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research for a new series

" HOWEVER, you DO have a fellow non-military female on your side, so with her AND the CBC to guide you it should be excellent. Thanks."

Gotta love sarcasm, you're good at it i will admit. I love how you think that just because I am female and non military I don't have a clue. I was merely suggesting ways in which she could find out more information. I am a journalism student and   I do research on a daily basis. I thought maybe i could offer up some of the things i am learning to help a person out. I think the show needs a heck of a lot more research before it should even be pitched to anyone. I don't like how you use my gender in your statement either. So what, I am female. I would love to hear why you included that. Yeah you have lots of experience in your field and you would be great as someone to consult on a project like this. So why don't you direct your energy away from attacking people and instead try and help. If military personnelwant the public to know and understand things about them then they need to take the steps to educate them.
I think that it could be good.  How does one learn but by asking.  I would suggest that you might want to look at similar series that BBC put out on different segments of Military and Marines training.  Good for you Woman, don't let the lads get you down!
The day a recruit sees a CWO, is the day he / she is doing the hatless dance (not hatless anymore, charge parade), or when the Base RSM is asking him / her how the food it etc. Almost always joined at the hip with the Base Commander, you'd have to make another of your main characters a LCol or higher. The civillan secretary, would usually be working for the CSM or RSM and the recruits would NEVER have anything to do with her. The thing is, I think you're trying to use the 'shiny' or glamourous (are they really?) ranks. Recruit candidates don't generally interact with anyone but each other and their instructors. They seldom ever interact with the platoon WO exept to receive general instructions and general points. The Sgts and MCpls are the ones dealing day to day with the candidates.

The Padre doesnt often enter the fray either, except like mentioned above on Sundays or when there is a social worker type problem, family issues or spiritual councelling requested by the troops....Often they will request this because it will alleviate pressure being put on them if they've screwed up and are going to be charged........eg. "I had a negligent discharge (not something that happens when he's sleeping) and I don't wanna get charged, so I'm gonna go see the Padre".........Thats not really a fair statement, but hey, I've seen it.

I'd suggest that if you want to follow a few recruits through a tour at basic, then you may want to focus on a Platoon level cast.

There will be a Course Officer, a 2Lt, Lt or a Captain whose title would be the OC or, Officer Commanding. You'll then have a Platoon Warrant, or WO. The instructors will usually be either Sgt's or MCpls. There will be Quartermaster, or CQ to get supplies and kit for the troops etc, but they'd be a supporting cast member, but usually a Sgt, so they can sign for serialised kit etc.

You're going to run into credibility and accuracy issues if you try and follow recruits and have them interacting with senior officers, civvies and senior nco's.

You'll even run into this problem if you follow officer candidates through as well, because they're instructed their hard trades more often than not, by the WO's, Sgt's and MCpls that they will one day be leading. Maybe you wanna follow 4 Officer Cadets through their training or something, and build the cast around the 4 of them and how they get along, making the training staff and whatnot, the background or supporting characters.

I'm no writer or novelist, or screenplay genius, but I have tech advised on some rather large productions which have  and still do ALOT of research put into their shows. Right down to the smallest uniform accoutrements.

You can drop me an email if you wanna pick my brain, or take this for what you think it's worth. Good luck, but please, whatever you do, please do your best to avoid controversy and the CF......You'd be better off making a cool show based on fictional exploits of the JTF.

Exactly; I doubt there are many parachute instructors out there with the ability to write good drama for television.  From each according to his gifts....

I think the challenge here to the serving soldiers is to put up or shut up.  Its easy to bitch about how Canadian TV sucks.  Lord knows the whining about PEACEKEEPER was loud and long here.  Well, here's a chance to help out.

I loaned uniforms to the HEROES OF THE VICTORIA CROSS television show put out by Partners in Motion, and my friend played Smokey Smith in that one.  Wasn't a perfect show, and a lot of what we suggested was ignored - or just plain done wrong.  But the effort was made, at least.  I regret I wasn't about to go out to Dundurn for the filming, perhaps some of the minor bits would have been caught - however, overall, the show was a fitting tribute to Canadian VC winners.  Nothing done in the medium of TV or film will ever be "perfect", but I can tell you all that taking a combative attitude towards that are trying to show an interest in the military will simply ensure it never gets done well.

