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ROTP 2010-2011

gwones said:
I have to somehow decide by March 15th with a yes or no :(

Have you not decided whether you'll attend university? Isn't that cutting it a bit close?  ::)

Think of it as a backup plan, and consider eventualities.  You may get subsidized for RMC, or Civi U, or not.  Are you willing to go to Civi U? With or without subsidization?

Case a: You get offered RMC.  If you accepted the Civi U's offer and put down a deposit, you're out a deposit. That sucks, but you still will get a subsidized education, and pay, like us cool kids.  :camo:

Case b: You get offered Civi U.  If you accepted the Civi U.. etc. then all is cool, if not, you don't get to go to school.

One of the hard realities of life is that not all backup plans are free.  (here's my :2c: as a deposit)
Would you rather the Civi U's hadn't accepted you?

Barts said:
Have you not decided whether you'll attend university? Isn't that cutting it a bit close?  ::)

Think of it as a backup plan, and consider eventualities.  You may get subsidized for RMC, or Civi U, or not.  Are you willing to go to Civi U? With or without subsidization?

Case a: You get offered RMC.  If you accepted the Civi U's offer and put down a deposit, you're out a deposit. That sucks, but you still will get a subsidized education, and pay, like us cool kids.  :camo:

Case b: You get offered Civi U.  If you accepted the Civi U.. etc. then all is cool, if not, you don't get to go to school.

One of the hard realities of life is that not all backup plans are free.  (here's my :2c: as a deposit)
Would you rather the Civi U's hadn't accepted you?

Thank you for your comment. Yes, it's a little complicated :( For me here's what happened so far.

I have two offers from two different civilian universities, which I initially applied as a backup plan,

1) Civil Eng
2) Management

And below are the three occupations that I listed down for ROTP,

2) LOG O

And the offers I received go with the occupations in the same order. I'll have to enter a program which matches my potential CF occupation but that is unknown at this time and I don't think it's even possible for ROTP offers to go out before the 15th.

Of course, if I receive an offer for RMC, then I won't have to worry about all of the above. Just like you have mentioned :P

If I am not accepted to ROTP this year, I'm planning to re-apply for NCM positions as there are great career opportunities as well.
Just wanted to put in my 2 cents about what some one had previously stated regarding the selection boards sitting March 1st. I was told they wont be sitting down until mid-month, which seems to indicate to me that the absolute deadline for everything is March 1st, since as myself and another candidate learned last week, the deadline for medical stuff was Friday.

I sincerely hope everyone hears back soon, it is a lot of anxiety to experience over a period of time... but I think everyone should stop speculating -- put it in the back of your mind, and just wait. I'm not even going to expect to hear back until June to be on the safe side.

On that note, there are multiple selection boards depending on your trade -- they need to fill trades and won't close selection until they match what they need this year, or have decided that no candidates remaining are suitable. My close friend didn't hear until July that he had been picked.
gwones said:
I'll have to enter a program which matches my potential CF occupation but that is unknown at this time

Maybe I can help a bit. (although I'm starting to edge out of my lane here)

ARTY has no apparent specific degree requirement (other than having one)
LOG has a list of 'preferred' degrees, not 'required' ones
CONSTR ENGR requires the BEng or BSc in whatever applied sciences

Unless specifically stated, your degree doesn't have to be related to your trade.  Personally, I'm doing a BSc in Chemistry in order to be an ACSO.. ???

If you are put in a trade that is incompatible with your degree, the situation can be solved.  Talk to the CFRC, as they can get adjustments made (like switching which civi u you get posted to)  In the end, your trade and degree will end up compatible.  I don't know how offers are being done this year, but last year's intake just got trades in December, and the year before (mine) had to wait an entire year to find out their trade.  Knowing this, pick a degree/institution you want.  Trades may come later, and you'll be granted time to transfer programs if the need arises (not your fault if the CF decides to give you a random job a year down the road)

Accept a Civi U you'll go to.  I wish you luck on RMC acceptance, negating all of this "decision" nonsense  :P
I'm beginning to regret the order I placed my Civilian Universities for ROTP, are they flexible with the offers that they may provide. For example will they say any Civilian University for X program or will it be as put down exactly on the ROTP application and otherwise Fresh Out of Luck. I'm just really tied between the two Civy Universities I put down for ROTP and starting to favour the 3rd over the 2nd. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Good Luck to Everyone
Barts said:
If you are put in a trade that is incompatible with your degree, the situation can be solved.  Talk to the CFRC, as they can get adjustments made (like switching which civi u you get posted to)  In the end, your trade and degree will end up compatible.

What do you think would happen if I accepted Ryerson's offer for Management(which then automatically cancels the offer for Civil Engineering from Carleton) but later on I get the call and told that I am only suitable for CONST ENGR O and ARTY O for Civi ROTP?

Thanks again for your response.
Hey guys,

I just came back from the CFRC and I was told that the selection board now sits sometime during early April. A lot of bumps in the process but I'm sure it is delayed for a reason.

