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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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htam_har said:
I'm not sure if this has any pull, I have a friend at RMCC and I was able to get contact info for the soccer coach, and he told me that with my experience that I've been put on a Athlete's list? Can anyone tell me if there's any pros or cons on that, or if it means much at all??

Yes, being on the "athlete's list" is definitely a pro. As long as the rest of your application is still competitive that is an extra feather in your cap; one that could be the difference between an offer vs no offer. RMCC is a military institution but like other schools they still love excellence in sport.
Another quick question, I doubt I will have a lower average after the academic year is done, but if I have an 80 average now, would it be very damaging if my average dropped to 75?
Another quick question, I doubt I will have a lower average after the academic year is done, but if I have an 80 average now, would it be very damaging if my average dropped to 75?

Why are you asking this question?  In my opinion, your academic position is not currently competitive.  You said that you were found suitable, which only means that you met the minimum criteria.  If you really want a shot at making it, you shouldn't be asking if it'll be ok if your average slides.  You should instead be asking how you can improve your grades to strengthen your application.  Fully apply yourself to your studies, along with everything else you should be doing, and show the CAF what you're capable of.  Other applicants are, and you're competing against them.
Well guys, I've been found medically unfit, don't yet know why.

*sigh* Well, there's always next year. Maybe I'll see you guys then.
ZeiGezunt said:
Well guys, I've been found medically unfit, don't yet know why.

*sigh* Well, there's always next year. Maybe I'll see you guys then.

Sorry to hear that man! Good luck for next year!!
went to CFRC to hand in more docs. asked about my vision and told not eligible for any combat occupations.
so basically if i don't make it for HCA this year I'll probably get my eyes tuned up and perhaps become v1 so I can apply for any occupations I want  ::)
I have successfully completed Aircrew Selection, the doctor said my medical looks good and nothing should stop me from being accepted, now I just have to wait until it has officially been processed. Hopefully this will be done in time for the first round of selections! Thanks to everyone who helped me out along the way, now I`m just playing the waiting game.
Got a call a couple days ago letting me know I've been merit listed and that selections are in a few weeks! So happy to hear that and anxious/nervous for selections!
Teen_Cadet said:
Got a call a couple days ago letting me know I've been merit listed and that selections are in a few weeks! So happy to hear that ad anxious/nervous for selections!

More like next week! Good luck
From what I`ve been told by recruiters as well as looking around on this site, it seems that selections should/ possible be starting to take place on the 3/4 of April and that recruiting centers will start telling people that they been accepted around the 15-17.
If that is true then these next few weeks are going to feel like a looooong time.
t.robichaud said:
From what I`ve been told by recruiters as well as looking around on this site, it seems that selections should/ possible be starting to take place on the 3/4 of April 7-8 April and that recruiting centers will start telling people that they been accepted around the 15-17 shortly there after.
If that is true then these next few weeks are going to feel like a looooong time.

Let me help you with this.    :D
May be I am an impatient dad. My grade 12 son has applied for ROTP for Pilot and other air trades at Toronto. He has finished his CFAT-passed for all trades, Interview and today we are submitting additional forms from doctor-for blood work,EKG,urine and vision and letter from dentist for TMJ. I hope that TMJ is not a big deal.

I read that many applicants have already finished their Air crew selections and  aircrew medicals and he is still waiting! Do they finish it for all who have applied or just chose from all who have finished first :-\  I hope that it will not be a disadvantage for him that Toronto office is busy and takes very long and it is not his fault.

Recruting Center: CFRC Toroto
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Pilot
Trade Choice 2: Aerospace Control Officer
Trade Choice 3: Air Combat Systems Officer
Application Date: Sept 2013
First Contact: End of Oct 2013
Aptitude Test: Feb 14 2014
Interview: March 13 2014
Medical: March  24 2014
Merit Listed: TBD
Position Offered: TBD
Enrollment/Swear in: TBD
BMOQ Begins: TBD
From what I have read somewhere in this forum, it is indeed possible to receive a conditional offer for ROTP for Pilot. However if the ROTP applicant fails Aircrew Selection, then that offer is revoked.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.
OblivionKnight said:
From what I have read somewhere in this forum, it is indeed possible to receive a conditional offer for ROTP for Pilot. However if the ROTP applicant fails Aircrew Selection, then that offer is revoked.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

You're corrected.  You can't be considered for Pilot, until you have successfully completed ASC.

hopefulpilotdad said:
May be I am an impatient dad. My grade 12 son has applied for ROTP for Pilot and other air trades at Toronto. He has finished his CFAT-passed for all trades, Interview and today we are submitting additional forms from doctor-for blood work,EKG,urine and vision and letter from dentist for TMJ. I hope that TMJ is not a big deal.

I read that many applicants have already finished their Air crew selections and  aircrew medicals and he is still waiting! Do they finish it for all who have applied or just chose from all who have finished first :-\  I hope that it will not be a disadvantage for him that Toronto office is busy and takes very long and it is not his fault.

Recruting Center: CFRC Toroto
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Pilot
First Contact: End of Oct 2013
Aptitude Test: Feb 14 2014
Interview: March 13 2014
Medical: March  24 2014

Merit Listed: Never, cause someone dropped the ball...........

If your son hasn't yet attended Aircrew Selection, it's pretty much too late. Seems like something is wrong here.  If the dates you are posting happen to be socially "responsibe" and accurate, then it looks like he applied in Oct but it took his CFRC 4 months to even schedule his CFAT.

That's what bothers me that why did they take so........... long to schedule CFAT. He has his Private Pilot licence through Cadets and his marks are over 75%. He has RMC as his first choice and Civilian University as second choice.

Those dates are correct.

I am so pissed!!!!

DAA said:
You're corrected.  You can't be considered for Pilot, until you have successfully completed ASC.

If your son hasn't yet attended Aircrew Selection, it's pretty much too late. Seems like something is wrong here.  If the dates you are posting happen to be socially "responsibe" and accurate, then it looks like he applied in Oct but it took his CFRC 4 months to even schedule his CFAT.

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