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RPAS (was JUSTAS): the project to buy armed Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UAVs

A smaller part. They are playing the hand they've been dealt. Just the same as any military officer of DND PS. We shouldn't expect them to somehow not do their jobs so that our projects advance.
Which is an important point not to forget - they are supporting their Minister in the accomplishment of that Minister’s assigned mandate. Definitely a case of don’t hate the players, hate the game.
Which is an important point not to forget - they are supporting their Minister in the accomplishment of that Minister’s assigned mandate. Definitely a case of don’t hate the players, hate the game.

It's amazing to me how many people have come to believe that it's "the procurement system", or "the process" or "the bureaucrats". And virtually nobody blames the politicians who could fix most of this with policy changes.
It's amazing to me how many people have come to believe that it's "the procurement system", or "the process" or "the bureaucrats". And virtually nobody blames the politicians who could fix most of this with policy changes.
Assuming they care enough, understand enough of what is wrong and are willing to work hard, expend political capital on something that will only show results after they are gone. Most politicians work from 3 page briefing notes and all they know is on that note. Even if they really want to fix things, they have to do battle with the gatekeepers. Our system is designed to ensure slow moderate changes to avoid following the trend of the day. That is a good thing, until you really need to fix something, because it's been ignored for 15-20 years.
I wonder if our MQ-9Bs will be powered by Canadian engines:

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I wonder if our MQ-9Bs will be powered by Canadian engines:

The list of customers (or those with contracts) is larger than I thought. I thought that the USAF was definitely not going for the MQ-9B, but apparently AFSOC is.

Deliveries of MQ-9B have begun for the United Kingdom, with contracts in place with Belgium, Canada, Taiwan, and the U.S. Air Force in support of the Special Operations Command. The Japan Coast Guard is currently operating MQ-9B for maritime operations, and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) selected MQ-9B for its Medium-Altitude, Long-Endurance (MALE) Remotely Piloted Aircraft System Trial Operation Project. MQ-9B has also supported various U.S. Navy exercises, including Northern Edge, Integrated Battle Problem, and Group Sail.