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Should Canada pay the United States to defend us?

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CT554 said:
I think the government should actually privatise health care and then maybe have a huge dump of money in the military, some people go to the hospital just for a headache, and then they complain that health care is no good.......well i think that makes a point.

forever... :cdn:

There may come a time when the military will need to be privatised to keep it going ;)
I can feel the angst of Canadian soldiers, but quite honestly the only country close enough and aggressive enough to pose a land threat right now is the U.S., so integrating would be a bad idea.

I would give it time, as neo-liberal globalists like Paul
Martin won't be in office forever, give it 10 or 20 years at least, and Paul Martin's generation will be long gone from politics......eventually if we can stop integrating like NORTHCOMM we'll some day have leadershipi perhaps that will better fund everything in Canada, including our military.

I wouldn't assume that Harper would better-fund our military for our benefits....I think a David Orchard if he finds a political vehicle would fund the armed forced much better to serve our own interests....he mentioned that in a talk I attended.

I also think that some TV ads and programs in school would help young people become more intersted in the military, and inform them that we actually have one. ;D I always foudn most young people I went to school with wanted a bigger miltary, but got a false impression of our miltiary's ability because of the negative press.....although those ads in the movie theatres weren't bad.
UPDATED... I can't beleive there are three thousand people out there like this!!!

Canada's vice-chief of defence staff has admitted the military cannot afford to house, train and equip the extra troops due to join its ranks. Meanwhile, our CF-18s are coming up for a major refit and our submarines leak. This prompts us to ask: Should Canada give up on its failing Forces and pay the United States to defend us?

  3164 votes  (16 %)

  16999 votes  (84 %)

I can feel the angst of Canadian soldiers, but quite honestly the only country close enough and aggressive enough to pose a land threat right now is the U.S., so integrating would be a bad idea.

I would consider a dirty bomb/nuclear bomb detonated in Vancouver harbour to be a more realistic threat then the 10th Mountain Division in Ft. Drum.
ToRN said:
IMHO, this is the biggest possible insult to the CF. The Govt cuts spending on our military, and later decides that "oh, maybe we do need to defend ourselves" and instead take money that could go to our own forces, and spend it on 'renting' forces from the states. This does not make sense to me, let me put it this way; say you are living in a house for 20 odd years, and renting the house costs $800 a month, while it costs $900 a month to pay a 20 year mortgage, why would you rent the house, when you can pay the mortgage, and own the house after the 20 years is up. (A car could also be used for this example, in a shorter time frame of course)The same applies to the allotment of defense funding.

The government isn't proposing anything, certainly not 'rent a friend.'   The Globe and Mail asked a mildly provocative question - it is encouraging that less tan 20% voted 'yes.'
ToRN said:
...but stil dishartening that 16% did vote yes.

Yes, that too ... and please don't mislead yourselves into believing that the 84% who said no believe that the defence budget should be increased.

There is, has been for a long time, good solid data which says that about 20% of Canadians are absolutely rock solid supporters of the military who want increased defence spending; another 20% want unilateral disarmament right now.   The disheartening thing is that most of the 20% (and most of the 40% who are moderately supportive of the military) are ill informed on political/strategic/defence issues while most of the 20% who want to disband the CF are very well informed and politically active.   Our support is only half a mile wide but it remains depressingly shallow â “ just like in '68.

The pole has closed.  Final results -

Yes: 3340 votes  (16 %)
No: 17946 votes  (84 %)
I totally dont agree with the idea of hiring americans protect us . Its our country so we have to protect it our selves.
Shoot.  I guess there's no career as Armored Division Rental Officer in my future, eh?

Seriously, guys, this is a nutball scheme and the article was a bit over the top, on purpose.

Here's a two-part plan for Canadian Forces. 

1.  All Canadians who can, serve in the CF, right up to whatever numbers the politicians will fund.

2.  Every other young Canadian who wants to serve do so in the US armed forces. 

That way, when reality finally hits the Canadian pols and people, there will be a solid foundation of experienced soldiers, sailors and airmen to draw on.  Besides which, those who have already served will form a generally more conservative part of the electorate.

There it is.  Free.  No need to thank me.

Heh-heh.  Um -- what's with all the rotten tomatoes? 


No offense to you old guy but, we would'nt wanna make your army stronger, look at Rommel what he said

If I had American supply lines, British planes, German officers and Canadian troops, I could take over the world"
- Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
I think there are already a goodly number of Canadian comrades making our forces stronger.

It was that way in Vietnam.  I had the honor of serving with at least two Canadians in Vietnam. 

CT554...can you provide me a source of that quote I have looked and never been able to find it.
yeah ex dragoon,i heard that quote over 10 years ago myself.i always wondered if rommel really said it,or was it just a myth.CT55 please do let us know were you got that from.
Well, I Googled the quote and got no hits. If it exists, it's not out there in cyberspace in that context.
recceguy personally I wonder if its one of those infamous military urban myths. Hey Mike Dorosh any insight on this quote?
Ex-Dragoon...Ref that quote. I think Gen(R) MacKenzie (CF) said the same thing. Either just before or after retiring, I can't remember for sure. Can anybody confirm this for me as well pls.

I doubt the yankee army would even be in our budget. If it were, however say good bye to a sovernty aswell