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Reserve Co-op enrollment 2014-2017

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hmm.. interesting... I am Hamilton and i am guessing that means that i have to apply before dec 31 too for the coop for grade 11 (im grade 10) ??? :salute: :cdn:
AspiringL.I. said:
hmm.. interesting... I am Hamilton and i am guessing that means that i have to apply before dec 31 too for the coop for grade 11 (im grade 10) ??? :salute: :cdn:

You may find thing different at which ever unit you go too. You would be part of 31 CBG and they may have different timings
I'm thinking of joining the reserves myself. Would it take time out of school if you didn't follow the Co-Op program? Or is the only way for a high school student to join the reserves is to go through Co-Op? I also was wondering how the basic training schedual would work if you are in school?

egs, I may not be the most experienced at answering but from what I have seen in other posts there are weekend courses that highschool students can take. I am not 100% though on that so just get someone to verify it but I think talking to the recruiter will help alot!!  hapy trials! :salute: :cdn:
egs said:
I'm thinking of joining the reserves myself. Would it take time out of school if you didn't follow the Co-Op program? Or is the only way for a high school student to join the reserves is to go through Co-Op? I also was wondering how the basic training schedual would work if you are in school?

Not all BMQs are Coops - some run on weekends, some run on a combination of weekends and parade nights, and some run as as a single block during the summer training period. A lot will depend on the unit itself. While here in Thunder Bay our largest intake has been Coop students, if we had enough individuals who required a weekend BMQ we would certainly run one. If we don't get a minimum course load of recruits,  then we would load candidates on a summer serial.

For a weekend BMQ, the schedule we have used is every second weekend, all weekend - but that can vary from unit to unit as well. Your best bet is to talk directly to unit recruiters to find out what they will be offering.
The High School COOP is strictly weekdays -- Mon through Fri. At the Argylls, you normally do a half0day (morning) of military training, and a half-day (afternoons) of school work. The COOP course counts as BMQ and SQ qualification. The best thing about it is you are paid for all of yoru military work.

Also, our COOP normally runs from Feb through June of each year. In order to apply, you will need to go through your high school guidance counsellor. Please note that you will still do all of the normal processing at the CFRC.

The COOP program in Hamilton is highly competitive, with more than 250 pers applying for 50 or so spots. Some of you will not get on the course. However, there are alternatives, such as taking the weekend BMQ course during the school year.

And, it is best to start your application as early as possible for the upcoming year. For example, we had people start their application last June for this coming Feb course. If you leave it any later than Sept, you will likely be sh!t outta luck.

Call the Argylls as 905.541.ARMY for more info on their COOP course.
an obvious question would be, How much is pay during the argylls COOP?  also I will be seeing you on wednesday to get those papers!!!
It is my understanding that in normal basic training you do not go home at nights, the training is continuous. I am taking a CO-OP for school in the 56 Field Regiment, the training is in 3 and 4 period (lunch to 3:30). I am wondering if the training will be easier because it is only a couple hours a day, or am I wrong. How does this work? ??? I would a lso like to know (I havent seen any of these topics on this forum) how much of basic training is "outdoor"   :warstory: stuff and how much is theory :-[ stuff. I believe the training starts in St. Catherines in January. Thanks.   :cdn:
For your basic, most of it will be inclass stuff, alot of theory. In the summer you will go to your SQ, all weapons and army crap, lots of fun. Harder, depends on how you look at it, shouldn't be too hard on the CO-OP because there is only half days inbetween what you are learning, not as bad as the weekend ones, that is like 2 days of instruction, then 2 weeks inbetween. From what i have heard, they are a pretty good go.
Hey i been there too. I was really nervous but when u get into it it is the best thing you have did. It is  a little hard but its how you make it. If you stay right on top of things you will do great. GEt good marks on the tests you will be great. Remember Be all you can be :cdn:

I found it great and challenging in some areas. I did really good for  agirl!!!! :threat:
beyondsblue said:
Do you have to be a Canadian Citizen to apply for the co-op program?
You have to be a Canadian citizen to join any part of the Armed Forces, including the Reserves.
Oh God... I never thought the day would come when I would be dating myself here.... but off i go.....

Back in 99.....

I did the QL2 Co-op in hamilton run by the RHLI at the time there were two type. Full day and half day. Full day was very similar to being on a full time Summer QL2 (similar, not the same) we had morning inspection at 0800-0820, then we would have school classes in on of the classrooms up above the parade square untill noon. from noon to 1300 we had lunch, and then from 1300-1600 we had military training. 1500-1600 was PT usually running. LOTS of running.. the advantages of co-op was that i could go home at night and see my family and eat real food. plus it was nice to not have bedside inspection every morning... but the staff made sure to make up for that with our personal inspections etc... another one was that mon-fri we were doing PT. and we did alot more drill and general service knowlage then a weekend course. we also had a 5 day range ex, and a 10 day FTX in tropical meaford. (where it only rained most of the time)

if you have a half day course you will most likely be doing your FTX's on the weekend with the weekend BMQ's...

If anyone has more recent knowledge of how the co-op BMQ's work nowadays im sure Gorf would appreciate it.

anywho, your best bet is for the first little while to keep youre mind open and your mouth shut!  :) maintain a positive attitude, always be willing to help buddy, and as much as you hate to do it. Always volunteer for a task. remember, the job is going to get done, either you volunteer, or youre voluntold!  Also be wary of questions like "who likes Ice Cream?"etc..... trust me.. you'll find out why! lol!

Good Luck. Hopefully you will find it Challenging and Rewarding. Just remember to stick to it and give 100%!

You want to hear dating?
Any one out there remember S.S.T.P.?
AspiringL.I. said:
an obvious question would be, How much is pay during the argylls COOP?   also I will be seeing you on wednesday to get those papers!!!

I'm guessing pay is the same as anywhere. If you work for 6 hrs or more, you get full day, 71-ish bucks. Half day (less the 6 hrs) is around 35.
beyondsblue said:
But it is just co-op...

Co-op or no co-op, you still become a serving member of the Canadian Forces, which requires citizenship. I guess you'll get an early intro to the whole "hurry up and wait" deal...

Good luck.
I read that Non Coms can be Landed Imagrents, is this True?

Also, when i talked to the Recruter for the Hasting and Prince Edward Regiment, i was told i would do it through the summer (if i pass all the tests), July and August, what training would this cover?

Thonato, most likely you'll cover your BMQ and possibly SQ during the summer.
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