For shame.

Since the original poster is obviously not going to get much help here, I'm inclined to lock this - unless there are some constructive posts forthcoming.
What drives us away is the fact that the story is already written in someone's head.  That head is located at CBC (Communist Broadcorping Castration) HQ, and for your project to be "bought", it must reflect the Politico-Social reality of the Statist classes currently directing national propaganda.  We all know what that means:  No Good Will Come Of This.  But hey, maybe you can get the McKenna Brothers on it, and we will have mean drill instructors with aryan last names who wear leather CADPAT and smoke cheroots, but everything that goes wrong will be the fault of some British General, or the CIA.

Watch the first thirty minutes of "Full Metal Jacket", then ask yourself why those who knew CFRS Cornwallis in the seventies and eighties thought "Full Metal Jacket"  was funny.

Even if - with a lot of good advisors - this thing gets off the ground, you just KNOW the storylines will be hijacked by the Care Bear Gallery.  Heaven forbid reality intrude.  At least in JAG, people claim to know what a military is for and why it is needed.  Try getting THAT reality past the CBC.
HollywoodHitman said:
Good luck, but please, whatever you do, please do your best to avoid controversy and the CF......You'd be better off making a cool show based on fictional exploits of the JTF.

Why should we pretend we have nothing to hide?  One of the strengths of the PEACEKEEPER film was that it confronted controversial issues head on.  The corporal who was made acting MCpl despite being on counselling and probation, the WO close to retirement who didn't want to look after his troops, and even a suicide. And that film was made with CF support.  Who would want to watch a show that is rah rah?  I think more men watch "soap operas" than are willing to admit it, frankly.  Stories about guns and explosions are ho-hum. Stories about interesting characters facing unique challenges are what people want to see.  That's why crap like Survivor stays on the air.
TCBF said:
What drives us away is the fact that the story is already written in someone's head.  That head is located at CBC (Communist Broadcorping Castration) HQ, and for your project to be "bought", it must reflect the Politico-Social reality of the Statist classes currently directing national propaganda.  We all know what that means:  No Good Will Come Of This.  But hey, maybe you can get the McKenna Brothers on it, and we will have mean drill instructors with aryan last names who wear leather CADPAT and smoke cheroots, but everything that goes wrong will be the fault of some British General, or the CIA.

Watch the first thirty minutes of "Full Metal Jacket", then ask yourself why those who knew CFRS Cornwallis in the seventies and eighties thought "Full Metal Jacket"  was funny.

Even if - with a lot of good advisors - this thing gets off the ground, you just KNOW the storylines will be hijacked by the Care Bear Gallery.  Heaven forbid reality intrude.  At least in JAG, people claim to know what a military is for and why it is needed.  Try getting THAT reality past the CBC.

Blah blah blah.  If you're such an expert on how to write a dramatic presentation, what's stopping you?
... and one wonders why the Media doesn't always portray us in a positive light...here's someone, regardless of how much thought has gone into her idea, or how accurate her pre-conceived notions are - that actually came to the boots for some input!

Isn't that exactly what we've been crying for, in other threads??   ???

TCBF said:
What drives us away is the fact that the story is already written in someone's head.  That head is located at CBC (Communist Broadcorping Castration) HQ, and for your project to be "bought", it must reflect the Politico-Social reality of the Statist classes currently directing national propaganda.  We all know what that means:  No Good Will Come Of This.  But hey, maybe you can get the McKenna Brothers on it, and we will have mean drill instructors with aryan last names who wear leather CADPAT and smoke cheroots, but everything that goes wrong will be the fault of some British General, or the CIA.

Watch the first thirty minutes of "Full Metal Jacket", then ask yourself why those who knew CFRS Cornwallis in the seventies and eighties thought "Full Metal Jacket"  was funny.

Even if - with a lot of good advisors - this thing gets off the ground, you just KNOW the storylines will be hijacked by the Care Bear Gallery.  Heaven forbid reality intrude.  At least in JAG, people claim to know what a military is for and why it is needed.  Try getting THAT reality past the CBC.

