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Soldier On Sports Recovery/Rehabilitation Fund

Bon jour à tout; j'ai attaché une lettre du Sport de Croiseurs pour Physiquement Handicapé. Chris Klodt a suivi(servi) leur événement en novembre comme un invité d'honneur.

Good day to all; I have attached a letter from Cruisers Sports for the Physically Disabled. Chris Klodt attended their event in November as a guest of honour.

Duty With Honour
Soldier On  :salute: :cdn:
Bonjour à tous;

J'ai reçu cette donation dans le courrier et voudrais le partager avec vous.

Cher M. McLean de La part des Conservateurs de Campus Carleton et l'Université de Conservateurs de Campus d'Ottawa nous voudrions vous remercier pour tout le travail fantastique le Fond Sans Limitesfait avec les membres blessés ou malades des Forces canadiennes. Nous voudrions vous présenter avec ce chèque de 2000 $ dans des espoirs qu'il vous aide à continuer à fournir des choses comme des fauteuils roulants, des traîneaux de hockey et d'autre équipement qui aide ces hommes courageux et les femmes maintiennent un style de vie sain et actif malgré leurs blessures.

Cet argent a été levé par un événement social commun que nous avons accueilli avec plus de 100 étudiants des deux écoles qui ont donné n'importe où de $10-20 chacun à la cause dans le support de nos Forces canadiennes. Dans la fermeture, acceptent s'il vous plaît ce petit signe de notre gratitude pour le travail que vous faites aussi bien que tous les hommes et des femmes en uniforme qui nous gardent le coffre-fort et libres.

Good day to all; sharing a recent letter and donation we received.

Dear McLean,
On behalf of the Carleton Campus Conservatives and the University of Ottawa Campus Conservatives we would like to thank you for all of the fantastic work the Soldier On Fund does with injured or ill members of the Canadian Forces. We would like to present you with this $2000 cheque in hopes that it helps you to continue to provide  things like wheelchairs, hockey sledges and other equipment that help these brave men and women maintain a healthy and active lifestyle in spite of their injuries.
This money was raised by a joint social event we hosted with over 100 students from both schools that gave anywhere from $10-20 each to the cause in support of our Canadian Forces. In closing, please accept this small token of our gratitude for the work you do as well as all the men and women in uniform who keep us safe and free.

Singed by
Grant Dingwall President Carleton CC
Laura McLennan President uOttawa CC
Erin Armstrong-Hival ( her initiative and she hosted the event)

I have been to a few "KEGGER's" but never one in support of others! These students took time to support the CF and I extend a heart felt thanks to them.

Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
Good day to all; posting a link to the Montreal Gazette showcasing last weeks learn to ski participants. They have a great write up/pics and a video on the week. This is part of what your donations go to. Thanks again to all.


Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
Soldier On was announced as a winner at the 37th Canadian Sports Awards.

2009 Winners of the 37th CSA


The True Sport Foundation announced the winners for the 37th Canadian Sport Awards (CSA) on March 3rd 2010 at a press conference held in Toronto at the Canada Sport Centre (Ontario).

The Athletic Performance Awards recognize outstanding athletic performance.

•Male Athlete of the Year:  Jasey-Jay Anderson, Snowboarding
•Female Athlete of the Year: Christine Nesbitt, Speed Skating
•Junior Athlete of the Year: Marianne St-Gelais, Speed Skating
•Team of the Year: Para Curling (mixed team)
•Partners of the Year: Women SSK (Groves, Nesbitt, Schussler)
The Leadership Awards recognize and celebrate an individual’s outstanding contribution to the betterment of sport.

•Leadership in Sport Award: Jack Poole (awarded posthumously)
•Volunteer Achievement: Maureen Orchard
•Athlete Leadership Award: Adam Kreek
The Corporate Excellence Award recognizes and celebrates a corporation who provides outstanding support to Canadian sport. The winner is: Intact Insurance

The Spirit of Sport Story of the Year category recognizes and celebrates Canadian heroes who, in the pursuit of sporting excellence, have demonstrated values such as fairness, inclusion, perseverance, sportsmanship, respect for others, and a true love of sport. The winner is: Solider On (SO) program


Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
Good day to all, sorry I am late posting this, Soldier On Paralympic Torch Bearers started in Quebec city on the 4th, today Capt Trevor Green continued the journey in Esquimalt. Links below.  Pte Jimmy Lavalliere was deployed to Haiti so Cpl Martin Renaud carried in his place, also Cpl Mark Fuchko is a torch bearer for the Vancouver 24hr portion. JTFG's was also awarded 15 torch positions for the lower BC mainland.


