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Taliban "Workplace Accident" Merged Thread

This is so disturbing. To think these poor jihadists may have been let down by their employer, who failed to ensure they had adequate training on their machinery, and quite obviously no health and safety program!

I think the BC Workers Compensation Board might be going to assist the in determining how to prevent this type of workplace accident from happening in the future. Anyone send the NDP an invitation?

Durka Durka!
This just in:  WCB in Canada has shipped 3500 reflective vests, hard hats, and pairs of safety boots to the Taliban in order to prevent such workplace accidents in the future.
Kat Stevens said:
This just in:  WCB in Canada has shipped 3500 reflective vests, hard hats, and pairs of safety boots to the Taliban in order to prevent such workplace accidents in the future.

They forgot to send the pamphlets on Unions :P
Technically, the subject line should be "Taliban Workplace Accident Kills 7", since I'm guessing the guy who test-fired the vest didn't make it either.
I'll be the voice of reason for this one gentlemen. We can't forget that the forum is not just seen by military members. I'm not a big fan of sending the wrong message about CF personnel to the public. We respect the opponent, not roast them and make close-to-racist comments.

decko said:
I'll be the voice of reason for this one gentlemen. We can't forget that the forum is not just seen by military members. I'm not a big fan of sending the wrong message about CF personnel to the public. We respect the opponent, not roast them and make close-to-racist comments.


Sorry but I can't respect any one who straps on an IED device, especially when it malfunctions and only kills himself and other like-minded types! As for "close to racist" comments, didn't see any in this thread. If the MODS see racist comment I'm sure they will deal with it.
We respect the opponent, not roast them and make close-to-racist comments.

I am not, nor have ever been, a member of the CF.

One respects one's opponent only when they are worthy of respect, just as with anyone else.  This opponent has shown themselves willing to kill women and children, hide behind them, take hostages, profit from the sale of drugs (while strenuously speaking on how evil they are) and kill random targets of opportunity who have little to do with the "war".  Mocking them for their lack of professionalism, or taking joy in their self-defeat thru their own stupidity isn't racist.  It is recognition that these "people" are not deserving of respect, either for their ideals, or for their chosen method of combat.  Further, it is recognition that 7 dead Taliban means fewer widows, fewer dead Canadian soldiers and fewer "opponents" to bravely throw acid in the faces of schoolgirls.

You should only say good about the dead.  They're dead.  Good.
IMHO, we treat the Taliban the same way we treat an unexploded bomb we might find on the side of the road.  It can go off at any second - and we must treat it with appropriate respect.

As individuals, we are not required to respect Taliban and/or AlQuaida fighters.
decko said:
I'll be the voice of reason for this one gentlemen. We can't forget that the forum is not just seen by military members. I'm not a big fan of sending the wrong message about CF personnel to the public. We respect the opponent, not roast them and make close-to-racist comments.



OK?  Would it be OK if we switched the word "Taliban" to "Blonde"?

Would that make you feel better?
Flawed Design said:
Pure gold is seeing a Taliban have an ND with an IED in his car.

Seeing something like that always made me cheerful!
George Wallace said:

OK?  Would it be OK if we switched the word "Taliban" to "Blonde"?

Would that make you feel better?

George,  I believe he was referring to the use of "Drukha Durkha", and not "Taliban".  I also have to agree with him; we're not fighting the ethnic group, we're fighting the TB and AQ.  That said, I'm glad as hell those Taliban got smoked.

Corps of Guides
For those wondering about Taliban WCB stuff, I always remember driving by the Afghan Ministry of Martyrs when we were doing our runs out to the airport in Kabul - perhaps there is a shadow ministry that looks after those sort of workplace mishaps.

Corps of Guides said:
George,  I believe he was referring to the use of "Drukha Durkha", and not "Taliban".  I also have to agree with him; we're not fighting the ethnic group, we're fighting the TB and AQ.  That said, I'm glad as hell those Taliban got smoked.

Corps of Guides


Durka Durka?  These are nonsense words, and can be found throughout the net in various incarnations, including a group fighting Cancer http://durka-durka.webs.com/

I command you to go to blockbusters and rent this video


Whomever seems to think that 'Durka Durka' is a racist term by any means needs to review satire.

Perhaps he also believes that the comedy of Jeff Dunham and his beloved Achmed are also racist
JBoyd said:
Whomever seems to think that 'Durka Durka' is a racist term by any means needs to review satire.

Perhaps he also believes that the comedy of Jeff Dunham and his beloved Achmed are also racist

You're right, I do.
It's too bad it didn't happen in a packed auditorium.  ;D

One of theirs of course!

From one of the most reliable sources:

The part I like the most: #3
At a restaurant:- "Jellied camel toes for half a durka durka! We can eat like kings on this exchange rate!"