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Soldiers who smoke

I'm liking the new tact vest...

4 mag pouches for  ......  wait I don't carry magazines in the field......

hrm.. chocolate bars fit nicely... what else can I put in there.....

I haven't figured out a good use for my grenade pouch yet.
I'm always loaded down with candy to hand out to the troops as
little pick me ups... 
tried carrying one of those flasks in the grenade pouch?
speaking of which
when you got buddies coming for your smokes, any of em ever made any offers per se?
I had an officer offer me 25 bucks for one of my Cubans, and I'd only spent 15 per. And I've had guys desperate for smokes offer me 15$ for a pack of smokes. But the general agreed upon payment for a pack of smokes is either, get me a pack later, or beer
Hmmm....Smoking......Well, I'm trying to quit, but here's the rub.  I'm not doing it for "health" or the good of Mother Earth, I'm doing it for Me (more specifically, my bank account).  I saw a car stereo for sale, and I thought "man, if I didn't smoke this week, I could just go get it".  Well, I could do that right now if I wanted to, but that's not the point.  So, that's my mini-goal.  I still believe that smoking is not as harmful to health as "they" would lead us to believe, but that's another point in another thread on another site.

In the meantime, I shall only "cyber smoke" thusly:
I still believe that smoking is not as harmful to health as "they" would lead us to believe, but that's another point in another thread on another site

Having buried both a good friend and also my mother from cancer caused by smoking, I'll say you're very, very wrong. But then again, you are right that this is the topic of other threads.

Good luck with the stereo purchase, hope you make your goal.

I can't think of a better way to give away your position, than by lighting up. It's a nasty habit and one well worth giving up.
"wait I don't carry magazines in the field......"

Why not?  Padre or no, you have to defend yourself and the wounded.

I used to smoke. But I gave it up. Now I can smell people who smoke a hallways away. I can tell in pictures or in passing who smokes by the yellow on their fingers.
It was the hardest thing I have ever done ( quitting) Almost as hard as reading posts written by reservists slagging CIC or telling how hard the army is.
Seriously though. Smoke em if you got em, just do us all a favour and put the butts in a but can or pocket them. Snow banks eventually melt and I don't like cleaning up cigarette butts any more than you do.
BTW the reservist comment was done in the spirit of jocularity and if you took offence from it then step back from the computer, have a smoke and chill the F*** out.
I was the only one out of 38 ocdts that smoked on IAP. My fireteam partner was an occasional smoker (primarily in the field), so it wasn't AS bad on exercises.

It's a good way to meet different people on course. I wouldn't have had any real opportunity to interact with recruits if I hadn't smoked. Luckily, one of my Sgts smoked so he was sympathetic to the cause when requests were made to smoke.

I never really realized how much of an affect it has on you until I noticed how bitchy I would get if I didn't get a semi-regular injection of nicotine. I remember coming off the course-end ruck march, doing the fireman's carry, and making a B-line to the nearest butt can for a smoke. Everyone looked at me like I was nuts but I knew.... oh yes I knew... the sweet sweet bliss of smoking after strenuous exercise.
Man thats gross.
Ask any woman what they think of guys who chew........
But I guess its cool if your into looking like you just ate a big s*** sandwich.
I used to smoke, and I don't regret quitting for a second, but......I will always remember how pleasant a smoke is after exercise, how much of a morale boost a smoke is in the field on a shitty ex, etc. But I also won't forget the hassle of keeping them dry in the field, having to find room for them, the stink of my uniform with field stripped butts in my pocket, and the lung butter I generated when I had a cough, yuck!

mover1 said:
Man thats gross.
Ask any woman what they think of guys who chew........
But I guess its cool if your into looking like you just ate a big s*** sandwich.

Your girl isn't in the field with you, is she? Some guys can't chew, just find it too harsh or gross. But for those smokers that can, it's really liberating - no prob with light discipline, no stink, no fire hazard. Just pinch, park, and enjoy! Just don't swallow, or you're in for a world of hurt if your not used to it!

My 2 cents..

I was never ad Gung-Ho as people on here seem to be. If I wanted (really f***ing needed) a smoke i usually had one. whether it be smoked in a can, in a shell scrape, cupped in my hands, rain jacket. even with the smoke in an empty shell casing.Back of a truck, in the crapper.  I didn't care. Its only an ex anyways.
the post PT smoke was the best right after hacking a lung up.

And no there was no girlfriend in the field. just the odd hobbit from 4 Svc Bn
TCBF said:
"wait I don't carry magazines in the field......"

Why not?  Padre or no, you have to defend yourself and the wounded.


Um.. nope

Not even allowed to hold/carry a weapon unless i'm clearing it.
Can't sit behind a crew served wpn.

Orders from Chap General. 

there was a thread on this... i posted sections of the chaplains manual....
Man thats gross.
Ask any woman what they think of guys who chew........
But I guess its cool if your into looking like you just ate a big s*** sandwich."

Ask any woman what they think of guys who smoke!
So whats the deal with officers smoking? Someone mentioned that a few would smoke cigars, but is smoking cigarettes severely frowned upon or taboo thing for officers to do? I'm currentely in the process of DEO'ing and could see myself lighting up in front of other future officers only to end up on the recieving end of the dirtiest looks ever.
Recceguy: Even though I've never smoked, I think your points about preaching to the smokers is quite legitimate. No point in forcing your beliefs in others. That being said, I've met some very uncourteous smokers in my time who think it's perfectly acceptable to blow smoke in your face while you're eating a meal. Not as much of a problem here in BC now that there's no smoking indoors, but whenever I go back to Alberta, I find it very unappealing to try to digest a meal in a restaurant that's filled with smoke. Bad habits are one thing, but to have to be surrounded by someone else's bad habit is quite unappealing.

As far as chewing tobacco, I've seen more of it in the army than anywhere else. I think the Canex in Wainwright sells the stuff by the crate. In fact, the military is the only place where I've seen guys carry around empty pop bottles full of brownish spit where they discard their tobacco juice. Gross, yes, but it's their bad habit, and they're keeping it to themselves. I'm told chewing tobacco can also help keep you awake on a long ex... not like that's incentive enough to try the stuff, but to each their own. Plenty of guys do it ONLY on ex or on course because their girlfriend/wife/significant other hates it, and it's the only time they're away long enough to indulge. I assume that part of the post-ex scrub down for them will involve a thorough brushing and mouthwashing.
well, RyanNS, (Don't flame me for this guys), but smoking is seen as something a little declasse of late... The old "A-hem - only the lower classes smoke, old bean" kind of thing. Cee-gars are OK, but only good ones... (no white owls for the officer class..) Pipes are kinda cool too

and yes - I used to smoke (mostly in the field) gave it up a long time ago.

The best was being in the smoking area, enjoying my end of march smoke, and one of my instructors running me down because I owed him some puchups. pumped off 40 while finishing my smoke.

We actually had a guy who would smoke his pipe while doing push-ups. We called them pipe-ups