Slightly bitter, aren't we?
Michael Dorosh said:
I think the challenge here to the serving soldiers is to put up or shut up.  Its easy to bitch about how Canadian TV sucks.  Lord knows the whining about PEACEKEEPER was loud and long here.  Well, here's a chance to help out.
Hear, hear!  Instead of slagging this off, why aren't aren't more people trying to help the lady out.  It is very easy to throw stones.  Michael has issued the challenge. Does anyone have the courage to accept it?

Well, golly Mike, if we could only offer consructive criticism or advice in those fields of endevour we laboured in ourselves, this would be an awful boring planet, not to mention a less efficient one.  I am more than willing to listen to military ideas from people who have no intent on joining the military.  Why not?  I'll steal anybodies good ideas, if they apply.   I assume others can hear our ideas as well.  It just so happens my level of optimism varies from subject to subject (and as I age, from day to day).


Listen- You go, girl! is NOT constructive, or sacastic (definitely deserved in this context), or anything other than shameless skirt-chasing. The problem with this series concept, as I see it, is that the basic starting premise is faulty. I really don't think that the views, opinions, ideals, or experiences of ACTUAL Soldiers have anything to do with the fictional Shangri-La that YOU'RE talking about, any more than that incredibly stupid show JAG- or JAG OFF- has to do with a MILITARY LAWYER? Anyway, you sound serious about presenting your view of military reality. And you've been to BORDEN?FOR GOD'S SAKE? There's nothing really military about that place except the uniforms that most of them wear- BADLY! Don't expect  me, or any other professional soldier who's not trying to be sickeningly nice to you, to advise you on how to create a fictional Military environment that's even more pathetic than the one we have now- IN MOST CASES, and ON MOST BASES!
Mad Max said:
Listen- You go, girl! is NOT constructive, or sacastic (definitely deserved in this context), or anything other than shameless skirt-chasing. The problem with this series concept, as I see it, is that the basic starting premise is faulty. I really don't think that the views, opinions, ideals, or experiences of ACTUAL Soldiers have anything to do with the fictional Shangri-La that YOU'RE talking about, any more than that incredibly stupid show JAG- or JAG OFF- has to do with a MILITARY LAWYER? Anyway, you sound serious about presenting your view of military reality. And you've been to BORDEN?FOR GOD'S SAKE? There's nothing really military about that place except the uniforms that most of them wear- BADLY! Don't expect  me, or any other professional soldier who's not trying to be sickeningly nice to you, to advise you on how to create a fictional Military environment that's even more pathetic than the one we have now- IN MOST CASES, and ON MOST BASES!

Saving Private Ryan had nothing to do with reality, and yet it introduced an entire generation to their own WW II veterans - not just in the US, but the effect here in Canada was huge, too.

A TV show, no matter how fictionalized, if done well, can have a dramatic - and positive - impact on how the public views the military.

Every fictional presentation sacrifices reality for dramatic impact.  And there have been some very good ones over the years.  Band of Brothers varies wildly from reality, yet is accepted as one of the best presentations of WW II infantry combat ever made.  **shrugs**  If you're not going to put up, then I guess shut up is the answer.
But getting down to the nitty gritty.... the Canadian Peacekeeping Centre, which occupies what was CFRS Cornwallis NS, is on hard times, and if you swung a deal to bring in jobs and dollars to that economically depressed area (which put through 5000 recruits per year in the eighties), you might get a lot of backing.  Lots of retired instructors around there for cheap advice.  No shortage  of extras, but you have to pay more for drug-free.  
Mad Max said:
Listen- You go, girl! is NOT constructive, or sacastic (definitely deserved in this context), or anything other than shameless skirt-chasing. The problem with this series concept, as I see it, is that the basic starting premise is faulty. I really don't think that the views, opinions, ideals, or experiences of ACTUAL Soldiers have anything to do with the fictional Shangri-La that YOU'RE talking about, any more than that incredibly stupid show JAG- or JAG OFF- has to do with a MILITARY LAWYER? Anyway, you sound serious about presenting your view of military reality. And you've been to BORDEN?FOR GOD'S SAKE? There's nothing really military about that place except the uniforms that most of them wear- BADLY! Don't expect  me, or any other professional soldier who's not trying to be sickeningly nice to you, to advise you on how to create a fictional Military environment that's even more pathetic than the one we have now- IN MOST CASES, and ON MOST BASES!

