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Soldiers who smoke

Chicks dig guys who smoke (just kidding)
As for officers and smoking, hey, whatever.
As for girls who smoke, well, what better way to break the ice than with "Hey, sugar, need a light?" ;)

Now, let us CYBER smoke
Smoking its just not in style anymore. Besides who can affort to do it now adays?
Really the officer thing with smoking, who cares, never knew it was an issue till some tard brought it up on here.
mover1 said:
Smoking its just not in style anymore. Besides who can affort to do it now adays?
The more "not in style"...doesn't that make it cool?  There are ways to afford it, but hey, sometimes the "authorities" don't like it when you neglect to feed your family
(second day without a smoke, and still no homicides!!!!)

I quit and I snuck a few smokes at work for about four months. My wife caught me and basically acused me of cheating on her.

"well if you lied about smoking then what or who else did you lie to me about......"

keep it up and if you break down just try to go as long as possible till the next one....

Now I  just cook up some meth to get me through the day........
mover1 said:
I quit and I snuck a few smokes at work for about four months. My wife caught me and basically acused me of cheating on her.

"well if you lied about smoking then what or who else did you lie to me about......"
Are we married to the same woman, or are all women the same?  j/k

Well, cyber smoking (and patches) does it for me

Thanks for the encouragement.


PS: I DO find them fun to drive!!!!!!
After a bit she calms down.
Then she wants you to do crazy stuff like buy her things with all the money you saved.
If you don't want to hear me preach about how fu*king distgusting smoking is, don't smoke in front of me. Smoking in front of non-smokers is inadvertently preaching them so smoke. If you guys want to get your break every 10min, fine with me, just keep that sh*t to yourselves.
Many years ago when I was RSS in Edmonton, our unit was visited by the Prairie Region RSM, an artilleryman.  While visiting he asked where people go for a smoke.  I gave him the directions and mentioned that he may want to grab Sgt ****** as he is the only person in the building who smokes.  The RSM found this an opportune time to pass his philosophy on to me.  He said "I have respect for people who have never smoked, and I have respect for people who do smoke."  "But I have no respect for people who used to smoke and don't any more, and do you know why?"    "Because they are  quitters and I have no respect for people who are quitters."
That's the dumbest things I've ever heard....
The thing that annoys me is that people throw their butts on the ground after a smoke.  I mean, how hard is it to take it and drop it into the butt can?!  I hate having to pick up cigarette butts.  You know what I find?  Most of the butts were around the butt can. 

Yeah, yeah, we had to do clean up around our buildings today.  The amount of butts we picked up can fill up a whole garbage bag! 
I threw out all my cigarettes and switched to hookah and narghile, imagine the neighbours faces when I sit outfront in the afternoon with my 3 foot hookah, apple and/or vanilla tobacco and 6 espressos before work.
Somehow I doubt it would go over well in the field....

Che said:
I threw out all my cigarettes and switched to hookah and narghile, imagine the neighbours faces when I sit outfront in the afternoon with my 3 foot hookah, apple and/or vanilla tobacco and 6 espressos before work.
Somehow I doubt it would go over well in the field....    

I dunno you could always modify a camelback 8)

I'm surprised there Che, I always picured you as a cigar man myself. A nice hand rolled Cohiba Lancero perhaps.


Pipe-ups .... ahhahaha!

What has always surprised me though - esp. with the infantry, is the guys who can smoke a pack a day and run like gazelles. HOW do they manage this?? I mean really now, I know it affects people differently but I see people smoking all the time and they are healthy as ox's.

I know the entire "well down the road.." thing but not everyone particularly cares about "down the road" I'm just wondering how these guys do it. I used to smoke and quit because of the health effects it had on running and to be truthful I'm a little envious of these SOB's who can smoke without losing much of their athletic performance.

Let it be known to any soldier here that if you can smoke and stil run 5km in a great time, I hate you.
The problem with me and cigars is that I have a tendency to inhale them as a natural gut result of smoking cigarettes.

I suppose I could modify my camel back into a hookah, but It would just be too difficult to explain that it's not a water bong.
That's right I forgot.

For those interested we were actually able to get a picture of our esteemed Moderator and former medical student, turned sixties pop icon.

I am one of those guys who smokes, albeit not heavily 2-3 packs a week for the past 10 years, but doesn't suffer athletically. This is a negative thing though because I do want to quit for health reasons ie. cancer, but I don't see any negative affects from it and I kid myself into thinking I am doing no harm. I can run most of my non-smoking friends into the ground, but this doesn't change the fact that smoking is gross, stupid and deadly to smokers and non-smokers.
Glorified Ape said:
I was the only one out of 38 ocdts that smoked on IAP. My fireteam partner was an occasional smoker (primarily in the field), so it wasn't AS bad on exercises.

It's a good way to meet different people on course. I wouldn't have had any real opportunity to interact with recruits if I hadn't smoked. Luckily, one of my Sgts smoked so he was sympathetic to the cause when requests were made to smoke.

I never really realized how much of an affect it has on you until I noticed how bitchy I would get if I didn't get a semi-regular injection of nicotine. I remember coming off the course-end ruck march, doing the fireman's carry, and making a B-line to the nearest butt can for a smoke. Everyone looked at me like I was nuts but I knew.... oh yes I knew... the sweet sweet bliss of smoking after strenuous exercise.

Did the exact same thing after the ruck/firemans carry on my course. Got voluntold to be marker missed the "expend all remaining ammo", bit due to a task I was handed and ended up carrying a a C9 AWA a few boxes. It was a good go (that'll teach me when to keep my mouth shut...well probably not). Finished, droped my pack, and lit up to darts. Course Officer walks by, does a double take, "what the fuck?!" "First Smoke I worked for all course, sir" 

Sweet nicotine after exertion.
Steve said:
Pipe-ups .... ahhahaha!

What has always surprised me though - esp. with the infantry, is the guys who can smoke a pack a day and run like gazelles. HOW do they manage this?? I mean really now, I know it affects people differently but I see people smoking all the time and they are healthy as ox's.

I know the entire "well down the road.." thing but not everyone particularly cares about "down the road" I'm just wondering how these guys do it. I used to smoke and quit because of the health effects it had on running and to be truthful I'm a little envious of these SOB's who can smoke without losing much of their athletic performance.

Let it be known to any soldier here that if you can smoke and stil run 5km in a great time, I hate you.

I wouldn't be envious of that. I have prommised myself to quit when I notcie adverse effects on my PT. Having not, I find no motivation to quit.
And to the people at NDHQ who lean up against the NO SMOKING signs and lit their cigerettes, what makes you so fucking special? There is a reason why you can't smoke beside the doors, we don't want to breathe that crap!
For those interested we were actually able to get a picture of our esteemed Moderator and former medical student, turned sixties pop icon

Yeah, I've let myself go alot since the first photograph was taken.
Kids that's what smoking will do to you, it can turn you from a handsome young rogue into an old Cuban wino...swear to god.