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Second Language Training ( SLT )

It just pisses me off seeing people not caring more about the second OFFICIAL language... Especially as a MWO.  You don't do it for the 2 pts on the PER, but for personnel development.  Anyways, that's the way I saw things when I learned English and Spanish at a younger age...  I didn't do it to have a check in the box, but to improve my person...  A second (and more) language is never useless...  But again, this is my opinion.

MuddyoldSpr said:
Max, I have 23 Years in ( with lots to more to go), all my postings in BC, Ontario, Germany, and New Brunswick, tours in Kuwait, Croatia , Bosnia X3 and one in Afghanistan. I've never needed french, and because my french peers will never leave 5 RGC, I will never be posted there.   
The army pays me to be a Combat Engineer. Period.  The pain in the A** comment is my opinion, and I'm sure shared by many Anglo's, but I can only speak for myself. Last point , if I need advise WRT my career progression, I'll talk to my CM, and BTW if you are truly concerned, he tells me I am doing just fine. Thanks for the concern, but stick to your lane. 


You are a living testament to the point I was trying make here earlier.  Although my career has not been as long or varied as your's to date, I too have not found myself, as of yet, in a position where I truly needed it.  I even work in a "bilingual" unit and still seem to manage just fine. 

Edited for typo
SupersonicMax said:
You don't do it for the 2 pts on the PER, but for personnel development.
Regardless of why one does it, it becomes a pain when you are regularly reminded that you need to do this but we will not give you the time to do it.
I totally agree with the fact that you should be given the time to do it.  I don't know about the Army and Navy, but from what I see so far in the AF, most people can get OPMEs and SLT pretty easily.  Why won't your organisation let you do it??

It is pretty hard for Combat arms types to get course loaded on SLT. At the regiment, I know quite a few guys who put in for French course and it doesn't fly. Of course I'm not talking about MWOs or CWOs. Them higher ops will get it eventually.

Even for French speaking members of an English/Billingual unit, it is really hard to get an English course at the Pte/Cpl level. I don't know anybody who got it. I got an English course myself (5 weeks), but I'm no Cbt Arms. Of course it was easier for me to pick it up, I'm immersed in the language...

I didn't do it for the points, but to be functional at work.
Thanks for the answer.  I think it should be part of the initial Traning (with BMQ, SQ) do to 5-6 weeks of SLT (unless you've been tested and got Bs).  Even though it might not be usefull, I think it opens the mind to other cultures.

I'm in an officially bilingual unit, and I attempt to use French whenever possible (English is my first language).  In French, I get by: barely.  In terms of having to actually use MY second language in situations where it was needed, that happened in A'stan.
I was assigned to command an element of an OP due to a "situation".  The other members of said OP were from the Bundeswehr (The armed forces of The Federal Republic of Germany).  "Don't worry about them" we were all told prior to deployment.  "Their second language is English".  Unfortunately, these particular soldiers were from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern or Thüringen, and grew up learning Russian as a second language.  Fortunately, MY second language is German, and I was able to converse with these guys in their native tongue.  How good was my German? As one Landser said to me "Did you put on the wrong uniform today?"  In other words, I could pass for a German to a German. 
I also used my German about everyday during my 3 month stint in A'stan.  Do I get PER points?  No.  Do I care?  No.  Do I feel more competant as a soldier for being able to speak at least some French, in spite of it being MY third language?  You're G**damned right I do!  So, suck it up, watch La Soiree du Hockey en Canada on the SRC on Saturdays instead of Hockey Night in Canada, and FORCE yourselves to watch Bleu Nuit even!  There are opportunities outside of SLT (read: mandated or "PER merited French training") where you can learn to speak French.  Trust me, it's easier than you think.  And if you at least try, you'll gain oodles of respect, not just from your fellow *Garvins, but also from your fellow Canadians.

That is all

*Garvin = "Comrade in Battle", according to some name book I read once.
Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
I'm in an officially bilingual unit, and I attempt to use French whenever possible (English is my first language).  In French, I get by: barely.  In terms of having to actually use MY second language in situations where it was needed, that happened in A'stan.
I was assigned to command an element of an OP due to a "situation".  The other members of said OP were from the Bundeswehr (The armed forces of The Federal Republic of Germany).  "Don't worry about them" we were all told prior to deployment.  "Their second language is English".  Unfortunately, these particular soldiers were from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern or Thüringen, and grew up learning Russian as a second language.  Fortunately, MY second language is German, and I was able to converse with these guys in their native tongue.  How good was my German? As one Landser said to me "Did you put on the wrong uniform today?"  In other words, I could pass for a German to a German. 
I also used my German about everyday during my 3 month stint in A'stan.  Do I get PER points?  No.  Do I care?  No.  Do I feel more competant as a soldier for being able to speak at least some French, in spite of it being MY third language?  You're G**damned right I do!  So, suck it up, watch La Soiree du Hockey en Canada on the SRC on Saturdays instead of Hockey Night in Canada, and FORCE yourselves to watch Bleu Nuit even!  There are opportunities outside of SLT (read: mandated or "PER merited French training") where you can learn to speak French.  Trust me, it's easier than you think.  And if you at least try, you'll gain oodles of respect, not just from your fellow *Garvins, but also from your fellow Canadians.

That is all

*Garvin = "Comrade in Battle", according to some name book I read once.

Thanks for your input.  I think you made the point I was trying to make. 

Off Topic :  Where did you learn your German?

When I deployed to Haiti in 2004, I had the opportunity to go off camp quite a bit with the LPO (Sgt Supply tech). Him an English fellow, he got on the SLT (year long one) a year before deployment. As everybody knows, Haiti's language is Creole/French. That Sgt did good on his course, cause I'm telling you, he picked it up pretty good. He could get by pretty much everything thrown at him.

