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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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I'd personally hit up a civi U for the chicks, but would miss out on the RMC deal.

Probably why I'm not going to do ROTP at all...

Between Civy U and RMC there are some differences.

For a career in the CF as an officer, the largest implications are that at RMC, you not only get your Second Language Training (SLT), but you also complete the OPME requirements (Officer Professional  ..... military....education? I can never remember the new one, OPDP was so much easier). Currently, you need to have the OPME's done before you are eligible for Captain (that's what we are told here, at any rate) and the rank that will you require a Second Language profile keeps dropping every few years.

Also, there is a larger connection with the military lifestyle. It may not be exactly like the real world, but it is closer than civy u (and just for the record, I have also done full time at civy u and civy college in my previous flat-face, long hair life).

There are advantages to doing civy u, but it all depends on what you require (degree, family situation, advance credits, etc) and, more importantly, what the CF requires of you.

Both have advantages and disadvantages. To say one is better than the other is being a little narrow minded.
Ok, what do you learn at RMC that so prepares you for REAL life?
Wookilar said:
Currently, you need to have the OPME's done before you are eligible for Captain (that's what we are told here, at any rate) and the rank that will you require a Second Language profile keeps dropping every few years.

Sounds like they are spinning you guys in all the wrong directions....  OPME's are for promotion to Major, as is a BBB french profile.  The only pre-requisite for promotion to Captain is achieving your trade and accruing T.I.
Zoomie said:
Sounds like they are spinning you guys in all the wrong directions....  OPME's are for promotion to Major, as is a BBB french profile.  The only pre-requisite for promotion to Captain is achieving your trade and accruing T.I.

OPME requirements depend on the element  - for example the Army want their Capt's to have them done (though it is not a requirement for promotion,it is a requirement for certian positions), and the Air and Sea want them done for Majors. This should be covered in the new OPME policy, which is under review at ADM HR (mil) now - and is expected to be out sometime this summer.

You should note however, that the OPME (Yes it is Officer Professional Military Education  ;D ) program is only partially completed at RMC by the red coats. There are 6 courses, 4 of which are Univeristy Level. These are completed through the course of the regualr academics at RMC. The 2 PD (Professional level) courses are not covered, and must be taken at a later time. These are PME001 and 002.

muffin said:
OPME requirements depend on the element  - for example the Army want their Capt's to have them done (though it is not a requirement for promotion,it is a requirement for certian positions), and the Air and Sea want them done for Majors. This should be covered in the new OPME policy, which is under review at ADM HR (mil) now - and is expected to be out sometime this summer.

You should note however, that the OPME (Yes it is Officer Professional Military Education  ;D ) program is only partially completed at RMC by the red coats. There are 6 courses, 4 of which are Univeristy Level. These are completed through the course of the regualr academics at RMC. The 2 PD (Professional level) courses are not covered, and must be taken at a later time. These are PME001 and 002.


Unless of course you take Business Administration where you receive 5 of the 6 OPMES. Then all you do is travel to St.Jean for a 5 day course to finish your Military Law OPME and the re-aquaintance of Rue St.Catherines. ;D
23007 said:
Then all you do is travel to St.Jean for a 5 day course to finish your Military Law OPME and the re-aquaintance of Rue St.Catherines. ;D

You must be Airforce - the AF MA runs 5 day courses at the ELFC for those who can get TD'd there or who may be there anyway... this may not be possible if you are LAnd or Sea. The Navy runs "NOPME" serials on both coasts 2-3 times a year and the Army runs some courses on some bases when the demand is there. The AF also runs "AFOPME" serials several times a year - these are the ones you are referring to here.

OPME is a "living programme" in that it is constantly changing. We are re-developping the MilLaw right now in a more flexible format.

