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So there I was.......

...Club Divorcee, where desperate as they may be,  they nonetheless spurned the Major's advances...
...which the Milice planned to use as an FOB for their re-conquest of Louisbourg...
... except that their recce platoon had mistakenly identified Confederation Bridge as the causeway and were fruitlessly searching Prince Edward Island for an old French fort ...
.... and only found an old French fart who commenced to kick their ass back to where they came from ...
...although that was problem since they couldn't remember what "Je Me Souviens" was supposed to remind them of...
...who lip-sync'ed Stompin Tom's Bud The Spud while tending to their crop...
.... of beer nuts and Hot Pockets. The group also known as the Wobbly Pops are famous for ...
.... having thier sergeant major marching up and down the square...
...leading their lusty renditions of North Atlantic Squadron, Zulu Warrior, and, who could forget this classic God Almighty How Ashamed I Was...
... To Eat My Weight .. In Momma's Fudge. But they carried on, pulled up their socks and  ....
... rowed their bathtub up Halifax Harbour in an attempt to board and capture the Angus L. MacDonald Bridge ...
.... but they got caught in the sewage outflow from the dockyard and traveled in circles for days. They became an attraction and the locals came down to throw rocks and rotten vegetables at them. They made out alright though and collected the veggies for their emergency rations and the rocks to build their fortress to be named ....