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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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Pegula37 said:
              Currently attending Queens (first year) and i applied to the ROTP hoping to maintain at Queens, (civilian university) When i visited the recruiting centre they told me the deadline had past for ROTP by a week but where still accepting applications and i could still try. So about 2 weeks ago i fully applied and put my application and both transcripts (for high school and University) to the RMC moodle. I'm just wondering if its normal for them to take a few weeks to get back to you after you submit everything. I'm just a little worry since i did apply past deadline yet was told it would be fine.

It takes anywhere from 3-4 weeks, when I applied this year I from the time I submitted everything to the time I heard back was just under 4 weeks.
KerryBlue said:
It takes anywhere from 3-4 weeks, when I applied this year I from the time I submitted everything to the time I heard back was just under 4 weeks.

Pegula37 said:

By the by, how are you liking queens. I was there last year, until I blew out my shoulder playing football. For the year I was there it was the time of my life, most of my close friends are still there(2nd year now).
KerryBlue said:
By the by, how are you liking queens. I was there last year, until I blew out my shoulder playing football. For the year I was there it was the time of my life, most of my close friends are still there(2nd year now).

I love it which is why i wanna stay at a civilian university for my ROTP, I'm only in arts and science so i can't complain about the workload. Sorry to hear about your shoulder.
Finally been booked for air crew selection, going on the 24-26 after that going to write the ACSO test then I`ll finally be finished my application and tests!
OblivionKnight said:
Any news about when the first round of selection might be?

My file manager from CFRC London said that they usualky start receiving offers the third week of April. Gonna be a loooong wait  ;D
I'm new to the forums, so just a little introduction about myself to emphasis what I am trying to ask:

So I am currently 17, going on 18 in a few months, and I am currently in High School. I have been thinking about joining the Canadian Forces since Grade 5 in order to serve the great nation of ours. Aside from the questions about how basic training is, jobs, salaries, and other basic questions I pretty much have some questions about the education programs within the CF.
Pretty much my subjects of interest are History, Languages, and Computer Science. I absolutely hate math and major sciences such as Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. With this in mind I want to learn many languages in post-secondary education (especially French which will come in handy with military service), and History.
My marks in school are good, so far in Grade 12 I have a 92% average with just the second semester about 1.5/4.

Following this introduction I will summarize the questions I would be very grateful of being answered:

1. With ROTP, what exactly happens when I apply for this? Do I have to wait a certain amount of time after Basic Training to apply for this? Do I get the option to go to a civilian university (like the University of Saskatchewan) or will I practically be forced to go to the RMC?

2. With joining the Regular Forces, is it true that when I apply for ROTP my tuition will be fully subsidized?

3. What if I decide to go to the University of Saskatchewan to take a History PhD and Languages, and later go to the RMC to take military studies (science and strategy)?

4. With keeping #3 in mind, if I decide to go to both a civilian university and RMC at different times will the tuition for both still be subsidized?

I might have more questions later, but these are the major ones I can think of for now.

Thank you, everyone, who answer these questions to the best of their ability.
1. You could have checked Forces.ca and gotten the answer to the first part of your question. Being able to show initiative is important if you're hoping to become an officer someday. Yes, you can apply for either (or both) RMC or Civilian ROTP, however the military prioritizes RMC applicants, unless the degree you need to do your job in the CF is not offered there.

2. Again, check the CF website. In short, yes, they pay for your tuition, books, paper/generic supplies and they pay you a salary while you go to school so you can live.

3. Where you go is decided by the CF. If you are selected, you will get an offer, either for RMC or a civilian university, and you either take it or leave it. I do not know if you can change your degree mid way (I doubt it), but they certainly won't pay for two bachelor degrees, except in very specific cases.

4. See number 3.

SaskUkrainian said:
1. With ROTP, what exactly happens when I apply for this? Do I have to wait a certain amount of time after Basic Training to apply for this? Do I get the option to go to a civilian university (like the University of Saskatchewan) or will I practically be forced to go to the RMC?

ROTP is an entry plan. This means you are applying for a JOB with the CAF, in this case it just so happens your job includes you attending university for a period of time. For ROTP, BMQ is after 1st Year. As it is a JOB OFFER you will go where you are told.

SaskUkrainian said:
2. With joining the Regular Forces, is it true that when I apply for ROTP my tuition will be fully subsidized?

Yes. Then you will have a mandatory term of service.

SaskUkrainian said:
3. What if I decide to go to the University of Saskatchewan to take a History PhD and Languages, and later go to the RMC to take military studies (science and strategy)?

If you decide to acquire a a PhD, why not just apply DEO?

SaskUkrainian said:
4. With keeping #3 in mind, if I decide to go to both a civilian university and RMC at different times will the tuition for both still be subsidized?