Sailors share honour;

Pic attached MCpl Jody Mitic and Alannah Gilmour
Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
Good day to all; we have been in Vancouver the past 3 days. Soldier On participants met for the first time our sister program from the UK Battle Back. We started the week off with some Paralympic Curling and Canada's  very own multiple gold medalist Chris Dawe. Thanks to the Vancouver Curling club and the members who supported our two nations.

Today we have sledge hockey and once again Hockey Canada will be supporting us. We will be heading to GM Place ( thanks to the Canucks) at 1530 for some ice time. Our UK friends will also be there along with a few VIP's.  (link)

Three Nations Diner follows when our USA friends arrive late afternoon. They will get their chance on the ice after diner and a photo op will follow.

Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
Hockey Canada presents personalized jersey's to our team in Vancouver. Then on the ice at GM Place ( thanks to the Canucks) for a friendly game with Battle Back our UK sister program.

PM to be joined by 4 members of Team Sans Limites (Soldier On) to cheer on Team Canada in their first game against Italy.

Duty With Honour
Soldier On
Battle Back :salute: :cdn:
II Annual RMC 24hr Bike-a-Thon:
The Road to Nowhere Leads To…
By: 25117 Leah D’Ettore

What could move hundreds of Officer Cadets and Staff to take time out of their weekend to ride a bike to nowhere? The answer is quite simply the “Soldier-On” program. The call to raise money and awareness for CF members with disabilities brought a crowd of RMC’s students and staff to take up the challenge and ride on stationary bikes for anywhere from a 2 minute sprint to a 24 hour endurance test.

The first ten minutes of the event were kicked off by the Cadet Squadron Leaders with a 10 minute sprint, each of them eager to get their squadron a head start in the 24 hour race. The energy was high and continued on through the long night all the way into the following evening.

The Commandant was also sighted spinning away with the group for 30Km at 5 am! Like last year, DCdt, LCol O’Keeffe (photo left) cycled for 24 straight hours stopping only for a few “nature breaks”.

Squadrons brought out their own TVs and game systems while giant speakers were set up around the New Gym to provide the cyclists with some techno/rock inspiration.

The last hour saw heightened emotions, cheering, screaming, and adrenalin rushes that had the bikes shaking in their stands to the point that it seemed that some of the ones with two wheels might take off. When the last minute ran out, the room was full of cheers and a great deal of relief on the part of the cyclists.

In the end, RMC was able to hand a cheque for $5,730.00 to Soldier-On representative WO Andrew McLean. The final standings for the squadrons were:

Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
Good day to all, back from the paralympic games and it was an awesome trip for 19 injured/ill with families. I was not able to post due to our very busy schedule but will post links/pics in the coming days.
MCpl Mike Trauner and Sgt Karen McCoy participated in the Opening Ceremonies and were the SO reps for the IPC Flag raising portion. View the link to see.
JTFG's were a great support.


Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
Posting some links to news articles while we were in Vancouver/Whistler. Will have more pictures in the coming days.

Capt Trevor Green

MCpl Paul Franklin (ret)/Greg Lagace/Andrew McLean

MCpl Mike Trauner/Cpl Andrew Knisley/Sgt Karen McCoy/Sgt Steve Daniel (ret) you have to see the picture

MND plays sledge hockey with Soldier On and Battle Back


Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:

Posting a few pictures of our recent trip to VAN/Whistler. Photo's were taken by DGPFSS Photographer Lyndon Goveas.
Few more.
The large group photo is of Soldier On, Battle Back and the USA group along with families. SUMI made a special appearance as well.
Good day to all, here are some recent Army News links: Torch Relay/Cpl Jimmy Lavalliere (was slated to run in the Paralympic Torch Relay but instead deployed with his unit to Haiti) :salute:/Cpl Mark Fuchko.


Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
Sgt Patrick Bedard with his new Trike. Your donations at work. Thanks again to all.

Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
Good day to all;

First pic is from a cheque presentation from the Airforce Run www.airforcerun.ca Cpl Ryan Elrick on hand to accept the cheque.

Second pic is of a cheque presentation from the Calgary Flames Foundation and Lanny MacDonald. Cpl Mark Fuchko on hand to accept the cheque at the last Flames home game.

Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn:
WO Andrew McLean
First picture is of MCpl Mike Trauner and Sgt Karen McCoy raising the IPC Flag at the Paralympic Opening Ceremonies.

Second pic is of Cpl Bill Kerr receiving his Sacrifice Medal from the CDS just prior to Vimy Parade last week.

Third and forth picture Adam Cyr, Dominic Larocque, Jody Mitic, Jay Feyko, Greg Lagace with the PM. Pretty good security for the PM at the game! :hockey:

Duty With Honour
Soldier On  :salute: :cdn:
Two Valcartier soldier's Cpl Martin Renuad and Dominic Larocque carry the Paralympic Torch in Quebec on March 4th.

Duty With Honour
Soldier On :salute: :cdn: