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Taliban "Workplace Accident" Merged Thread

hey george would you get up in front of a bunch of Canadians from a bunch of different backgrounds and say " I believe a dead taliban member is a good taliban member. durka durka...hahaha get it everyone?"
anyone who watched that movie would know exactly what you were talking about and immediately refer to it. The majority of Canadians, I believe, would not be thinking about the cancer site you brought up. Stop looking for justification. Or maybe you guys are the people who say "lets just blow them all up."

We members of the forces understand there is also a PRT over there and many civilian organizations helping the Afghans and such. Unfortunate the average citizen could come on here and see what some of you are writing and not be able to disassociate the combat element from the PRT element. Do whatever makes you happy though.

Nice post and run there decko.

You have your opinion, they have theirs. Preaching doesn't help. Neither does making assumptions about anyone here. You're getting close to a trip wire with that.

However, filling out your profile, so we can at least see what experience you bring to the table, would help.

Milnet.ca Staff
Flawed Design said:
Pure gold is seeing a Taliban have an ND with an IED in his car.

LOL, I think you told me that story- was that the dude who was Bajaing his Toyota and then suddenly exploded back on Roto 2?
decko said:
I'll be the voice of reason for this one gentlemen. We can't forget that the forum is not just seen by military members. I'm not a big fan of sending the wrong message about CF personnel to the public. We respect the opponent, not roast them and make close-to-racist comments.


LOL, I missed this gem.
You're RTFO man. Close to racist remarks? Make you should head over to Rabble they find bandaids racist.

Brihard said:
LOL, I think you told me that story- was that the dude who was Bajaing his Toyota and then suddenly exploded back on Roto 2?
Yuppers. I've actually seen 3 of those RESPECTABLE OPPONENTS blow themselves up accidentally (thankfully only killing themselves).  LOTS of respect for those guys yup.
Some inbred douchebag offs himself and a bunch of his friends instead of us or innocent civilians. Good. When I get home, I will roast some piggies in a blanket over a fire, and pour some cheap whiskey to celebrate their early passing.

And I sincerely hope more of them off themselves just like this... I am thinking all of the terrorists offing themselves like this. Especially their leadership. Oh that would be great.

Perhaps someone should show them how to make Hydrogen Sulfide and allow them all to kill themselves in Japanese suicide fashion.
your right i shouldn't generalize so quickly or make assumptions. I have no problem taking a life that is trying to take mine or my countrymen, I just don't think talking about it on an open forum in these days is all that correct. I think the larger point that I was trying to get at is how we openly talk about wanting the taliban to die. With the sentiments felt in the country today towards all the death experienced in that region I just don't think its good to be talking about it so openly. Yes you are all open to your opinions and comments, thanks to the guys who've died for this nation. I just think its a bit sketchy when the forces personnel are talking so bluntly about wanting the enemy to die in anyway possible, they still people, I know they've done some atrocious things and words can't begin to describe the all of them. Maybe a bit of refinement is what i'm going for, even though I know you'll all keep going on about it, because you can. I leave you to your opinions.  :)

decko said:
I just think its a bit sketchy when the forces personnel are talking so bluntly about wanting the enemy to die in anyway possible,

Wow. :o I personally see nothing wrong with wanting my enemy to die in a way that takes out even more of my enemy. The more that off themselves by accident means less of them to target us. You must be joking with this line or have absolutely no time in Afghanistan. ::)
decko said:
your right i shouldn't generalize so quickly or make assumptions. I have no problem taking a life that is trying to take mine or my countrymen, I just don't think talking about it on an open forum in these days is all that correct. I think the larger point that I was trying to get at is how we openly talk about wanting the taliban to die. With the sentiments felt in the country today towards all the death experienced in that region I just don't think its good to be talking about it so openly. Yes you are all open to your opinions and comments, thanks to the guys who've died for this nation. I just think its a bit sketchy when the forces personnel are talking so bluntly about wanting the enemy to die in anyway possible, they still people, I know they've done some atrocious things and words can't begin to describe the all of them. Maybe a bit of refinement is what i'm going for, even though I know you'll all keep going on about it, because you can. I leave you to your opinions.  :)


One of the enemy, kills himself, and his cronies with a weapon intended to kill us and other civillians.  We are using dark humour to point out what an idiot he was for doing that, and thankful he did not complete his intended attack on us, our allies, and civillians.

