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So there I was.......

.... former moustache which was torn off in a fight with a Girl Guide. He had it mounted on a plaque and displayed in the fort. In place of the moustache he had ....
...donned a suitable prosthetic appliance which really looked natty under his tinfoil beret...
.... that attracted lightening and more than once he received a terrible burn to his ....
...suit protective, rubber, C1A1, for the use of...
...who instruct Milice soldats in the martial arts...
.... but that had to cease because of the many injuries received from the practice dummies. Now martial arts training consists of watching Chop Sockey movies and  ....
...The Major's longtime riding coach and bedmate, Teddy Bear...
.... but be sure not ask him about the stains covering the Teddy Bear's ....
...favorite pajamas, as they still fight to this day over the time they were ruined when...
.... gravy on the world record size poutine the major was planning to raise funds for ....
...a presentation to the IOC proposing that poutine speed-eating be a new competitive event at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics...
.... and that the games be moved to Montreal. The IOC were not impressed and had to call security. A severe beating ensued with the loss of ....
...the portable cardiac defibrillator that legally had to be freely available wherever and whenever poutine is served,  "CLEAR" ...
... but when they opened the case to get at the paddles, they found the paddles had been removed & a share certificate from MILO Enterprises was ..........................