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Soldier On Sports Recovery/Rehabilitation Fund

Army News video storey on Cpl Kerr and the Ottawa IPSC.



BFC Valcartier hosts sledge hockey session.


Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
Good day to all;
I will be posted out of the program this summer and have about 2 months left to do my magic. A very special thanks to all those who have supported Soldier On since day one. The very first person to email me in 2006 was Capt Bonita Bibby ( very fine military family ) and there have been thousands since so I look forward to the last one I receive on my last day. I am not sure if I will continue my posts here as my new job will have me covering other responsibilities here in Ottawa. I have set up my own blog site and will probably start using it more now. 
A heart felt THANK YOU to all.

To the injured and their families I have had the privilege to meet and work with along the way and  to all who have used their initiative in supporting Soldier On grow thank you. You know who you are and you can be proud of your dedication.

This move will not be easy but I have made life long friends and that is the best measure of all.

Thank you again for your time and support.

Duty With Honour
Andrew McLean

I used Reverso so hope the french translation is corect!!
Bon jour à tout;
Je serai posté(affiché) du programme cet été et aurai environ 2 mois laissés(quittés) pour faire ma magie. Des remerciements très spéciaux à ceux qui ont supporté(soutenu) Persévèrent malgré tout depuis le jour un. La toute première personne pour m'envoyer par courrier électronique(me contacter par courrier électronique) en 2006 était capitaine Bonita Bibby (la famille militaire très excellente) et il y a eu des milliers depuis donc j'attends avec impatience le dernier je reçois sur mon dernier jour. Je ne suis pas sûr si je continuerai mes postes ici comme mon nouveau travail m'aura couvrant d'autres responsabilités ici à Ottawa. J'ai fondé mon propre site de blogue et commencerai probablement à l'utiliser plus maintenant. 
Un coeur a senti MERCI à tout.

Au blessé et leurs familles j'ai eu le privilège de rencontrer(respecter) et travailler(marcher) avec en chemin et à tout qui ont utilisé leur initiative dans le soutien Persévèrent malgré tout cultivent merci. Vous savez(connaissez) qui vous êtes et vous pouvez être fiers de votre dédicace.

Ce mouvement ne sera pas facile mais j'ai fait la vie de longs amis et c'est la meilleure mesure d'entre tout.

Servir avec Honneur
Andrew McLean
Hi all, a few more links for you.


Pictures, 16 Wing Golf Tourny in support of Soldier On $11,700 and Cpl Chris Klodt new Rugby Wheelchair.
The Edmonton Garrison Saddle Club did their first "Trails for Troops" horseback trail ride on Canada Day. We raised almost $5000.00 for Soldier On!!! We had so much fun and hope to do it again next year!
Picture and post from Susanne McGoldrick and the Edmonton Saddle Club who raised the funds. Maj Mark Campbell and family were on hand.

Limestone Rugby Tourny and volunteers.

These events cap off a great Canada Day long weekend for Soldier On.

Remember the Fallen Foundation- $15,100
Old Boys Rugby Tourny Kingston- $3000
Motion Specialties- $5000 in new sporting wheelchair
Edmonton Garrison Saddle Club- $5000

Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
MCpl Chris Downey returns to Cold Lake:

Sgt Steve Daniel's wife blogs about her experience the last 5 years. Steve's accident on the eve of Canada Day 2005.
The Day That Changed Everything by Danielle Fraser
Good day all; Cpl Andrew Knisley and MCpl Jody Mitic will be racing in the TARGA Newfoundland race this Sept. Maj Gen (ret) Lewis MacKenzie is the team manager and will be coordinatiing the effort. Press release below:

Wounded soldiers raise funds, awareness in assault on Targa Newfoundland

OTTAWA (July 12, 2010) - Two Canadian soldiers wounded in action in Afghanistan are marshaling supporters and equipment for an assault on Canada's longest and toughest motorsport event, a campaign they hope will raise funds and awareness for a cause close to their hearts.

Master Corporal Jody Mitic and Corporal Andrew Knisley will team up to compete in September's Targa Newfoundland international rally under the banner of the Soldier On Fund, a trust fund of the Canadian Forces established to improve the quality of life of ill and injured soldiers through active participation and peer interaction in fitness and sports.

Mitic and Knisley know the cause all too well. Both suffered devastating injuries in combat that have left the pair with just three arms and one leg between them.

In 2007, Mitic was on patrol in Kandahar Province when he stepped on a buried mine. Both of his legs were blown off below the knees. Less than two years later he competed in a half-marathon in Ottawa.

He was on a patrol in 2009 when Knisley passed a mud wall where two artillery rounds were buried. The rounds were detonated by remote control and the resulting explosion cost Knisley his right leg below the hip and partial use of his right hand. Less than a year later he entered a 5 km fund-raising event.

Both men are now role models for seriously injured soldiers and actively involved in raising money for the Soldier On Fund. They have set their sights on Targa Newfoundland as a keystone project that will both showcase the recovery that's possible for wounded Canadian Forces personnel, and to gather contributions to fund the recovery of their returning comrades.

The pair's determination, discipline and stamina are tailor-made for Targa, a grueling six-day, 2000-kilometre motorsport challenge that cris-crosses eastern and central Newfoundland from September 11 to 18, 2010. Since 2002, racers and automobile adventurers from around the world have accepted the challenge that has earned Targa the name "the ironman of motorsports."

"We start every day with the belief there's nothing we can't do," says Mitic, who will share the driving chores with Knisley. "We want every soldier going through what we went through to have that same determination. We want to show them what's possible."

"This may be one of the most important teams to ever grace Targa Newfoundland," says Targa organizer Robert Giannou. "We have a deep affection for our men and women in uniform in Newfoundland and Labrador, and a very special place in our hearts for the soldiers who come back wounded, and the families whose soldiers have not come back at all. This province will open its heart to Jody and Andrew."

With the help of Major General (Ret'd) Lewis MacKenzie, one of Canada's best known military figures, active race driver and a former Targa Newfoundland competitor, the team is putting together the car and equipment necessary to succeed in the highly competitive Modern Division of the very fast Targa competition. An announcement is expected shortly on the team's choice of car.

"Targa's tough. We know that," says Knisley. "We don't expect to win in our first attempt - no one's ever done that - but we don't expect to lose, either!"

Both men have already graduated from the Motorsport Club of Ottawa racing school and will be tutored at a special Targa Newfoundland school run by former Targa winner Glen Clarke.

They are also planning a fund-raising drive that will help them collect donations for Soldier On. Donations to the Soldier On Fund can currently be made through the organization's website.

Owned and operated by Newfoundland International Motorsports Limited, Targa Newfoundland is one of three internationally recognized Targa motorsports events in the world. The 9th annual Targa Newfoundland will start in St. John's on Saturday, September 11, 2010, and end back in the capital Saturday, September 18. The competition will cover more than 2,000 kilometres of the challenging, twisty roads of the central and eastern portion of Newfoundland, including up to 450 kilometres of closed-road, flat-out Targa stages.

Competitors have come from the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Holland, Germany, the Bahamas, Turks & Caicos and the U.K. for the first editions of Targa Newfoundland and international interest continues to build with competitors registering daily.



Media:          Doug Mepham 613-966-4969


Competitors:  Melissa Crummey 709-722-2413


Sponsors:      Scott Giannou 709-722-2413


Targa Newfoundland:    www.targanewfoundland.com

Soldier On:    http://www.SoldierOn.ca

Sgt Guillaume Ouellet recovering at home with a newly purchased treadmill. Great deal as well with a $1000 discount bringing the total to just under $600.
Thanks again to all who continue to support Soldier On.  Thumbs up for Sgt Ouellet


Cpl Bill Kerr's home in Sudbury is underway, check out the link and the pictures. His wife Tracey and daughters were on hand.

Today in Norwood Ontario the Band of Brothers Concert will start at 1400. Andy and Linda are hosting this event on their farm. There is a live Upstream of the concert and you can watch at the link below. Our very own MCpl Elton Jay Adams will be performing along with a long line up of CF supporters.


Trentonian news article with Mike Trauner and Jody Mitic


Good day to all;
The Kingston Canadian Open of Fishing is going on this wknd and on Saturday at Conferation Park I will be attending along with Don Cherry to accept a cheque on behalf of Soldier On. Check out the link to find out more and if you are in the area come out and support if you can.


CANOSCOM donation to the Soldier On Fund. Presented at their summer honours and awards parade. They raised the money during their annual unit golf tournament. Heart felt thank you to all who organized and participated

A very honoured group. This picture was taken just prior to the Canada/Norway sledge hockey game during the Paralympic Games in March 2010.

Also an Army News link to an article regarding the CFSCE Canadian Forces School of Communications and Electronics K2K Indoor 24hr Spin Athon. They raised over $80,000 for both Soldier On and UHKF.

Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
A few pictures from http://www.luresandtours.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=117&page=10 during the Kingston Canadian Open of Fishing.

Over $22,000 dollars was raised during their campaign for Soldier On.

Once again heart felt thank you to all who participated and supported. :salute: :cdn:

The third picture is of the "Big Fish of the day" and this one turned out to be the big one of the three day tourny. 6 lbs 15 ounces!

Here is a link to the upcoming Petawawa Junior Ranks motorcycle ride. A Channel Morning here in Ottawa last week. :salute: :cdn:


Some injured/ill Edmonton CF personnel get out on the water and enjoy kayaking. Edmonton Sun and Edmonton Journal ( pic and video)


:salute: :cdn:
Here are a couple of links to two Soldier On participants who are supporting their local community veterans hospital. "Run For the Brave" Cpl Ryan Crawford and Cpl Mark Fuchko :salute: :cdn:


