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Reserve Co-op enrollment 2014-2017

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:cdn: :army:
                                  Hi, im a grade ten student currently attending Paul dwyer catholic high school and i just wanted to know a few things about the co op program. Where is the nearest placement to oshawa? How much do you get payed? Is it fun? What do you do? and please suply me with much more information to thankyou P.S. DO YOU GET A UNIFORM????????

                                                              A. LEECH
Try checking out the recruiting FAQs here:


They have lots of information regarding serving in the army reserves and BMQ.

If you can't find what you're looking for there please ask away..
dasg, if you do coop, you've joined the Army. Simple and sweet... its not the "high school Army" or Cadets, its the Army. Speak to your co-op coordinator at you're school, they'll get you started.
I wanted to do co-op 2 years ago, when I was in grade 10. But when I went to my counselor, she told me that the army co-op requires a lot of money, and unfortunately the army didn't have any - So I wasn't able to go to co-op because it was no longer on the list. Btw, I live in the GTA, and go to Georges Vanier S.S. So just make sure you talk to your counselor before making and further plans. Good luck.
Go to the RS. McLaughlin Armoury at 53 Simcoe St. in downtown Oshawa (theres a tank outfront). The regiment there is the Ontario Regiment, the recruiting office is open until 1600hrs Mon-Fri.

They will be able to provide you with as much information as you want.

If you'd like more information, you can PM me.
:threat: :salute: :cdn: :                     
                      so if i join the military co op it is basically me joining the army and i get all the same stuff as i would in the army????? so i like i get payed? like who has done it is it worth joining? Do you yhave to do the 10 weeks of basic training????? ????

                                                PM ME :warstory: :army: :threat: :dontpanic:
Hi im still in highschool and i just heared that the Reserve in Ontario is testing a program where students can join the reserve, get paid and all that stuff, and use it as co-op or something like that. does anyone know what is going on?
There are a lot of theads about the co-op program on this site. Try searching
This might help:
StormTrooper said:
There are a lot of theads about the co-op program on this site. Try searching
This might help:

How is the pay table going to help him? :P ;D
Try this one:


or run a search on " co-op ".

I live in Fort McMurray, AB and I'm almost 500km away from CFB Edmonton. There isnt any program that would allow me to still be a reservist, and still live in my town is there? It wouldn't be for long, only until I move to Nanaimo, BC, and join the Scottish Regiment reserves. I am in high-school now, but I would imagine any existing program, wouldn't allow for that.
My course starts on Feb 22 but I have been going every thursday to the parades to get a head start along with some of the other co-op students. So far We have been learning a lot just by talking with people there. The people there have been really helpful...learned some tips on how to clean the C7, section attacks, etc.

I'm kind of nervous about the course but I guess I will just do as Cpl Thompson says, which I have been doing......it's worked so far!!!  ;D
Spr.Earl said:
You want to hear dating?
Any one out there remember S.S.T.P.?

Man if you remember that you must have been punching meal tickets at the Last Supper,   where I probably stood in line with you.   Wasn't it also called S.S.E.P.?    And say, did we ever defeat those persistent Fantasians or are they still posing a threat to our freedom? :salute:
I live in Ajax, Ontario.  Are there any places around where I live (Pickering, Oshawa, Whitby) where I can do  Army Reserve Coop?  Does the Oshawa Armoury do this kind of thing?  I have to apply soon if I'm going to do it.  Thanks.
Well I was hoping to go away to BMQ this summer, but I've recently been faced with the decision of applying for the Co-op BMQ for my grade 12 year as well. I've been anxious lately enough as it is, if I wait until co-op that's another year of waiting, and training. But the co-op offers me school credits, plus I was told by the guidance counsellor that last year the recruits were paid $3300 for the semester alone... As of now I'm 16, but will be 17 before this summer, I have 20 credits to this date, and have been an honours student all throughout high school, and am athletic.

Any suggestions? I'm honestly stumped right now.

I was in your position last year, I am 17 and joined up this past summer, did Reserve BMQ and SQ, and made about $3500 from the end of June until early September when my contract ended. When i asked my guidance counsellor whether Co-op was better, because you get the bonus of school credits, he said Universities dont accept them...so i decided to do it in the summer, and it was truly rewarding, IMO. The fact that Universities dont accept Co-op credits with the CF (according to my guidance counsellor), as well as i had to go to Hamilton every day (40 minutes away), aided my decision in applying for the summer courses. IMO i liked the fact that i did my training all at once, and got leave at least every other weekend to go home or into town to relax, so it wasnt too bad in that sense, but i dont know much about Co-op so i cant vouche for that.

Hope I helped a bit!
Oh yea I heard something about that, with the credits not being accepted by Universities. That could pose as a problem towards my future plans.

So with the summer course, you get to go home once in a while? Hamiltion is about an hour away from me, but I think I plan to apply for an infantry unit there. I'm not as interested in artillery which is located a town away from me.
I did mine at the Oshawa Armouries with the OntR's. 0800 to 1600. Jan to may. You can go to Ajax High School, go to guidance, they have all the information. Or, call the armouries up. They will have more of the info your looking for. After my co-op was done, so was my reserve career. Lasted all of 4 months. If you do go to Oshawa, a guy there called Mcpl Vangough, and a Sgt. Hedges....you see, Hedges is a mouth Breather, and Vangough, well.....he was born and bread Canadian, but when giving drill, nobody could ever figure out why he gave drill with an English Accent. I guess he wanted to sound cool or something. Good luck if you do it.
Thanks a lot.  I'm going to talk to guidance about it tomorrow.
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