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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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The OPME programme consists of 6 courses, 2 Professional Development Level Courses and 4 University Level Courses. A combination of OPDP, ODP-2, and/or prior university training can be credited towards the courses. It does not have to be a course taken at RMC, so long as the LO's are met.

Most if not all RMC cadets graduate with the 4 University Credits done, and then complete the PD courses. If the Registrar allows it they can finish the PD OPME's while on OJT etc during the summer.

For more information you can email our PLAR personnel at plar@rmc.ca

muffin (aka Maggie O'Reilly)
Continuing Ed and OPME
George Wallace said:
Ok?  If I have a Canadian Military History Course, although not from RMC, but another University, does that work in my favor?  Can I too, have that OPME written off?  This is where there may not be an even playing field, if you see what I mean.

As a minor point, you may not be accorded full credit, but may get partial credit, i.e. you may only have to complete one or two assignments to get the OPME course. It depends on how close your course syllabus is compared to the OPME course.

I know of one captain who got a partial for Ethics... I think it only exempted him from one assignment.
bgc_fan said:
As a minor point, you may not be accorded full credit, but may get partial credit, i.e. you may only have to complete one or two assignments to get the OPME course. It depends on how close your course syllabus is compared to the OPME course.

I know of one captain who got a partial for Ethics... I think it only exempted him from one assignment.

This may have been true in the past, but we are moving away from partial PLAR to "all-or-nothing" PLAR. It is more likely that you would recieve credit for the entire course or nothing at all than partial PLAR anymore. If you have any specific questions though I would email our PLAR coordinator at the address mentioned in my previous post.

hey im going into electrical engineering at the university of windsor under ROPT in septembre but i have a few questions about it. 
1) do you have to maintain a certain grade when your at university to stay in ROTP
2) What happends if you fail a class during university
3) besides the summer is there any other training? like march break or ne thing like that

thanks alot
Hey phil27,

First off, if you're going to be an officer - learn to spell, capitalize and use punctuation. This board comes with a handy spell checker so even if the public education system has failed you, you can still fake it.

Now, I was a ROTP Civvie U student, although that was 8 years ago and things may have changed. First off, talk to your University Liaison Officer (if that's what they're still called) and read the regulations they distribute.

When I was at SFU we were told we had to maintain a B average (IIRC) and that we had to pay out of pocket for any courses we failed and had to redo. However, I have to wonder why you are asking these questions. Do you plan on failing anything? Setting your sights high? The people of Canada are paying for your education and I recommend you owe them (and the CF) your best efforts while at university.

As for training, I broke some ground on this one (at least for my generation of Civvie U OCdts) and paraded with a reserve infantry unit throughout the school year. They were kind enough to make me a Pl Comd and I gained a decent amount of experience. There was no other scheduled training for any of the Civvie U ROTP OCdts and many took advantage of that situation and essentially became civvies who happened to do phase training in the summers. Still, if you're worried about your grades, maybe you should hold off on training for the first year and make sure you get the hang of the whole university thing (most professors don't accept MSN spelling). Good luck.

Hey Phil27,

Are you doing your IAP/BOTC this summer?  Also, are you located in Windsor at the moment or are you traveling there for University?

My situation is that I'm not doing IAP/BOTC this summer. It's been deferred to 2007.  So I met up with my ULO early to start "Clearing-In".  She's located in the NDHQ building here in Ottawa so I needed an escort to get in (How long after enrolment does the service card come in?).  I cleared-in with my unit and my mess (The only RCAF Officer's Mess in Canada?), but I've been told I only have to get all the clearing-in done before my COS date (August 25Th), and because I can't get into the NDHQ building without my service card OR and escort, It's was suggested by my ULO that I wait for my service card to come in.

Anyways, when you first clear-in with your ULO, he/she gets you to sign a bunch of papers again (Some of the papers you've already signed, like your Will, Affidavit of Execution of Will, Supplementary Death Benefits Plan.  Some papers you haven't already signed like your Statement of Ordinary Residence Form, Family Care Plan Declaration, etc, your ULO explains these to you.) and gets some information from you.  Don't forget your banking information (Bring a void cheque).

While I was clearing in with my ULO she e-mailed me the StudentGuide2005, I haven't had time to read through it yet so I can't answer your questions exactly, but if you wanted to put your e-mail up here (or PM it to me), I could send that to you.

We're in the same boat, and I have to say I'm thankful for these forums, it's great to be able to put up worries/questions and have them answered or discussed by people going through the same situation or who have already been through it (Thanks Army.ca!).

