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Tac Vest does not make the grade.


But it would not shock me...

Pray tell us this one.
You can probably guess the details. Suffice to say that charges were laid, and the guys all got a good laugh out of it.

I'm not one to speak ill of anybody else behind their backs, and she's a nice enough gal to chat with on the off hours, so I'll leave it at that.

Watch out for her if you ever work with the Sally Horse.

I know who now... 

A buddy of mine who has a [female] "random reservist" habit relayed the story to me

A buddy of mine who has a [female] "random reservist" habit relayed the story to me

Well, I hope your buddy gets himself checked out regularly, because the same reservist was also the reason the whole tour got a Hep C warning in the mail after coming back. Supposedly from a tattoo parlour on R&R (riiiiiiiiiiigght).

On my drive home last night I had a bit of a brainstorm as to how the CF Tac-Vest might be salvaged in a manner palatable to the "hear no evil, see now evil" CTS office.

The C9/2qt. side pockets could be replaced with a modified version that had 2 single magazine pockets sewn to the rear of the pouch in a separate "mag sleeve", similar to the system used by the SO Tech Hellcat or TT Single Mag Pouch.  The rear of this "Mk-2" pouch would have the velcro panel and attaching straps so it would interface with the tac-vest.

By utilizing such a system the mag. capacity would be doubled from 4 to 8 and you'd still retain the C9/2qt. pouches for stowage.

If this is something that CTS would refuse to implement, it's something that either Dropzone or Tiger Tactical could pretty easily do up for private purchase and once purchased, would be a pretty low-visibility profile so as to avoid the wrath of the RSM or other kit nazis.
from pictures of the tac vest, the fastex buckles look like they are a little shaky do you think they could pull through rendering the vest pouch un serviceable. sure the vest looks all right but i think form what i have heard that modular may be the way to go.
purple penguin,

Thanks for your input. However, in order to properly comment and make suggestions about the vest, you have to wear it and use it extensively. Divining solutions from pictures and trying to draw conclusions about a piece of gear from what you hear doesn't cut it. I'm sure most of us have had lot's of experience with the buckles and the modular system discussion has been ongoing. Thx again for your help, but please try stay in your lanes and stick to your own areas of expertise (whatever they are).

Edit for spelling
Britney Spears said:
Well, I hope your buddy gets himself checked out regularly, because the same reservist was also the reason the whole tour got a Hep C warning in the mail after coming back. Supposedly from a tattoo parlour on R&R (riiiiiiiiiiigght).

Jay is immune to STD's - he is living proof  ;)
Heck he goes native with no ill effects  :o
pbi said:
The two individuals being interviewed are both HQ staff types-I know one of them. I really would rather hear what some raggedy-*** sweaty rifleman has to say.

With respect ... we're talking about a junior spin doctor's selected quotes.  The individual whom you mentioned you know (a competent MOC 031 and now 23A) made his remarks based on his personal experience (wearing the vest on many, many patrols during his six-month tour in A'stan, where he was not an HQ type - I was, so I'm keeping quiet and listening intently to the SMEs ... and I'd politely caution another one of my friends, with respect to an HQ type vs. somebody who went out on patrols more often ... okay - let's return to an air of civility and professional courtesy, please and thanks).
purple peguin said:
from pictures of the tac vest, the fastex buckles look like they are a little shaky do you think they could pull through rendering the vest pouch un serviceable. ...

Even though I didn't go out on patrol as often as many others, I still managed to lose a buckle while dismounting from a German Wolf (ripped right off when I was squeezing through a tight fit - even worse than the rear seat of an Iltis with the top up) - luckily there's also a Velcro patch to keep the pouch closed when you're in a hurry ... or if you break it, until you can replace/repair it.
bossi said:
Even though I didn't go out on patrol as often as many others, I still managed to lose a buckle while dismounting from a German Wolf (ripped right off when I was squeezing through a tight fit - even worse than the rear seat of an Iltis with the top up) - luckily there's also a Velcro patch to keep the pouch closed when you're in a hurry ... or if you break it, until you can replace/repair it.

Wow.  I climbed in and out of the crew comds hatch on the bison several times and caught the latch several times on the edge of the hatch.  Were you able to reattach one of the spares that came with the TV or did you break the latch area?
Radop said:
...  Were you able to reattach one of the spares that came with the TV or did you break the latch area?

I put on a spare ... and then it got ripped off in a similar fashion
(... and I was sooooo tempted to pull a Red Green and use gun tape ... like my para cord rifle sling ...)
Hi fellers ,A Question ? why dos'tn your vest have larger pouches for Mags say 2 to each pouch,You can
always put in less Mags ?
and why not have a sewn General purpose pouch on the side with a internal slash pocket that you can
put in a water bottle if you like and other gear?
On the chest rig that I made ,I made the GP pouch like that and I didn't have trouble in use.
yours Adam :)
I like how this guy has summed up the last 19 pages of posts.  It is a real good thing that the didn't bother reading them.  I won't use these silly emoticons, but I am trying to be sarcastic.
Hi I read some of them ,but I've got to look after the kids etc ;)
any way as far as I can tell Every Army has the same problem.
Its a shame Cause I thought that the Canadian Army  Had done a
better job than most with your new Gear.
yours Adam
I stand by my earlier statement. I like the tac Vest over the webb gear anyday.
My fellow instructors on the SQ like it too.
You can leopard crawl with the gear on and it doesn't fall apart. It fits much better over the Flack jackets (Who ever the hell said the webb gear works better with flak jackets is right out of 'er). It is easier to access your magazines.
It is not perfect but alot better than web gear


TAC VEST vs Webbing = TAC VEST hands down...
(Who ever the heck said the webb gear works better with flak jackets is right out of 'er)

Old Vietnam flak vests or PSP ballistic vests with plates? Armymedic (I'm pretty sure) and I were talking about the latter.
im sorry guys but i find soldiers can Bi*ch about anything. Does your tac vest require , duck tape or zap straps to hold mag pouches or canteen pouch in place...no. u can actully change mags on the run with the tac vest and have the pouch closed and secured with one hand unlike the webing.if a buckle breaks on the tac vest u can replace it in a matter of seconds, the webing required u change the entire peice. The tac vest is comfortable, and sits in one place, unlike the webbing which whenevr you ran bounced all over the place and twisted. The tac vest is a amazing improvement over the webbing. Sure its not perfect but its way better. Everyone complains about the lac of space for mags. Were did you put these extra mags on the old webbing>?If worn the way it was intended to be worn it carries the same amount of mags as the tac vest.Honestly we finally get a peice of kit thats a enormus enprovment but its never good enough. We could still be wearing the webbing and i know for a fact that most reservists in LFWA are still wearing it. Nothing is ever perfect. anyways im done my rant. ive been watching this topic snce it started and i couldnt take it any longer.
unlike the webbing which whenevr you ran bounced all over the place and twisted

No comment on your rant, but here's a tip: If your webbing is bouncing around and twisting, you're wearing it incorrectly. Put your webbing on, position the belt over your hips, tighten the waist belt nice and snug, so that there is no weight on your yoke and shoulders (you should be able to slip out of the shoulder straps easily, and the belt should stay put), and adjust your front and back shoulder straps accordingly. A lot of new guys seem to think that since it has shoulder pads you should wear it like a backpack. All the weight should be on your hips.  it's called "belt kit" for a reason.

There's probably already a thread on how to use webbing properly.