Sorry, I should have worded my post differently. I know there is no UAV trade.What UAV Trade?
UAVs will be flown by pilots, with AESOps and possibly ACSOs colocated.
The actual airframes can be based anywhere, and will have the usual support folks - a token AERE officer who pretends they are in charge, with Air Maint Supervisors to keep the AVN, ACS and Air Weapons folks doing their jobs (plus the supply folks to keep the parts flowing).
And a metric shit ton of Int Os and Int Ops to actually leverage the tremendous streams of data that yet another platform with a wide array of sensors will generate.
You had mentioned "Yet another tiny CAF det where you're going to be moving lots of people in and out doesn't act in the best interest of the institution to retain talent."
My counter-points were simply that:
- While it will be a small det, it will also be a small community overall within the CAF.
- We wouldn't be moving lots of people in and out. Once someone is qualified and has become an experienced UAV operator, that talent should be retained within that community/posting if at all possible. As you stated, the UAVs themselves will be pretty far away, along with their various support staff.
- If they are located in an area that is appealing (vibrant communities, can live off base and not always be surrounding by CAF, employment opportunities for spouses and educational options for the kids, etc) - that IS one of the best ways for us to retain talent.
Question for anybody with UAV experience (Max? Dimsum?) - would that community require a metric shit-ton of Int O's and Int Ops? Or would a smaller, more streamlined group be a better fit? (I'm not disagreeing with you at all dapaterson. Curious to hear what anybody with direct UAV experience thinks would be the perfect/ideal place to be posted, and why.)
Posting people to fairly isolated communities with limited employment for spouses or kids, and not much to do, is a great way for us to encourage members to start seeing what is available on civi-side.
I think members would be far more inclined to stay if they lived somewhere they found appealing, the family was happy/employed/had more opportunities, members were satisfied that they were directly contributing to the success of operations overseas, and the unit/community was pretty tight-knit due to it's size and classified nature of their operations.