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Reservists in AFG (merged)

KevinB said:
TF 1/06   ;D

Apparently currently it only the ETT pers (who are now have a different name).

It looks like the name we are giving to non OP Athena CF presence in Afghan (I.E. US attached...)

Its the Canadian part of Op Enduring Freedom. As the mission is completely different, the role the Cdn ETT's play needs a different set of ROEs and operational rules then what ISAF has, because the US in Afghanistan does not play under ISAF rules.

Op Archer is getting the South West Asia medal  instead (same as OP Apollo) of the "campaign" star medal troops supporting ISAF will get.

As to keep it on this thread, it is possible that a reserve Snr NCO could get a support position on that operation, but not likely.
I think the confusion lies in the fact that 41 CBG (Loyal Eddies parent formation) was tasked to provide a D&S Platoon, PsyOps Detachment and CIMIC Detachment for TF 1-06.  The platoon will come together this summer and work at LFWA TC, progress to the BTE, and then proceed with TMST with 1 PPCLI with a view to deploy in February to Kandahar under Op ENDURING FREEDOM.  If there isn't scope for a dismounted D&S Platoon on the deployment they will probable remain in Edmonton with a 1 CMBG unit until the end of their contracts. The Army seems to be moving in the right direction in terms of "guaranteeing" employment for those who give up their civvy jobs to deploy overseas.
I don't think it's unit's but individual augmentation in the form of liason staff and what not.  pbi IIRC was doing exactly that just recently.
Precisely.  All the staff (CFC-A, CJTF-76, etc.) are augmentee officers.  The ETT was sourced (for Roto 2 anyway) from LFWA - with a lot of 3 PPCLI guys in the mix.

I was under the impression that major Canadian participation in that mission was over, and our main contribution in Afghan was to ISAF.

It is, for now - although this will/may change in the near future.  Canada plays both OEF and ISAF.  OEF (OP ARCHER) controls the "coalition" staff and the ETTs.  OP ATHENA is currently our major commitment and it is the ISAF mission.


Op ARCHER is separate from TF 1-06. The latter is still expected to be "go" for early '06, for an as-yet undetermined mission. ARCHER is another task that [parts of which haven't] been signed off by gov't [yet], so I'm not sure more [should be said] about it 'till it's made public.

[edited for clairity - in brackets]
If the government falls I wonder how much it could affect/delay the planned deployment to Kandahar...
Acorn - We got told 1VP TF1/06 was going to be Op Archer deployed.

Mind you we also got told several other things in the past...

We have heard rumors ect. regarding roto 6 and Kandahar from Pet. ( rumors only so far )
We have heard rumors ect. regarding roto 6 and Kandahar from Pet. ( rumors only so far )

I suspect that is all they are...rumours (roto 6?)  LFCA has Roto 3 and 4 for Op ATHENA (ie ISAF).

Are the 18 R031's per Coy for next year's deployment confirmed, or just speculation? I just put my component transfer in, and with my luck, a regF spot will come up for me just before I get a shot at a tour...and I will end up in a battalion not deploying for 10 yrs  :-\

I'm assuming that if the mo is allocated 18 spots per company, they will be from LFWA...and they better damn well be from 39 bde!!
Dude - nothing is confirmed until you get off the tarmac  ;) 

  I simply related what SgtMaj Leger explained to A Coy 1VP

KevinB said:
Dude - nothing is confirmed until you get off the tarmac   ;)  
there speaks the Voice of Truth!
Cannon Fodder, I can't tell from your profile, well, anything about you, actually. So, if you're that dead-set on going to Afghanistan (or any tour) why not just go Reg Force? ;)
KevinB said:
Dude - nothing is confirmed until you get off the tarmac   ;)  

  I simply related what SgtMaj Leger explained to A Coy 1VP
So very very true Kev.  right now we have change 106 (give or take a few).  As it stands now the reserves that we will take won't be going into the Companies, but filling out spots in the ORBAT where their courses and skills fit.  I don't think it a whooly realistic goal and I still expect to see some reservists within the Companies come work-up time, but that's only my opinion so who knows!
Well, rumour or not...When my CO was here in Kabul for a visit a couple weeks back, he asked if I were interested to come back on roto 6. It is projected to be a 1 RCR battlegroup with ISAF brigade HQ as per what 3 RCR did here on roto 0.

And seeing how CO's are not cleared rumour, that must be the way it is at this time.

I do know roto 4 is from Petawawa.

Wait and see, it'll all come out in the wash...Esp seeing how 1 CMBG seems to be gettting a breather for a yr.

Trust me 1 bde is not getting a break 3VP and 1VP are going visiting.

2 CMBG seems to have ISAF while 1 is doing "more active" roles to make use of our excellent tallents  ;)

I can only guess that 5 is in rehab or something  ;D  - actually I figure them for some African exposure (if it ever comes)
KevinB said:
Dude - nothing is confirmed until you get off the tarmac   ;)  


That is very true...I was supposed to go on glorious roto 15 last fall, got my bundle of paperwork, did an interview with the OC and everything. 6 of us were selected to go on workup. Well, June rolled around, and I started to get a little nervous. Middle of July, and I was pretty close to panic. I had told my boss and family(and of course, as many pretty girls as I could find) that I was going...it was quite a shock to go into the Ops office and get blank stares when I inquired about it.

"Roto 15? What the hell is that? Nobody from this unit is going on Roto 15. What are you talking about?"  :o
Just seaking a little clarification. I have heard/been told that the D & S platoon being formed with 031 reservists from 41 Bgd i.e. LER and CALG HIGHR will be deploying to Camp Mirage in early feb providing work training is passed. I have also heard/been told that in the past sections from the D&S platoon have rotated in and out of afghan as needed.

More importantly I have been told that as the platoon would be based out of Camp Mirage we would receive no danger pay (aside from when/if you go in to afghan for any length of time), and also would not receive a tax break?

Can anyone confirm this particularily the part re: the tax break

Thanks guys

Edited to remove location.
Sorry Dude - Tax Break is only for high risk areas - the Beach in XXXXX is not exactly High Risk...

I cant remember what I heard the R031's said they where making in Mirage - but we where so understrength a few of them got their GCS from the time they spent as opposed to the GSM at Mirage...

Mirage is at the lowest risk rating; it doesn't qualify for the tax break - and shouldn't IMHO.

The money you actually make depends on previous tours, etc..

The rates are posted here:


For a no-tour "rookie", you'd be looking at about $1050 - 1100 in allowances, plus your 15% Class C.  The allowances aren't taxable, but the pay is...

A couple of other points:  talk of deployments into Afghanistan past Roto 4 are just speculation now - until something is announced, it isn't true!

Second, Mirage's location remains "close hold".  No mention should be made of the host nation.

