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Reserve Co-op enrollment 2014-2017

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I have a question...

There is a few other people in my school applying for this, plus many more from other schools. The people I know who are applying only want to do it for the money.  I want a career in the military and I figure this is the best place to start.  Should the recruiter be able to see right through them during the interview, and will I have an advantage over others because I want to make it a career?  The competition is going to be tough, and I'm hoping this will give me some sort of boost...

Hey guys, I just wanted to clarify a few things about Army Reserve Co-Op (High School). This is if you were to join a Combat Ready Infantry Unit (Lorne Scots).

1) When would you go?
2) Will it interfere with your summer of that year?
3) Would you get payed? Because that's the difference between a job and an apprenticeshop program.
4) What would you exactly be doing everday?
dasg said:
:threat: :salute: :cdn: :                      
                      so if i join the military co op it is basically me joining the army and i get all the same stuff as i would in the army????? so i like i get payed? like who has done it is it worth joining? Do you yhave to do the 10 weeks of basic training????? ????

                                                PM ME :warstory: :army: :threat: :dontpanic:

yes it is you joining the army. what is it with some of you people?

"i get all the same stuff as i would in the army?" - you're joining because you want the "stuff" you get??

"like who has done it is it worth joining?" - its not about how its "worth" joining, its about serving your country.

"do you have to do the 10 weeks of basic training?" - i seem to notice the "sad question marked smileys"... first of all, 10 week basic training is regular force. secondly, what did you expect? to join, not having to do basic training, and SUDDENLY be a trained soldier without completing all the gruelling training most of us on this site have completed? and lastly, if you are not willing to do your basic training (judging by those sad faced smileys) you shouldn't even think about being in the army.

...its frightening to think that these are the type of people who consider defending our country. well, if its (apparently) "worth it", of course.
I Apiled to do the Army / Cadet co op here in Guelph ( haven't heard back yet )

however from what my friends that have done it tell me is it is like 4 years of cadets rolled into 1 semester
you learn basic stuff , compass, shooting , baisic military stuff .. and at the end of the semester after I think 3 drug tests there is like a completion thingy where the Commanding officer swears you into the military with you hand on the bible saying you will protect the queen and this land and stuff then they get your measure ments and stuff and your a member of the army or atleast the reservers

The swear in thingy is quite baisc I sat in on one and it was quite intresting you just repeat what the CO says and try not to look like a doof ...

you should try to get more info on the course and go for a tour of the armmory and ask all the questions you can before hand

p.s. ( what are you going for Infantry ?)
I am going for Artillery  :)
Polish Possy said:
I Apiled to do the Army / Cadet co op here in Guelph ( haven't heard back yet )

however from what my friends that have done it tell me is it is like 4 years of cadets rolled into 1 semester
you learn basic stuff , compass, shooting , baisic military stuff .. and at the end of the semester after I think 3 drug tests there is like a completion thingy where the Commanding officer swears you into the military with you hand on the bible saying you will protect the queen and this land and stuff then they get your measure ments and stuff and your a member of the army or atleast the reservers

The swear in thingy is quite baisc I sat in on one and it was quite intresting you just repeat what the CO says and try not to look like a doof ...

you should try to get more info on the course and go for a tour of the armmory and ask all the questions you can before hand

p.s. ( what are you going for Infantry ?)
I am going for Artillery  :)

Your friends are off. The cadet statement, im not going to even touch. You swear in BEFORE you begin any training as it is the first step to serving in the CF. Its BMQ (Basic military Qualification)...think about the name, its pretty self explanatory. 3 drug tests? theres ONE piss test at CFRC when initially joining, thats it. Dont spout out hear-say.
If I am mistaken I am sorry

however like I said from what I was told it was a like being in cadets but at the end they ask you if you want to join up as I also said I remember the swearing into at the end of the semester then you join the military to a degree of a sort then in the summer you do you BMQ at Petawawa or something among those lines , I was gunna join the reserves this summer but after talking to a recuiter and thinking that waiting for the co-op would be more beneficial to me and my high school completion. taking the course at the start of the year is better so you learn all the proper stuff like marching and stuff I also know you have to do the CFAT , also you ( atleast my skool) requires you to do a project about the co-op and talk about it to other students.


CFAT information

for the CFAT i was told the Artillery soldiers need a 80% or higher
( I was told that by one of the soldiers at the armoury)

Sorry to offend you Shortbus but I was trying to help

also in my course book for high school the course is called  "the army cadet co-op"
No offence was taken. theres a difference between Army cadets and the Army Reserves mind you. 2 Seperate bags....

