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Soldiers who smoke

strauss said:
If you don't want to hear me preach about how fu*king distgusting smoking is, don't smoke in front of me. Smoking in front of non-smokers is inadvertently preaching them so smoke. If you guys want to get your break every 10min, fine with me, just keep that sh*t to yourselves.

How does that work? If I'm drinking a cup of water in front of you, does that mean I'm preaching to you to drink water? That's ridiculous. Are smokers supposed to make sure they're fully concealed from your sight every time they want to smoke? If a smoker's smoking where they're not supposed to be, you're right - they shouldn't be doing it. If they're in the designated area and you're nearby, tough. Stand upwind or something.

Steve said:
Pipe-ups .... ahhahaha!

What has always surprised me though - esp. with the infantry, is the guys who can smoke a pack a day and run like gazelles. HOW do they manage this?? I mean really now, I know it affects people differently but I see people smoking all the time and they are healthy as ox's.

I know the entire "well down the road.." thing but not everyone particularly cares about "down the road" I'm just wondering how these guys do it. I used to smoke and quit because of the health effects it had on running and to be truthful I'm a little envious of these SOB's who can smoke without losing much of their athletic performance.

Let it be known to any soldier here that if you can smoke and stil run 5km in a great time, I hate you.

Being a smoker really wasn't a hindrance for me when compared to my being out of shape. Once I got into some semblance of decent shape, I could keep up with the platoon without problems even though I still smoked. If you're a smoker but keep in good shape, I don't think the smoking really holds you back that much compared to the average non-smoker. That being said, I've never quit to see the difference so I can't say for sure.
I dont care how good you are while you smoke- you would do EVEN better if you didnt smoke. I mean thats just a fact. Your physical fitness is affected negatively.

That being said I imagine doritos and taco bell have a negative effect as well. As long as its not being blown in my face I dont care. Ive never had to "quit" smoking. SO I dont know what its like- so I dont preach. Addictions can be hell to overcome. Ill support anyone trying to quit but I certainly wont force it on anyone. I just think that addictions of any nature are a weakness of character. Of course we all have our vices. :salute:
Being what I call a "On again off again" smoker I can say for certain that not smoking me could kick smoking me's ass...at anything, a boxing match or a sprint.
Example I can think of is one day I went hiking out about 15K into the woods without any trouble whatsoever for self imposed sabbatical, had a few cigarettes when I woke up the next morning with breakfast and the hike back wasn't much harder but I definetly noticed the difference at the end of it.

Che said:
Being what I call a "On again off again" smoker I can say for certain that not smoking me could kick smoking me's ***...at anything, a boxing match or a sprint.
Example I can think of is one day I went hiking out about 15K into the woods without any trouble whatsoever for self imposed sabbatical, had a few cigarettes when I woke up the next morning with breakfast and the hike back wasn't much harder but I definetly noticed the difference at the end of it.

On again off again is actualy quite hard on your lungs. When you smoke, your lungs adapt somewhat to the toxins, CO and oxygen starvation. When you quit for a while and let your lungs heal up some, then have a few smokes again, you shock your system again, and you really do notice it.
Hmmmm so you're saying smoking is good for me...but alot of it..not just a little?
Che said:
Hmmmm so you're saying smoking is good for me...but alot of it..not just a little?
No I am saying that smoking is bad for you (and me) But you will notice the effect of what you do smoke alot more if you quit for a while then smoke a good amount and then take another break. Atleast this has been my experience. So I have cut back to 3 a day except when I am wearing green.
I don't smoke but I do have a cigar once in a while, like once every few months...so nothing really. I think that its the individuals choice to smoke and they shouldn't be thought bad of just because they smoke. It can be a good stress reliever but so is alchol  ;D, and thats how I personally like to let loose, its more fun, u don't get addicted....unless ur a drunk...and everyone does it. Of course drinking does have its limits but I'd say it's better then someking.
Depends ... fitness wise alcohol can be just as bad cause of the empty calories and infamous beer belly effect..

Guess it just depends on what you want to do..
What really bugged me on my BMQ/SQ, was morning PT. Me, who smoked like a chimney on that course, with other smokers who were about the same, where at the front of the line for a 6k run, when you had these 16-18 year old kids, didn't smoke, should be running circles around us, and they were falling out after about 2k in.

Now I play sports regularly, mostly Rugby and Hockey, so I run a lot, but the fact that non-smokers where getting more winded than I was, bugs me a bit.
I was just looking through some strengthening the forces promos and it said that the CF has an objective to reduce tobacco use/smoking to a rate of 23% by 2008.
The problem with me and cigars is that I have a tendency to inhale them as a natural gut result of smoking cigarettes.

You're not suppose to inhale cigar smoke????Then what are u suppose to do?
Let it waft around inside your mouth a bit. I tend to inhale very slightly just to get a "taste" of it more so to speak. Inhaling too much can make you ill.

The idea is that it's something to savour, kind of like how you swish around with a fine wine but do not drink.
See this is a sticky point for me.
I've been told by numerous people that you don't inhale cigars, I don't buy it.
I enjoy the taste while inhaling it, let it waft about (VonGarvin I really hope you're not reading this thread you poor sod this isn't going to help at all)

I know alot of people that inhale them, admittingly they are all old men, and I figure if your lungs can handle it and you can get through it without hurling-go for it.
I don't inhale every one, but I definetly inhale a considerable amount compared with many cigar smokers.

But Like I said before, I'm all Hookah now.
Che said:
(VonGarvin I really hope you're not reading this thread you poor sod this isn't going to help at all)
Too late
But, here it is, day four (I believe).  I stumbled once and had two fags on Tuesday night while drinking with my wife.  They tasted like poo, so I brushed my teeth and went to bed.  I am on the patch, and no, I didn't do a "Ricky" (From Trailer Park Boys) and smoke while wearing the patch.  Anyway....
I still have some Cigars, BIG HONKING CIGARS.....maybe I'll smoke them sometime with some really fine scotch.  But Even though I am (was?) a hard core smoking advocate (read: chain smoker), I never inhaled cigars.  Not intentionally that is.  Old ports are different, though.
Well, back to cyber smoking!!!!!

This thread is going to make me owe buddy $20 bucks... He bet he could quit longer than I could, but I'll be damned if I lose this one. Especialy to a non-army type who will go on at length about how weak I am if I give in...
recceguy said:
Know what? I've been smoking since I was thirteen, been drinking about the same, was out of the house living on my own at 14 1/2. I'm now in my fifties, haven't changed anything and don't want to. Don't infringe on anyone else, if I can help it, and am sympathetic and obliging to those that don't share my lifestyle. I only ask the same in return. Don't preach to me or treat me like the plaque. You don't have to like my lifestyle to like me. I know what I'm doing and the consequences involved. I don't need convincing or preaching. I'll quit when I'm ready or dead. On my terms, my choice, not societies.

I don't smoke or drink, but I think think every one should be able to do so, if they so choose.  I don't care for busy-bodies and the gov micro-managing peoples lives. Sure seems like there's a lot of it, today.
is there a different set of rules with cigars ?
or is it smoke 'em if you got 'em

I think if I was on exercise or something I rather have a cigar then a cigarette but would there be a problem because of the thicker smoke or smell it gives off..
I just thought i would ask.

I am not talking cubans here tho ...