And you take offense, or feel we should not do this?  What next a lesson on how to properly pronounce and spell taliban, and the dead idiot's name?  Sorry if we do not ascribe to your Political Correctness, which you feel is the self appointed "voice of reason".

I will retire to Bedlham.....



I will join you in Bedlham, as my job is to kill the enemy. Right from the recruiting web site
As an infantry soldier you are the Army's primary war-fighters and at the core of the Combat Arms team. You are responsible for closing with and destroying the enemy.
I don't care how you put it the Taliban are the enemy.
It's a two way street. decko is entitled to his opinion also, just like you guys. He's voiced it, his reasons and bowed out of the conversation gracefully. There's no need for each and every one to come here and counter it. The points on both sides have been made, and you'll just have to agree to disagree. He's not a bone. Quit acting like a bunch of starving dogs.

Milnet.ca Staff
One of the more frustrating things about army.ca

Where as on pretty much any other message forum people can run their mouth, comments from relatively anonymous users here get flagged by the media. Doesn't matter if it's a 20 year vet, 16 year old kid who wants to be in the military or someone completely unassociated with the CF.  The message is the same. "Ohh look that a Canadian soldier is saying!"

Since this is an unofficial military forum the media shouldn't be allowed to use quotes from the site with the intent of 'showing what soldiers think'.
Which is what something like "Durka Durka" would do, especially in such blatantly ethnicity-oriented context - it would draw unwanted attention to the CF if picked up by a reporter.

I thought we were past this kind of thing....

Edited to improve sentence structure....
Corps of Guides said:
- it would draw unwanted attention to the CF if picked up by a reporter.

I thought we were past this kind of thing....
On an unofficial forum where when you state you spent 2 years in the reserves you're believed. Where you could just as easy lie about your service.

I realize the more popular army.ca becomes the more (unfortunately) it draws attention from the media.

I guess it depends how one (Mike?)  views army.ca ultimately.
Is this a forum for military members to meet share ideas discuss things military (while entertaining questions from civilians)
Or are we here to make the media happy and act the same way we do when Generals come to the work place- everyone is happy no one has any problems or concerns everyone is busy. Big ol dog and pony show.

Decko has the right idea. There are times when people (soldiers) get a little ahead of themselves and post something in the heat of them moment which they probably shouldn't.  Bad timing though, he brought the guns out too soon.

There's nothing in this thread that's even remotely out of line for CF members (Or assumed CF members)- it's being afraid of the media boogyman IMO.

If comments such as the sinister Durka durka is enough to paint the CF monsters we have big problems.
Flawed Design said:
On an unofficial forum where when you state you spent 2 years in the reserves you're believed. Where you could just as easy lie about your service..

Yes, because I joined this site almost 3 years ago knowing that one day someone here would say something questionable, and then finally I'd be able to "post and run".

Flawed Design said:
I realize the more popular army.ca becomes the more (unfortunately) it draws attention from the media.

I guess it depends how one (Mike?)  views army.ca ultimately.
Is this a forum for military members to meet share ideas discuss things military (while entertaining questions from civilians)
Or are we here to make the media happy and act the same way we do when Generals come to the work place- everyone is happy no one has any problems or concerns everyone is busy. Big ol dog and pony show.

Decko has the right idea. There are times when people (soldiers) get a little ahead of themselves and post something in the heat of them moment which they probably shouldn't.  Bad timing though, he brought the guns out too soon.