I actually misread your initial post, and thought you were speaking of the Militia coop. my bad
I did co-op last year during grade 11 it was 3 1/2 hours a day 4 days a week and we had 4 weekends in meaford and it was so much fun we started in feb and finished BMQ in June then went to meaford all summer for SQ=soldier qualifications and your moc course its decent pay especailly in the summer and you'll have a blast you'll never do anything like it message me if you want more info
When I talked to my co-op teacher Friday, on the list of programs, it is actually called Military Cadet or something like that. But it isn't "Cadets". It's a reserve unit in Georgetown. Hope that helps some-what...
dasg said:
:threat: :salute: :cdn: :                     
                      so if i join the military co op it is basically me joining the army and i get all the same stuff as i would in the army????? so i like i get payed? like who has done it is it worth joining? Do you yhave to do the 10 weeks of basic training????? ????

                                                PM ME :warstory: :army: :threat: :dontpanic:

:P :P >:D lolz yah man u liek totally get a C9 dat u can cary to class wit and show all ur friends and maybe shoot a cat or 2 and basic training is lame :(:(:(  :skull: :cdn: :salute:

I instead submit this proposal to you, Dasg, and it may sound pretty crazy:

How about ... you have to do the training that is required of you ... and if that makes you unhappy - then don't join. If you get sad over 10 weeks of basic training, I don't think you're cut out for .... any job in the military. And if you had your eye set on anything combat arms (as most of your types usually do...sniper, jtf2, something outlandish like that) then you're truly up the creek because basic training to those guys was a happy walk through a flower filled park.

You best sort yourself out (attitude and mentally) and dare I say grow the hell up before you go into such a program
Steve said:
:P :P >:D lolz yah man u liek totally get a C9 dat u can cary to class wit and show all ur friends and maybe shoot a cat or 2 and basic training is lame :(:(:(   :skull: :cdn: :salute:

I instead submit this proposal to you, Dasg, and it may sound pretty crazy:

How about ... you have to do the training that is required of you ... and if that makes you unhappy - then don't join. If you get sad over 10 weeks of basic training, I don't think you're cut out for .... any job in the military. And if you had your eye set on anything combat arms (as most of your types usually do...sniper, jtf2, something outlandish like that) then you're truly up the creek because basic training to those guys was a happy walk through a flower filled park.

You best sort yourself out (attitude and mentally) and dare I say grow the heck up before you go into such a program

beautifully said.
Now only if it was checked for spelling then it would have been Beautifully said .....
Tell me you didn't miss the subtlety of the first part of my last post.. Cause I didn't think it was subtle.
I'm currently teaching co-op, and have one of my students placed with a militia unit.  Not all units run the same training, and not all units even run the militia co-op program, but it's definitely a great opportunity if it's available to you. 

I can tell you all about what my student is doing, but your best bet is to speak to a co-op teacher or guidance counsellor at your specific school for more info.  The basic eligibility requirements for the CF still apply (16 with parent's permission, grade 10 completed, medically and physically fit, of good moral character, etc.).

Yes, you get paid.  Yes, you get all the 'stuff'.  Yes, you become a member of the Army, and are treated as such.  If you're only in it to get out of school for a few months and to 'shoot some guns', you're in for a world of hurt.
logos said:
  :cdn:Hello, i am new but i would like to join the armed forces. i am 18 years old and have participated in an air cadet program for some time now. would it be possible to get a registration form? are there any requirements to be able to join the army? if so, i would like some information on the programs and training process. you can email me at beveridge_t@hotmail.com. thanks.  :salute:
Which is more rewarding out of the two? I have done a search and cannot seem to find any answers
Right now I am in grade 11 and I applied for Reserve co-op for next year.  I decided to drop it and join the Reserves right now instead.  This way I get to:

A) Go to training over the summer as opposed to next January. Seven more months of Army experience.
B) Choose which regiment I want to join (Queen's Own Rifles) 

It would have been nice to do military training for a semester instead of school, but I'm glad I'm joining this way.  By the time I would have started with co-op I'll be done BMQ and SQ, be parading with my unit, and waiting for BIQ next summer.  Choose whichever one best suits your needs.
If you've just applied, you're cutting it very close to make summer training.
BDTyre said:
If you've just applied, you're cutting it very close to make summer training.

I applied at the beginning of april and did all my tests in april/early may.  I've been loaded onto the summer course.
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