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ROTP 2010-2011

Also, unless I'm grossly mistaken, doing poorly on the Air Crew Selection shouldn't affect your chances of being selected as an Aerospace Engineering Officer. No reason to drop it from your list if you'd still like to go air force.
thanks guys!

i guess i'm just in the same boat as all of you. The wait is nerve wracking.
Hey Guys,

I was told in mid Feb that the selection board sits on March 1st, but from reading the prior posts, it seems that none of us were told the same thing. I guess it's good to know that the date was moved! Hopefully we will all hear back positively in April!

Also I was wondering if there are any other AERE hopefuls in here!
Hey all,

I'm not sure if everyone knew about this already but IF you have applied to civilian universities AND received offers(officially by mail), make sure to bring it to the CFRC so they can make a copy of it in your file. I did not ask as to whether or not this is mandatory, but I was asked to bring it as soon as I have received it from the universities.

Update on my situation -- I spoke to the Captain who did my interview and is handling my file today. I had a medical issue, as some of you remember from earlier posts. I finally got it sorted out on the deadline day for medical information to be submitted. My file is sitting in Borden right now pending review to recieve a medically fit designation, and he cant provide me with information to phone the center which has to approve it (probably due to the sheer volume of files and people they have to deal with, giving out the contact info to everyone who asks would just slow the process) unlike many of you, I am praying that they delay round one longer, even into April, so that my file can make it in. As of right now, I am almost certain that after being told I was an extremely strong candidate for the program, suitable and competitive for all of my trades, and finally getting in to see a specialist which said my previous medical problem is something I no longer experience and have no need to see a doctor for it now, I am not going to make the cut due to time. I'm also half way done my degree and cannot reapply until I am able to go DEO.
everything had to be submitted before the first monday of march.... atleast thats what they told me

Do any of you aspiring officer candidates have any capabilities to read and follow instructions?

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines

Do any of you know how to use capital letters and punctuation?  Can any of you construct a properly structured sentence, followed after by a whole paragraph?

Your posts here really have me wondering what in the world you are really trying to do with your lives.  Senior NCOs have to have a better grasp of the English language, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, etc. than what you people have demonstrated.  It is pretty sad to think that the NCOs have better education standards than future officer candidates.

Its probably because most forums we visit do not have set grammar guidelines. As well most forums (at least the ones I visit) generally are more laid back. Thus as a result when we write on forums, we tend to be more lax with our grammar, punctuation etc etc. Its probably not that we don't have the capability to have decent grammar, punctuation etc. But rather we don't see an online forum to have the same formal context as say a formal e-mail or an essay. Which (at least for me) would mean a higher standard of grammar.
terminator50 said:
Its probably because most forums we visit do not have set grammar guidelines. As well most forums (at least the ones I visit) generally are more laid back. Thus as a result when we write on forums, we tend to be more lax with our grammar, punctuation etc etc. Its probably not that we don't have the capability to have decent grammar, punctuation etc. But rather we don't see an online forum to have the same formal context as say a formal e-mail or an essay. Which (at least for me) would mean a higher standard of grammar.

With all due respect, friends and fellow candidates:



The excuse about other forums doesn't work here. This website has distinguished itself throughout the years because of it's superior quality in terms of posts and general discourse between members.


because of our moderator's hard work in great part (if i'm not brown nosing too much).
So I think the mods are doing a bloody good job.
While it's true that being on the pointy end isn't always fun, (I've made the experiment), it's necessary for the site to remain the quality reference it is in all things green, brown and canadian.

/highjack. :P
George Wallace said:

Do any of you aspiring officer candidates have any capabilities to read and follow instructions?

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines

Do any of you know how to use capital letters and punctuation?  Can any of you construct a properly structured sentence, followed after by a whole paragraph?

Your posts here really have me wondering what in the world you are really trying to do with your lives.  Senior NCOs have to have a better grasp of the English language, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, etc. than what you people have demonstrated.  It is pretty sad to think that the NCOs have better education standards than future officer candidates.