Good luck everyone!
gwones said:
Hey guys,

I just came back from the CFRC and I was told that the selection board now sits sometime during early April. A lot of bumps in the process but I'm sure it is delayed for a reason.

Good luck everyone!

Interesting, I wonder why they did that
Interesting, I wonder why they did that

From what I was told the date could, and often does, change daily until they finally do it.  :)

:piper: Heres to more waiting.  ::)

hi guys  just want to share my experience im new to this forum

I apllied in mid september and I pass my CFAT in mid october i got my interview about a month later and my medical about an other month later i'm now waiting for a response and hopping for the best

I first apply for pilot but my eyes were not good enough i was kind of sad because this is my dream since i'm young.... :(  but i decided to continue with my second and third choice wich is Infantry officer and armoured officer . :nod:

let's hop for the best and good luck to all the others who applied for RMC or civil U this year

gwones said:
What do you think would happen if I accepted Ryerson's offer for Management(which then automatically cancels the offer for Civil Engineering from Carleton) but later on I get the call and told that I am only suitable for CONST ENGR O and ARTY O for Civi ROTP?

Thanks again for your response.

I'm pretty sure in any case you'd still be eligible for ARTY, I haven't seen any stated degree requirements for that trade. [quote author=forces.ca]
Formal Qualifications. You must meet Canadian Forces medical standards, and successfully complete a selection process that includes interviews and a wide range of examinations. If you are not qualified for Direct Entry, you must be qualified for either the Regular Officer Training Plan or (if it is available) the Continuing Education Officer Training Plan.

Direct Entry applicants must hold a Bachelor's degree from an accredited Canadian university or equivalent, subject to verification.

If there's no stated requirement for DEO, then ROTP should be the same.

If you are offered/assigned CONSTR ENGR, you'll either have to switch to a compatible degree, or pick a different trade.
Hey guys,

I just came back from the CFRC and I was told that the selection board now sits sometime during early April. A lot of bumps in the process but I'm sure it is delayed for a reason.

Good luck everyone!

Does this mean they are still accepting applications?  I know they were suppose to be in by January 15th..Just wondering if the delay is due to lack of applications or what's going on. 
I doubt they are accepting applications still, but I too have wondered why the process would be post poned and have thought about a lack of applicants.  I am thinking if this were the case they would be trying to figure out how to fill all the openings at RMC; or maybe most of the applicants put Civy U as their top 3 choices and now they must fill the voids at RMC.  I don't know, but it is making me think and draw multiple conclussions that I know nothing about haha.  Everytime I think I am going to recieve a phone call I read someone on here saying the board has been moved, the last date my recruiter told me was 15 Febrauary. 

Again good luck to everyone, and cpt harvey welcome aboard the HMCS Waiting-for-the-call  :salute:
I called my CFRC today to get some additional information. They told me that Round one of selection has or will be shortly starting. I was wondering what she meant by round. It is basically the same same way they fill universities: Round one best applicants; Round two nest best if there is still room and so on. Im hoping none of us will have to wait much longer. If they really have started then this is great news.

Good luck to all
They told me that they still accept applications although those after Jan.15th have no guarantee of being reviewed by the board in time for this year.  The recruiter I talked to today also stated that the last he heard it was March.15th that the first round would start.  The delay could mean that this is the only round, however, there's still a chance for more depending on who accepts their RMC offers vs. civi universities.  It also means that more applicants could have reached this deadline for the review board, thus making the selection pool more difficult...of course that depends on the type of applications they are receiving.
Basically, it's just like any other university application...I'm sure people will start hearing their offers come April. 
I sincerely hope that they will still be sitting in March. This wait is eating me from the inside out. I have been training my ass even in the deepest snow to make sure I am up to snuff (it's also the only keeping my mind off of things). My grades have started slipping to :-\ I need to get my **** together. I too hope we don't have to wait much longer. I hope (unrealistically perhaps) that we all get in, and that we find out soon!

Good luck to all
I have already handed in my application  for ROTP with my fIrst choice as RMC, but i didnt do so well in aircrew selections and the acso test. So i changed my career choice to artillery and armoured, since pilot, acso and aerospace engineer are out. My grades are good through, i was just wodering what are the chances that i would still get into RMC or ROTP

320102 said:
I have already handed in my application  for ROTP with my fIrst choice as RMC, but i didnt do so well in aircrew selections and the acso test. So i changed my career choice to artillery and armoured, since pilot, acso and aerospace engineer are out. My grades are good through, i was just wodering what are the chances that i would still get into RMC or ROTP


Well, from your post, all that anyone can tell you is; your chances are better than anyone who has lower grades than you, seeing as how your "grades are good". You didn't give us enough information about your application, and even if you did, nobody would be able to tell you exactly what your chances are. I'm not sure about this, so take it with a grain of salt, but I don't think that your unwanted results from aircrew selection will affect your chances because you're applying for artillery. You just have to wait and see, and by the way, welcome to HMCS Waiting-for-the-call.  ;D