It doesn't hurt to maintain good grades but they make no specific mention of expectations.  You are only expected to pass all of your courses as lame as that sounds.  If you feel that you will fail a course you must let your ULO know ASAP so that appropriate action can be taken.  There is no training throughout the school year and you are not expected to do anything except school.  If your grades are very good they will let you get a job or attach to a reserve unit.  It's all very simple for civy U OCdts.  Make sure all your claims and paperwork is completed on time and do well in school and you won't even remember that you're in the CF because nobody will ever remind you until it gets close to summer training.
How does leave work with 'Civy U' ROTP? Am I still entitled to the standard 4 weeks per year? For example after my course this summer, in between the time from course until school, I will have 2 weeks time. How will this work? Will I be let free or will I need to take 1-2 weeks of annual leave for that period?


cda84 said:
How does leave work with 'Civy U' ROTP? Am I still entitled to the standard 4 weeks per year? For example after my course this summer, in between the time from course until school, I will have 2 weeks time. How will this work? Will I be let free or will I need to take 1-2 weeks of annual leave for that period?



You will be entitled to annual leave and you will have to use your annual leave for that period between training and start of school.
So if I've been put on 83 days LWOP because of the June 3rd enrolment ceremony, does that mean I have no leave left for the rest of the year, how does this work?

It only means that you are on Leave right now and not getting paid.  At the end of your contract, those 83 days will be deducted from your time served and unless you work 84 days (one day extra for a Fudge Factor)  past your Release Date you will loose one full year in Severance Pay (approx $2000) on Release (if you have served long enough to qualify for an annuity (pension)).  I would ask someone in the RMS Trade to explain to you the ramifications of Leave Without Pay - but then I have told you that before.  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/23377/post-392281.html#msg392281
I also study electrical engineering and have been ROTP for two years. Most your questions have been answered but basically between september and may, you don't exist for the army (but you still get paid). As a matter of fact when I reported in for BOTP this summer I still didn't exist for them.

The program is a mess. I got 3 months "vacation" after the school year because my liaison staff couldn't finish the paperwork to get me on an OJT at a local reserve unit (that I had already contacted and that had told me they could take on another ocdt). Thing is since I was always waiting for their call I couldn't really do anything or go anywhere to take advantage of this time off.

All this being said ROTP is still a very sweet deal and you will be able to enjoy yourself and concentrate on your studies at the same time, so I wouldn't worry about grades if I were you (as long as you work hard, that is). Not having to get a 25 hr / week job made a big difference for me. I guess if there were more of us doing this, it would be better organized and we could do fun stuff like field exercises or other activities every now and then during the school year to keep us into it, but apart from that I have no complaints, its cool to be able to put all the time you need on school.
cda84 said:
How does leave work with 'Civy U' ROTP? Am I still entitled to the standard 4 weeks per year? For example after my course this summer, in between the time from course until school, I will have 2 weeks time. How will this work? Will I be let free or will I need to take 1-2 weeks of annual leave for that period?



As an ROTP CIVU candidate, leave is not really regulated.  You can take leave usually if there is no conflict between training and school.

If you use all your entitled leave, there is still plenty of "special academic" leave.

This year I have taken almost 2 months of leave( 1 month block "special academic", Xmas, Reading Weeks, you get the picture), previous years, even more.  It has been my experience thus far that USUALLY every summer, you will have at least one month block leave, unless you do OJT or EWAT or something else.

Anytime you are not training or at school you MUST have a leave pass.

Hope this answers your question.

Actually that helps lots, thank you.  Also, I'm on of the - I'm sure several - recruits whose parents are divorced.  Will they take that into account at all when you ask for leave in order to travel across the province and visit your other parent (the one that doesn't have custody).  I know I'm 18 so custody isn't really a battle anymore, but I'm still living with mom for a year before moving into residence on campus.
When you are on leave, you can usually travel where you want (except there are regulations regarding scheduled countries, but we don't need to get into that).

Also, make sure to take advantage of Leave Travel Assistance.  It will pay your flight to go see your family that is out of province once a year.


Quag said:
When you are on leave, you can usually travel where you want (except there are regulations regarding scheduled countries, but we don't need to get into that).

Is there anywhere that I could get a copy of those regulations on line?
Piper said:
I'm looking for some info re: working a civvie job while at school (I have time galore on my hands).

Someone who does with, would ya'll mind PM'ing me some info about how to go about getting it approved by the CoC (if need be).

Just a little warning. While some members have taken jobs outside their normal duties they must always be cognizant that the CF is first and that their extra job must never interfere or place them in conflict with their primary duties of being a CF member.  Also if a member is injured while performing that other job they would financially responsible for their medical expenses and if that injury prevents them from performing their duties as a CF member then there would be further repercussions.  That is why the CoC is very hesitant in granting permission but they do on occasion.
Actually, you are completely allowed to get a part time job according to the SEM in Ontario.

He realizes that OCdt.'s are poor ;D.

You must notify your ULO.  IF you start failing classes or your marks start slipping drastically, you will be asked (told) to quit your job.

Personally, I see no reason why you can't get a job at while attending CiviU.  For those beautiful 8 months (no offence RMC guys ;D :P), you have no direct ties to the CF, or any duties that you must perform for them (other than pass classes).

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