You're not a big fan of Ocdt.s are you? (Not trying to be confrontational)
SocialyDistorted said:
You're not a big fan of Ocdt.s are you? (Not trying to be confrontational)

Do you have a point to make? If you read what Mr Wallace has said, he is trying to make you aware of what the CF will expect from you. Taking internet shortcuts may be ok at other sites, its not here. Check the Guidelines (as you should have upon joining) and you will see that this is not something we as Staff, decided to surprise everyone with overnight.
I am not really a fan of people posting in a manner where I have to read their post several times before I can make any semblance of sense out of it.  Good communication skills are very necessary in the CF, and we have discussed the ramifications of the lack of these skills in several topics already.  Poor communication skills can lead to your colleagues getting killed in this job.  So, start improving you skills now.  It is also mentioned in  the Site Guidelines as to what we expect of your writing/posting skills on this site, and the examples of posts lacking such skills only tell us that the person posting DID NOT read those guidelines when they registered.  Could we consider that a character flaw?  Perhaps.  I do.

What do you think?
Hi All,

I was told that my file was Merit Listed today as my medical paperwork was not completed for the March 1 selection cut off date.  I was also told that there will be a second round of selections in April.

So, this must mean that there was/will be a selection board meeting this month for all of those wondering. If you are unsure whether you met the cut of dates for this round or not, I recommend you do what I did and contact the Captain ( in my case) who did your interview. 

Does any one know what it means to be placed on the Merit List? I really hope this doesn't mean that my chances for being accepted into the ROTP are deminished. But don't spare me! It's better to know now, so I can begin adjusting my plans for Septemeber.

Thanks for your assitance in advance!
Merit list means you've just been given a rank in the list of all the applicants. So basically during selections they'll take the the highest ranking people on the merit list and go down.
I spoke to my interviewer today, he had good AND bad news for me.  I had appealed a medical decision and within days (after the Captain heard from the medical staff at the recruiting centre there was little hope in hell) I was deemed medically FIT!  I can't tell you the feeling of elation!  But the bad news was not in time for ROTP, and no mention of a late selection for me. 

I am not letting this get me down.  As much as an uninterrupted 4 years for school would have been nice, I still plan to get my degree while pursuing an NCM trade.  I am going to talk to the Captain tomorrow for some options.  I have something in mind that I'm hoping will work in my favour. 

Anyway, good luck to you all! ;D
TFLY -- I'm sorry to hear about that. Best of luck to you -- I am also exploring NCM and reserve options at this point, as it seems like I will be receiving similar news as you shortly. I'm going to my local CFRC tomorrow to speak with my file handler and see what news he has for me. I will likely opt for the Reserve option, since I am so near to completing my degree that after this round of ROTP selections, I will become ineligible for the program.
MURCH - Don't give up quite yet,you just never know. Your file may have made the elusive pile.  :) 

But if not, I think Reserves is a great option for you too.  Could you then go into Reg. Force via direct entry as Officer? 

Best of Luck to you as well!! ;D
Hello Everyone! Today I got some great unofficial news from the RMC coach who recruited me.
Article 1: The selection board has sat down and ROTP applicants should be receiving calls from next week until some time in April (round one I'm assuming).
Article 2: From what he has been told I should be accepted to RMC for Engineering. This is unofficial so nothing is confirmed. However, he was already making plans as to how I would fit onto the team, so I can't help but be optimistic.  I'll tell you one thing though, my phone is going to be glued to my hand until they call.

Good luck to you all! :salute: And if I get it, I'll see you at the parade square.

Jourdan said:
Hello Everyone! Today I got some great unofficial news from the RMC coach who recruited me.
Article 1: The selection board has sat down and ROTP applicants should be receiving calls from next week until some time in April (round one I'm assuming).
Article 2: From what he has been told I should be accepted to RMC for Engineering. This is unofficial so nothing is confirmed. However, he was already making plans as to how  :salute:I would fit onto the team, so I can't help but be optimistic.  I'll tell you one thing though, my phone is going to be glued to my hand until they call.

Good luck to you all! :salute: And if I get it, I'll see you at the parade square.

That sounds fantastic, I'm looking forward to the call!