Warning - the following is MY personal opinion and does not in any way reflect the opinion of CDA, RMC, or the OPME Program admins ;) *that should cover it*

I wouls like to see the 2 PD courses (001 and 002), and maybe eventually all the OPMEs switched to a self lead study format where a student could register and complete the course when he/she wishes ... baby steps though :)

I wanted to get an idea of where those who are going to a civilian university on a subsidised commissioning plan (IE ROTP?UTPNCM) are studying at and what degree program and MOC you are in.  I've been trying to find some information out through research on the net and DIN, but have for the most part come up empty handed.  What I'm interested in is what schools do people in these plans get sent to if they don't go to RMC?  I realize this is largely based on the MOC requirements, IE nurses and pharmasists go to schools that offer such programs, etc. but what about engineering?  Do many students go to schools that offer engineering other than RMC, and then are they limited to one or two schools, or is it basically where the student applies?  If you fall into the above mentioned category, or have some useful info on this topic, please post here.

For those interested, I'd like to know since I am planning on applying for UTPNCM.  However, due to personal reasons, RMC would be a worst case scenario for me at the moment (relatively speaking of course...I mean, it's still free school after all, I know).  Unfortunately, I plan on applying for a program that is probably one of the bigger programs at RMC (MechEng), of the 3 (civilian) schools that would be ideal or prefered for me, 2 aren't close to a base (Calgary and Windsor), with Manitoba being my 3 option.

Now, before anyone gives me the whole "you-should-be-glad-what-you-get-the-service-comes-before-the-soldier-stop-your-whinning" rant/post that I'm sure many of you reading this right now are itching to type out, I am fully aware that should I apply to the program, I should be ready to accept RMC as a potential offer, even if I don't mark it as a choice.  I am also aware that this plan is an officer production plan first and an education plan second, so the needs of the CF and where they feel I will best be trained will veto anything I have to say on the subject.  Thirdly, I am aware that I am not obliged to accept any offer that I receive, regardless of what school/program/MOC it is for (and however dumb it probably would be to turn down such an offer!).  For the record, I would go to RMC if that is what was offered to me, it is just not in my best personal interest at his time, that is all.

With that out of the way, like I said.  I'm just interested in seeng where all the civie ROTP/UT cadets are studying at and what they are studying, and specifically anyone who is in an engineering program outside of RMC.  If you feel the need  to know my personal reasons for not wanting to go to RMC, they are partially posted in another thread. Otherwise, PM and I'll be happy to tell you where to go. ;)
I'm at RMC now, going for a BA in Military Strategic Studies. I have many friends that are going to schools from NS to BC, Dal to U Vic and all points in between. I was accepted to three other universities, under three different programs that were all "preferred" degrees for my trade (LOG). (U of A as I was in Edmonton at the time, Dal and St. FX) For one reason or another, I was offered RMC, so off went the family to Kingston.

Be aware, there is a bit of a push on from higher to up the numbers of the UT's at RMC. If you have reasons to stay where you are, make sure you can back them up a little. Some of the people sent here are married, some are single. Some are here for 4 years, some 3 (like myself), some 2 and we even have one that will be at RMC for only 1 year.

The array of UT's attending civy u are just as wide and varied. If there was a pattern for the selection to attend RMC last year, it is too convoluted for me to detect.

For actual "official" info on degree and trade spreads between civy u and RMC, you might try and contact someone at CFRG in Borden. They may (or may not) have some data that can be released. If your PSO's office is switched on, they should be able to help out. I know the PSO in Edmonton over the last two years I was harassing them were very helpful. Another source of info would be to contact the University Liason Officer in your current area. They would have a lot of info at their fingertips, regarding what they have to work with.

Good Luck.
I got picked up for UTP last year and am attending class at the University of Victoria working towards a degree in Psychology with a minor in Philosophy.  All this to be an MP O. 

This is my no means a fact and just my opinion, but from my understanding if you don't apply to RMC you won't get accepted.  If you aren't accepted then it's not going to be on your radar for schools that you'll be attending.  For UTPNCM (and ROTP for that matter) you already have to have your acceptence into your university and into your program of choice.  This is what is used as the basis for your application.  Out of convenience a number of people take university courses through RMC's continuing Ed dept. and as such this is generally who a number of people are already students of and a school that they are accepted to.  This is where you could get (for lack of a better word) trapped going to RMC. 

If you have acceptance at a university other then RMC and that is where you have done your (pre req) courses through then I would think it is likely that you would stay at that school.  At least this has been my personal experience.  I gained acceptance to UVic, did my pre req courses for UTP there, had no acceptance to any other university so it was an all or nothing deal for my app.  And here I am.....

