, from what I've heard about tongue piercings you can't remove them for long periods of time.  What are you going to do when you are away on your BMQ etc?  As for the people who have never seen that enforced.....I have.  I have seen several people get ordered to (in a not nice manner!  LOL) remove piercings immediately.