I guess everything is a matter of interrest.If you go on a course to get your 2 points, it will be a pain. If you do it for yourself, you'll pick it up, I promise.  I, (being French), offered a lot of my comrades to teach them the basics, just for the sake of it. Nobody went for it. But those people are the same ones complaining about the "2 points" thing on the merit board.

I know it's hard to learn a second language, I know first hand. That's the reason why I sent my little one to English school, so she won't have to go through the same stuff as me.

Maybe some would ever try to ask for a posting in the second official language area. I did on a purpose and I don't regret it at all. My wife was a little upset in the first place, but now she's doing fine.
SupersonicMax said:
It just pisses me off seeing people not caring more about the second OFFICIAL language... Especially as a MWO.  You don't do it for the 2 pts on the PER, but for personnel development.  Anyways, that's the way I saw things when I learned English and Spanish at a younger age...  I didn't do it to have a check in the box, but to improve my person...  A second (and more) language is never useless...  But again, this is my opinion.

I don't believe that I have ever used my rank on any posts ( the MODS can correct me on that), yes it is in my profile but I have never said MWO this MWO that,  and I did not use yours in relyping. Please refrain form that in the future.  Final point Max, all who know me, know I speak 3 languages, with a little German thrown in. You presume far too much. Just cause I see this as a pain in the a** don't attempt to paint me as some has been who does not care about his personnel development. At this stage in my career I assist my superiors in the development of our younger Sappers.  And the only place you will find me sharing my opinion of the course is on this site. Again, stay in your lane. 
Good day all!

I have a question for anyone that may be able to answer it.  I'd speak with my file manager at the recruiting center but I want to give her a break.  She has been a great help.

First my situation.  I have accepted an offer for pilot and will be going to St. Jean in April for basic.  I know that there is a strong possibility that I'll continue doing SLT in St.Jean after I am done basic in August.  My question is while on SLT are candidates allowed to live off base in their own accomodation.  I have a wife and five month old child and would love to move them out there (on my dime) if that is possible.

To satisfy the "focus on the matter at hand son and don't get too far ahead of yourself" people I acknowledge that nothing is guaranteed.  I plan on working hard at basic.  I want to plan in the event that I am successful and have to do SLT.

Also, if I have posted this to the wrong forum let me know.

Yes, you can live-out while on SLT here in sunny St-Jean, both single and married people on the SLT running now are.  There are no PMQs here so to speak, the closest ones are in St-Hubert, however I have no idea what they are like or availability.  Currenty, SLT students that are living-in are staying at Campus Fort St-Jean, 5 km's from the Mega and down by the river as every available space in the Mega is being put to use for BMQs and IAP/BOTPs.

Be prepared to rent a place that has NO appliances.  Most apartments here don't even have a fridge and stove in them, from the week or so I spent looking.

If/when you get here and need some help, the MFRC that is located on the garrison is excellent.  They will speak to owners who do not speak English, help you go thru the adds, stuff like that.  They were very helpful for me.  You can find the contacts online, just Google MFRC Montreal.

Hope that helps.
Mud Recce Man said:
Yes, you can live-out while on SLT here in sunny St-Jean, both single and married people on the SLT running now are.  There are no PMQs here so to speak, the closest ones are in St-Hubert, however I have no idea what they are like or availability.  Currenty, SLT students that are living-in are staying at Campus Fort St-Jean, 5 km's from the Mega and down by the river as every available space in the Mega is being put to use for BMQs and IAP/BOTPs.

I take it the PMQs at CFSJ are off limits/unavail?  (There arent all that many anyway)
Meridian said:
I take it the PMQs at CFSJ are off limits/unavail?  (There arent all that many anyway)

All I know is that they aren't PMQs are per say anymore, they are not controlled by CFHA, they are property of the city.
When we do our annual RMC Broomball tournament in St-Jean, we rent a Q for a few days.  I don't know if you can do that or not...  One of my friend came back from OPMEs in St-Jean and was living in a Q during his OPME.  I'll try to ask him about it tomorrow at work.

Mud Recce Man,

Thanks for the information.  One thing that my wife and I are looking at is buying a little house out there for the duration of SLT.  I know that the military won't pay for her to move out there but we are willing to eat the expense. We're a little fortunate in that we've built up a fair chunk of equity in our present house.  Just an idea.  What is the housing market like there?

CasperTr11 said:
...  We're a little fortunate in that we've built up a fair chunk of equity in our present house.  Just an idea.  What is the housing market like there?


Wonderful resource:  http://www.mls.ca

My wife and I used it extensively prior to moving here to Terrace.

(Sorry for the hijack - back to the topic)
CasperTr11 said:
Mud Recce Man,

Thanks for the information.  One thing that my wife and I are looking at is buying a little house out there for the duration of SLT.  I know that the military won't pay for her to move out there but we are willing to eat the expense. We're a little fortunate in that we've built up a fair chunk of equity in our present house.  Just an idea.  What is the housing market like there?


That, I have no idea about to be honest.  I didn't look at buying, as I am here temporarily.  Sorry on that one, anything I said would be a guess.
Hi all,

I've been hearing rumours about this for quite some time that SLT will be taken out (or at least highly restricted) at the end of this FY...ie no more courses.  Normally it wouldn't affect me, except that my CT message (cut in end-Feb) has me posted to St. Jean for SLT in mid April.  Anyone else in this boat or have any insight into if it's true or not? 

I would think if the posting msg is allready cut then it's likely a done deal, that said, nothing surprizes me in this outfit anymore.