Well if your so professional point her in the right direction and help her out.

At least she wants some input. Change her mind without giving her a blast...this isn't the drill hall.


BTW...writerchick...you should go to CFB Petawawa. At least you'll get a better feel of an operational base and how operational troop training really works. See the PAFFO, she's a good friend of mine.Borden isn't what we would call an ideal picture of CF life is like. They are in a world all on their own.
You know, I read this stuff a lot, because, as a professional soldier, I have a vested interest, as well as a prurient one, in what goes on in, around, and about the Canadian Forces. So it is with some interest that I read self-promoting, self interested supposedly objective MILITARY? types sucking up to anyone attempting to pitch a script. Let me tell you, troops, if you are REALLY interested in military matters, and not the pseudo- military stuff flying around in your obviously un-military heads, then you will stop this shameless pandering and self promotion! Saving Private Ryan? Excellent stuff! Nothing whatsoever to do with what is being discussed here! Soldiers, NOT BANDSMEN, make the military function! Musicians have a purpose and a role, without question- but that role is NOT to decide policy or determine the validity of opinions expressed by members of the Profession of Arms. Note what I said- THE PROFESSION OF ARMS! It is my understanding that this is a Military-interest Site intended for people who have a military point of view -whether military or civilian. Tossing out critical commentary in this forum, it seems to me, is sort of like tossing an arty sim into a fish pond- you never know what is going to come bubbling up. And in this case, what has come bubbling up is a bunch of whining, self-promoting suffragettes. If any of you would like to know what it IS and SHOULD BE like going through a PROPER boot camp, drop me a line. Otherwise, grab a pink gin with a mini umbrella in it, and keep on watching...well, whatever the hell you types watch on T.V.       Out!
Those of you who have seized the opportunity to respond with what you think would be a proper representation will probably have to write your own series.

For the author, I echo the vein of comment that your selection of roles for the staff may not be sufficiently realistic.  Soldiers undergoing recruit training have a very limited, albeit temporarily, world.  Most people outside the platoon might as well be shadows on a wall.  The soldiers interact chiefly with their section commanders (Sergeants) and platoon WO (Warrant Officer, not CWO).  The most likely candidate for daily interaction with a civilian would be one of the kitchen staff in the serving line.
I find it interesting that that you say you have almost finished your script and now come looking for ideas.  

I would suggest, as some have alluded to, that you change your lead characters to be more in line of what your Recruits would more realisticly run into.  Concentrate on the Primary characters for one section in one platoon.  That would give you about five central characters.  A Sgt and MCpl as section Instructors, a Platoon/Course WO, a Cpl Storesman/Administration NCO, and perhaps a Lt or Captain as a Platoon/Course Officer.  Secondary Characters would be the Sgts and MCpls of the other two Sections within that Platoon/Course; the OC (Maj), Sergeant Major (MWO), and a Quarter Master (WO or Sgt) and their staff; other characters would be your Chaplain, perhaps a MCpl/Cpl Clerk, and perhaps SMEs from outside institutions.  Of course you could add outside characters such as MPs and Canex clerks to fill in those "writers blocks".


I suggest you contact the Public Affairs Officer(PAffO) at the Canadian Forces Recruit School St Jean, Quebec. Pitch your idea to them and see if you can't arrange to spend a week or two at the Base. Tell them you'd like to spend time with the Staff and watch the Recruits during training. See if it would be possible to shadow some of the people you'd like to write into your show to pick their brains. This would give you a good idea what each individual does on a daily basis and how they interact with their superiors, peers and subordinates. You may also want to try interview Recruits in their first or second week, mid course and graduating week to get their perspective. You'll get a much better and clearer idea of the whole thing if you "go to the stable and speak to the horse(s). It will also be a much more rounded and truer version than you'll receive here. Good Luck, I look forward to seeing it on TV.