Good luck.
SweetNavyJustice said:
For UTPNCM (and ROTP for that matter) you already have to have your acceptance into your university and into your program of choice.  This is what is used as the basis for your application. 

Not necessarily.  There are many UTs out there who were accepted into the program without an acceptance letter from a University.  Most were given a conditional acceptance, based on them getting their admission, and some if didn't get in, did some OJT until they could get it.  I was promoted (demoted?) to OCdt without having an acceptance letter (OttawaU doesn't send them out until June/July for the upcoming semester), and was told that if I didn't get it, they would put me to work until I did.

ACS_Tech, you can apply to ANY University in Canada.  If you are on the east coast and you want to go to Uof Vic, you can apply and put it on your UT application.  If you get accepted, and Borden is happy then they will move you, your family and your F&E to the new location.

I wouldn't advise anyone to check the "Not Interested in RMC" box on their application.  In most cases it is an indication that your priorities are in the wrong place.  That being said, the military is VERY accommodating, and if there are issues such as sick wife, they will do their best to put you where you are best suited.  I met a guy who was doing his whole UT degree via correspondence so he could stay at home and care for an ailing family member.

Hope this helps.  Feel free to PM me if anyone has any UT questions.  I graduate and will be commissioned next month, and have been going to civvie U for 3 years (it was supposed to be 3.5 but I took extra courses to graduate early)  I am happy to help anyone interested in the program.

Do not get too hung-up on the "If you don't check the RMC box, you won't get picked up for UT" thing. My IAP last year was 28 UT's, half RMC, half civy u. Some checked the box, some did not. If you checked the box, be prepared. If you don't check the box, be prepared. CFRG may just offer you RMC anyway.

For the prep courses, mine were from U of A (5) and RMC (4) and Grant Macewan (2). Here I am at RMC, even though Dal and U of A offered me the exact same deal (academic wise).

And, keep in mind, if you don't like the offer, you can always say "no." Not the end of the world. Just keep taking courses part time and get your leaf, then inquire about CFR.
TDV-Arte-et-Marte said:
Is it true that engineers at RMC have 3 vice 2 OPMEs to do after grad?
Is there some sort of trick question here?  Why would they not be required to do the same amount of OPMEs as everyone else?
People taking science courses take an extra politics course while the engineers don't (engineers only take one politics course). Hence, when one graduates, one may need do one more course.
Myself and both of my roommates graduated from RMC last year. One is mech eng, the other is politics, and I am business. Both of them had 2 OPMES to finish after grad and I only had one to do as Business students get 5 of the course while at the college. So engineering is no different from arts in terms of OPME credits.
Something here still doesn't sound right?  Has the program (OPMEs) changed that much?  Before, it didn't matter what courses you took in University, you still had the five or so OPDPs, later the OPMEs, to do.  Now you are telling me that University Credits will write off OPMEs?
George you cannot use university credits strictly for OPMEs, however 4 fo 6 OPMEs are run like university course and are in fact courses which you can take at RMC. For example one OPME is Canadian Military history if you take the course at RMC obviously you don't have to do the OPME. As well if you took a similar Military History at any other university you may get credit for it depending on the similarity of the course. Likewise if you do not have a degree some civie universities and RMC will grant you credit for some of the OPMEs depending on the university.
Ok?  If I have a Canadian Military History Course, although not from RMC, but another University, does that work in my favor?  Can I too, have that OPME written off?  This is where there may not be an even playing field, if you see what I mean.
George Wallace said:
Ok?  If I have a Canadian Military History Course, although not from RMC, but another University, does that work in my favor?  Can I too, have that OPME written off?  This is where there may not be an even playing field, if you see what I mean.

Yes George,
You can have OPMEs written off from doing courses other than the actual OPME. I added the link a while back for the Prior Learning Assessment person at RMC, search function should bring it up. All they ask for is the syllabus from the course you did and then they decide whether to write it off or not. I get pretty bothered when people go on and on and on etc ... about how hard it is to get OPMEs written off. "Well my buddy said...", "I heard that..." etc. I got 2 wrote off with no drama. As I said before people, all you have to do is ask.

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