There's nothing in this thread that's even remotely out of line for CF members (Or assumed CF members)- it's being afraid of the media boogyman IMO.

If comments such as the sinister Durka durka is enough to paint the CF monsters we have big problems.

To paraphrase the Big Cod - we're not the Public Service of Canada.  That said, we're the physical (muscular) arm of the state.  In holding such an auspicious role, we represent Canada, be it anonymously on the internet, or overtly overseas, downtown at the local armouries/during parades.  While I wasn't in the military "back then", I think we should all be wise enough to know about minding our P's and Q's lest they mind us.  I'm sure you know what I'm referring to.

My point is different than decko's:  personally I want nothing more than to stamp out the Taliban, and all of the evil shite they stand for.  Furthermore, it is absolutely appropriate to want to mop the floor with those guys (within the ROEs of course - even better if they engage themselves like in this article! :warstory:) - but 'those guys' must be seen as distinct from the innocent. 

We are waging a war of morality over there:  we are saying that certain actions, regardless of one's background are not acceptable - reference the fiasco over the "raping your wife is OK" law.  In claiming the moral and phyiscal high ground we must emphasis MUST be able to distinguish who the enemy is.  My point was that making a statement like "Durka Durka", while one can defend/dodge its implications like a high-paid lawyer, we all know what it means (and so does Johnny Civilian). 

I don't need to tell you that Middle Eastern culture is not our enemy, because like me, you know that the enemy are those who want to impose their culture and way of living on all others by punishment of death - we are fighting a different but very similar war against them.  Our goal allows individuals to chose their own way of life, and not have it chosen for them by religious decree from an iliterate and turn-of-the-millenium nutjob.  We impose the punishment of death on those who seek to persecute and dominate an entire people, and that is why we have the moral high ground.

Now like decko (the gecko?) I will slither back into my corner so you can all continue the debate/celebration over these clowns doing our work for us - I just wanted to clarify before I did.
You need to climb down off the soapbox, bub.  Getting your panties in a bunch over a nonsense phrase from a movie portrayed by puppets is nuts.  These turds are now pink over spray, and I rejoice in that.... Durka Durka olly olly oxen free, aiy aiy aiy (insert Xena war warble here)
Corps of Guides said:
and then finally I'd be able to "post and run".

I will slither back into my corner so you can all continue the debate/celebration...

Mission accomplished?

My point was that making a statement like "Durka Durka", while one can defend/dodge its implications like a high-paid lawyer, we all know what it means (and so does Johnny Civilian).
Yup most of us do. It's a gag line from a movie with puppets making fun of terrorists as much as it makes fun of the US.

There is a certain type of humor that comes with jobs such as paramedics, firefighters, police, nurses, soldiers etc..
It's not pretty. Agreed it can go overboard but people are lying to themselves when they try to pretend it doesn't exist.
A terrorist blows themselves up by accident, we laugh. If people don't like the fact that we find it funny they can alway choose to spend their time somewhere else.  Team America is a funny movie but not worth getting on a soap box over it, not that I expect a response since you left the debate after putting your final 2 cents in.
Flawed Design said:
A terrorist blows themselves up by accident, we laugh. If people don't like the fact that we find it funny they can alway choose to spend their time somewhere else. 
Adding to that, speaking for myself, the stupidity lack of capacity of the individual in question draws my eye, not his race.  It would be just as goofy if anybody else of any other ideology, creed or colour did it.
Idiots and knobs are indeed funny regadless of race, creed colour etc etc.  If not, there would not be the Darwin Awards. 

I am reminded of hearing from some BATUS personnel in 81 or so of a car load of IRA types who fired a Carl G from the inside of a Ford Cortina at a Saracen Armoured Car.  They missed, but did not miss the effects of the backblast.  The soldiers found this funny and the tale spread around.

Different conflicts and terrorists, but both are knobs.  I find amusment in both stories.
Remember....Freedom isn't free. It's at least $1.05.

I still think this is funny as all get out.