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Soldiers squander disability payouts

dogger1936 said:
I got friends who were injured in yugo making 1000 plus dollars a month in non combat related injuries. I.E ballhockey. I got friends severly injured in IED's who got 25,000 $. Throw in the young guys blowing their 20,000 or 50,000 is smoke and mirrors. Fact is getting injured in the past was a great deal better than getting inured today.

Ah yes!  Yugo.  As I understand it, injuries on UN Tours could qualify for a UN Medical Pension as well.  Is this the case with your friends?
No George many years later during the SFOR days. Rough game of ball hockey at Zgon, torn ACL"S etc. 1000 bucks a month tax free for that compared to two reconstructed legs a new collar bone all teeth knocked clear out, reconstucted jaw etc etc worth 26,000 lump sum. So basically on par with the SFOR injury for 26 months.
George Wallace said:
Ah yes!  Yugo.  As I understand it, injuries on UN Tours could qualify for a UN Medical Pension as well.  Is this the case with your friends?


George Links Uber quick!

First I have ever heard.


George Wallace said:
Ah yes!  Yugo.  As I understand it, injuries on UN Tours could qualify for a UN Medical Pension as well. 

Not quite. This pension was supposedly only available to soldiers who's nations did not have a similar plan. Ergo, it didn't apply to us (and I speak from personal experience here).
Petamocto said:
Nobody is going to disagree with you that there's no way you can repay someone who has given up that much, but the sad part is that there are now so many wounded vets (likely well over 1,000) that the country really would go broke.

We are I believe the only military as it is that spends over half the budget on personnel-related costs (pay, moves, benefits, etc).

Yet we spent $1 Billion on a security net for the G8/G20. The country won't go broke.
Mid Aged Silverback said:
... The country won't go broke.

Technically it is and it is getting broker (tm).  If judged by the same yardstick as a person's financial situation, Canada is quite bankrupt.

Think about it, what would you call a person who already has a ton of debt, and they are still spending more than they make?

Some people may say "Well a person can't print more money like Canada can", but that only makes things worse.

Following your logic then, there are plenty of useless feel good social programs and giveaways that should be cancelled and the money transferred to the injured soldiers.

Why should a Vet suffer along on a cheap payout when some crack addicted baby factory on Jarvis St collects a $1000 a month to prolong her existence?
A friend of mine lost both legs and an arm overseas. As far as I recall he recieved the same amount from VA as did a friend of his who lost a foot.
Stranger still my friends relitive got "whiplash" in a car accident (She can still work and play sports) and recieved well over twice the amount of $$$ as him from her insurence company.

I can understand trying to "save a soldier from himself" in so far as not giving them a huge lump sum to blow but it's the nature of the beast.  Soldiers on pre-deployment training will go buy a 30 or 40 thousand dollar truck before they are even half done their training (and then get kicked off tour as happened to 2 of my friends).
If VA does offer soldiers classes on money spending and they don't take it it's their fault. 
Three times I've blown all the extra money I made overseas and have near absolutely nothing to show for. Fourth time I bought  a modest SUV because I was getting tired of leasing vehicles. I'm renting a half finished house at $1000 a month because I can't afford a down payment on a house and I'm the only one to blame.

I'm with MidAgedSilverback though.  Looking at the money we dumped into the stupid G20 security I'd like to see more money go towards the wounded vets who will have a hard time finding good work.
Apollo Diomedes said:
I'm with MidAgedSilverback though.  Looking at the money we dumped into the stupid G20 security I'd like to see more money go towards the wounded vets who will have a hard time finding good work.

Soldiers getting medically released, receive Vocational rehab from SISIP, then From VAC (Both include help with resumes, and Job placement). They are also eligible for Priority Hiring within the Public Service.


Petamocto said:
Think about it, what would you call a person country who already has a ton of debt, and they are still spending more than they make?
  Fixed that for you!

Answer: The United States.
Simian Turner said:
Fixed that for you!  Answer: The United States.

The answer is Canada, too (and just about every other modern western country).  It's just that the US is in even worse shape.

My point is that the country is broke; in fact it's way worse than broke because broke just implies out of money where as the country itself is extremely in debt and getting worse.

Why that is relevant on this thread is that everyone believes that wounded vets deserve more but as some point the credit card gets maxed out.
The cost of the G20 summit security equals the annual budget of The Ottawa Hospital, just imagine the good it could have done elsewhere.  Broke financially is a relative term when it comes to countries - is it millions, billions or trillions in debt.  Perhaps if the US and other warring nations did not export billions of dollars to rebuild Germany, Japan, Iraq it might not be so broke.  When a soldier returns a single, double or triple amputee should his future become a charitable venture?  Charity begins at home. 