No. For ROTP they will only pay for one and only for an undergraduate degree.
Chelomo said:
1. You could have checked Forces.ca and gotten the answer to the first part of your question. Being able to show initiative is important if you're hoping to become an officer someday. Yes, you can apply for either (or both) RMC or Civilian ROTP, however the military prioritizes RMC applicants, unless the degree you need to do your job in the CF is not offered there.
I did look on the website, but I just needed clarification.

Goose15 said:
If you decide to acquire a a PhD, why not just apply DEO?
Hmmm, makes sense. So, after obtaining a History degree through ROTP, I can then apply for DEO for a PhD?

No. For ROTP they will only pay for one and only for an undergraduate degree.
Hmmm, that sucks. However, I understand it would be fair to grant one degree for applicants.

Thanks for the answer, guys. It's been very helpful!

If I feel I need more questions answered, I will post them here.
SaskUkrainian said:
Hmmm, makes sense. So, after obtaining a History degree through ROTP, I can then apply for DEO for a PhD?

DEO (Direct Entry Officer) is an entry plan, like ROTP, for individuals who already have a degree.

One can enter the CAF through ROTP and have their education be subzidized and be paid while attending school, or one can enter through DEO after having graduated from university with a degree.
I was wondering, since they already start to check my file (second exam) and that the first offers will come in less than 2 months, my question is : Am I gonna finaly do my interview? Because last year I did my interview in the begining of the year (January-February) ..
StudentPilot23 said:
My file manager from CFRC London said that they usualky start receiving offers the third week of April. Gonna be a loooong wait  ;D

Dang, I was really hoping it would be sooner lol.
StudentPilot23 said:
My file manager from CFRC London said that they usualky start receiving offers the third week of April. Gonna be a loooong wait  ;D

1st round of ROTP selections are 3 or 4 Apr, so notifications will probably go out a week or two after that.
DAA said:
1st round of ROTP selections are 3 or 4 Apr, so notifications will probably go out a week or two after that.

I have applied to Nursing Officer via ROTP, and have received offers of admission from various universities for the accelerated 2-year program and regular 4-year program. The issue is that the offers are expiring right when the selections are made for ROTP (I have already been merit listed). My preference is for the 2-year accelerated program, but I've been told that it requires special permission which is rare and this permission can only be sought after being selected for ROTP. So if I accept the offer for the accelerated 2-year program and I am selected during the ROTP selections, the military can still refuse to enroll me under ROTP for the 2-year program. If I accept the offer for the regular 4-year program, there is always the chance that I might not even be selected for ROTP, so it would end up being a waste of time and money for me if I fund my own nursing education for the next 4 years (when I could have went for the 2-year program). What would you suggest as the best course of action in this case?
Have you tried dealing with them? Explain the situation, since both programs are at the same school it is there interest to keep you happy until you pay your tuition  >:D.

The only reason your offer is expiring is they have contact the people who didn't make it in the first round. You maybe able to extend your offer/defer an offer. You may also be able to switch from the 4 years program to the 2 year program in 2nd semester, or maybe even in the first week. I know when I changed faculties I had to re apply in January and got accepted in April (I tried going during frosh week to change, and they said no you have to reapply).  But I had a friend who went from physics (BSC) to a psychology (BSC) in a week during mid October.

Personally if I were you I'd try to solve it yourself and see if you can defer/extend the length of an offer or how hard it would be to switch between the 4 year program to the 2nd year program vice/versa. The other thing as well if you wait to long you likely won't get your choice of residence (If at all), but that may not be an issue for you.

I know nothing of the school/program works, but I am going to speculate that the 2 year compressed program has much for strict course sequence then the 4 year programs (less electives, and likely more courses that require pre reqs). There may even be courses that only the 2 year compressed program can take, or they have priority, so if you accepted the 4th year program in hopes of ROTP and get declined you may end up getting a semester behind just like that.

If you had to accept a program tomorrow I would take the 2 year program, as stated above it likely has fewer spots, and much more rigid course sequence. Switching between the two programs Should be easy given how it is the same school/faculty. That being said I already said, I have no idea how the school operates I am just basing my opinion on how my dealings have been with changing programs/courses at my university.

Luckily for you however you have a month to figure this out.
I would call your university tomorrow or if you can go in person (may not be realistic). Explain the situation like you have here, and see if they will simply extend the length of your offer or make them guarantee you can accept the 1 and switch to the other if you need to. If they say "too bad, it is the army or us". Then I would go to your CFRC, again explaining the situation and how the University won't extend your offer. They should be able to give you some guidance there. 

Edit: Re read your post. It seems you have applied to multiple schools for 2+4 year programs. I would still call your number 1 choice and ask to extend your offer. If they will, great. If they won't then I would ask your 2nd and 3rd choices and see if they will. If they will, you can always call back your number 1 and be say "well University X will do this, are you sure you can't make and exception?" If they still won't then I would go to the CFRC and see what they advise.
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