Has anyone used the online Reserve Force Buyback Calculator (RFBC)? http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/rfpp/Tools_e.asp
It is very, very slow. Questioned why. Answer: They only have a limited number of licences!!! Funny, when the Press Release stated the new pension would be open to 20,000 Reservists. It took me almost 5 minutes to enter/save each data entry (year/total pay/days of CF service). Some surprises, well not really. I have always ranted about the wage index. Here are some updated earnings examples (your total pay with the wage index added) from the RFBC: my updated earnings for 1986 are 2.6 times what I actually made, and $13,400 more than I would make if I was in that rank today;
my updated earnings for 1990 are 2.0 times what I actually made, and $11,600 more than I would make if I was in that rank today and; my updated earnings for 1997 are 1.7 times what I actually made, and just over the base pay for next rank today. It is worse, for example: 1975, 6 times, 1980, 4.1 times, etc what I was paid (did not check against current pay rate). Add the increased contribution rate on the updated earnings, plus 7% compound interest = unaffordable. Even if I paid 50% of the buyback, and made monthly backpayments over the maximum 240 months, add another $45,000 to the buy back in the form of life insurance on the outstanding buy back amount.
Now that I have info from the Official RFBC to prove we are being ripped off, I can proceed with my complaint outside the chain of command. Anyone put in a Redress of grievance yet?
P.S For us old people who have been in too long, adding the Wage Index to what you actually made since 1972 , puts us over the YMPE for each year, thus increasing the contribution rate for any pay over the YMPE for thoes years. Back around the 70's, the YMPE was low.