Let's not forget we spent a ton of money on the Olympics and its security as well.  It seems that this broke country has no fear of throwing extravagant parties.
Petamocto said:
Why that is relevant on this thread is that everyone believes that wounded vets deserve more but as some point the credit card gets maxed out.

I believe that this particular thread is not so much about "wounded vets deserve more" than it is about whether or not we have created a system that establishes the potential for failure (and increased future hardship) when those few don't take actions that accept that the one-time payout is in lieu of the pensions their predecessors received.
Wounded vets deserve what previous wounded vets received; which unfortunately is more. 26,000 dollars is far from a fair deal when you are broken beyond. And although they seem to throw around the top payout a lot....250,000 could buy you a house...but at that payout your basically a torso. (I know that sounds crude, but its true)

Giving a guy 1000 bucks a month tax free for the rest of his life gives him something to base his life off of. Giving him 26,000 gives him the same stability for 26 months. I plan on putting my money into a fund for my children for education (depending  what I get).

The letter from VAC saying members is awarded 26,000 for injuries and will get the best medical treatment leaves a bad taste in troops mouths. Especially when their WO who is GTG except for some knee pain after a ruck is collecting 1000$ .....and the young guys are PCAT unfit military duties with a "petty" amount sitting in their bank account.

I was talking to one soldier last night in reference to this. He worked it out that if he put it in the bank and drew it out as a monthly payment  until he was 65...it would work out to 12 dollars a month.
We are not setting the conditions for success for our ill or injured members. As far as I'm concerned VAC, with the lump sum, is setting them up for failure. We have some that are successful, and its no thanks to VAC. The soldiers have acted, taken responsibility, and with some assistance from the CoC, have gone on to restart their lives.
St Annes Hospital? A farce....its smoke and mirrors.
Excellent resource to compare the Monthly rates, with the lump sum can be found at the legion website;


They have 2010 rates, so you can see what a person that is grandfathered, with monthly sums, makes as opposed tothe Lump Sum.

Also note, the monthly rates, are given extra for spouses and each child, which the NVC lump sum completely ignores.


I am firm believer and it is something I have on occasion talked about with members of VAC, that there should a lump sum payment and a monthly stipend. I was hurt and even after appealing the original verdict what I got was a pittance compared to what I have to go through each day.

The Payout was a nice to get at the time and I agree there should continue to be a onetime lump sum but I also believe there should be in most cases a monthly disability allowance as well not just the VIP program that cuts your grass, shovels your driveway and hires a maid ( a great service BTW and one I fully support). I don't need top notch medical care ( My doubts about that statement are numerous) I am 30, I am still serving I am; what I could use is the ability to not have to work the way I do just to make ends meet. I work in pain everyday because I need the cash might be nice of I could cut er back a little and maybe not hurt so much. If I take the drugs I need for pain I am not able to work I would be legally impaired if I don't take them and just stay with the max dose of OTC drugs then my pain is a dull roar that gets louder and louder as the day goes on.

It is my catch 22, I got paid out BUT I still have to work because I sure as shooting don't have the ability to not work even with my injuries.
Yeah reading all this stuff really gets me angry. We really need to find a way to get this dealt with, before Canadians forget all about Afghanistan and the many that sacrificed life and limb there. Canadians may not agree with Afghanistan, but I think they might be a wee bit more supportive of wounded soldiers. Someone (preferably with the help of wounded vets) should draft an acceptable proposal, and then start a national petition...

Don't let the issue fall from view in the media, keep pushing it and pushing it. We weren't able to bring everyone home from Afghanistan alive...let's honour them by at least giving proper compensation to their comrades that did make it back, albeit severely wounded etc.

Don't tell me we can't afford it. That's bullshit. If giving a lump sum, monthly pension, and medical care to less than 1000 wounded vets is going to bankrupt this country, let's just get on with it and declare ourselves broke. I don't buy it.
I know of one soldier who is getting ready to raddle some chains with his member of Parliament and is preparing to get quite vocal about this issue.

We were discussing how sad it is that a good guy like him has to resort to such things, as he see's it as not being loyal. However when push comes to shove his life is destroyed, he will be dealing with a huge number of disabilities for the rest of his life. The government was happy enough to send troops there to do a job, they must ensure they do THEIR jobs here at home. Hopefully someone expected that there would be residual costs of war even after the pull out right?

I fear if something isn't sorted out quick this issue will be a forgotten cause. I'm guessing in the next little whilemedia may get some stories reference this, as there are many vet's who feel they have been ripped of. The old system needs to be brought back.

Edit to add: He also recieved a letter from VAC with suggestions from them on how to properly take care of his fantastic 26,000 dollar pay out. This done nothing but anger him. Like he said WTF am I suppose to do with 26,000 other than put it on bills to prepare to be unemployed? And telling him to invest it was a joke to him.