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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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jyk608 said:

I have a question regarding the application process.

I have just completed the interview and the medical assessment (though I'm still required to submit few more documents).

I was told that I have been given conditional acceptance to RMC for all the trades I applied.

Does this mean I passed the interview and just need to wait till the security screening/reference checks to be done?

Thank you.

I was told the same thing.
I believe it means you're eligible based on the medical and interview but that there is still competition to get in from other eligible applicants.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
I had a high 80 average in high school but I am failing a class in a civilian university and my overall average is below 80 because I was in this uni just for the sake of it and to cut time so I could apply to RMC. Will these uni marks be a problem for me to get in RMC or will they base it off of my high school marks only? Joining the RMC was always a dream and I don't want my first year uni marks to be a problem as throughout this year I was just travelling and not dedicated to my marks.
Does anybody know how RMC looks at advanced placement. My averages are hovering around the low to mid eighties with advanced placement. I likely could boost that average to nineties if I was to drop it. I honestly enjoy advanced placement and I would love to follow it all the way through, but if I think it will lower my chances at getting into RMC I would drop it in an instance. I'm not overly concerned with leadership or athletics. On the leadership aspect I have cadets, JA company program and Innovate plus speech and debate. With sports i'm in great shape, on the football team, along with being an amazing darts player(intending on winning nationals this year).
Advanced Placement

The Advanced Placement program and courses are considered excellent preparation for university courses. The RMC of Canada will recognize and utilize Advanced Placement courses as prerequisite courses for admission.  Candidates must satisfy the RMC of Canada`s general admission requirements as per their home province including the program-specific subject prerequisites.

Taken from the rmc website

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sidemount said:
Advanced Placement

The Advanced Placement program and courses are considered excellent preparation for university courses. The RMC of Canada will recognize and utilize Advanced Placement courses as prerequisite courses for admission.  Candidates must satisfy the RMC of Canada`s general admission requirements as per their home province including the program-specific subject prerequisites.

Taken from the rmc website

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I should have been more clear. I already had seen this information but this refers to something different. In advanced placement if you finish the final exam with a 4/5 or higher you qualify for university credits. My question is whether or not they would look at a guy with a 83 average in ap over a guy with a 84 in regular classes. As I have talked to people who work in university's and some only look at averages and don't take ap into count unless they have a tie, or a 4/5 or higher.
Ahh ok got ya. You could email rmc and ask.

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I am a new member to this forum and this is mine first time posting on this forum.

Beginning in September of this year I began the process for applying to the ROTP program. My programs of choice were Construction Engineering and Electrical/Mechanical Engineering. On the 12th of December I received an email (Titled: ROTP Early Offer) from my local detachment stating that I had been accepted to RMC Saint-Jean as a Construction Engineering Officer and that they would be holding a place for me. I do not understand why I received an offer so early and I was under the impression that selections were not made until February. Can anyone explain why I might have received an early offer and does the offer of Saint Jean over Kingston have anything to do with why I got an offer already? (My offer was to RMC Saint-Jean, not to RMC Kingston)

My recruiters at my local detachment haven't had much to say yet but I am planning on calling them again soon. I have just been a little surprised and worried the past few days for the early offer as I do not know what to think of it. If anyone has anyone information that would explain why I recieved an offer before the committee usually sits (February) and if Saint Jean had anything to do with it, please let me know.

My interview, medical and all required checks except the background check have been completed. If anyone is wondering about extra-curriculars, aptitude test scores or interview tips just send me a message. (I can't disclose much information about the interview).



If this helps, I received a letter of early offer to the ROTP program as a Construction Engineering Officer.

Medical: Passed quite easily, just waiting for confirmation.

Background Check: Yet to be done, positive it will be fine.

Grade 12 Average: 93% (I live in Ontario, Public School Board.)

- Basketball Team (Every year in HS)
- Volleyball Team (Every year in HS)
- Rugby Team (Grade 9 & 10)
- Rep Basketball (2008 to 2016)
- House League Hockey (2004 to present)
- Math Club Member
- Honour Roll Member (Every year in HS)
- Mohawk Bridge Building Contest Competitor
- Few other volunteer opportunities

Aptitude Test: They can't release any actual quantitative results but I did very well the recruiter stated.

Interview: I cannot reveal much information about the interview but can tell you know your trades!

Above is basically everything I have mentioned in my application process.

I received the same thing.

Its an early offer since you got everything in order early. I was told you spend the first year at CMR in St Jean and the other three years in Kingston.

Accept it if you still want to go. Decline it if you don't.

I'm applying for RMC 2017-2018. All I know at the moment is that I passed my CFAT (legal issues with an emancipated minor) but I'm hoping that will be sorted out soon. I was really under the impression that marks aren't that important but that hardly seems the case! I had really great marks up to last semester when everything went downhill thanks to online courses. I'm just hoping everything goes well from here on out... I hope I see some of you next year at RMC or even sooner at Basic!
I noticed Flying club on the list of Clubs available at RMC, could someone elaborate on the details of the club (ie benfits, accessibility, who can join etc)

I also noticed Skydiving club, if anyone wants to give information on that.

The first rule of Flight Club is that no one talks about Flight Club.

(On reflection: if you're applying to RMC, then you're probably too young to get the reference.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fight_Club)


I am applying to go to RMC for the 2017 - 2018 year.

I have my interview and am wondering what kind of prep I should do/what I should bring to the interview, aside from knowing my trade. They didn't send me any information about it. Should I bring my transcript, a resume?

any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Hello everyone,

I hope this will be helpful to anyone applying to ROTP this year; I am currently a Grade 12 student in Ontario and was offered an early acceptance letter to RMC Kingston (Bachelor of Engineering) as an Aerospace Engineering Officer (AERE) on December 20th of 2016.

I applied and submitted my academic transcripts in September and as far as my academics were concerned, my admission average was 94% with the following courses: (Ontario Public School Board)

Advanced Functions 4U - 98%
Challenge and Change 4U - 96%
Chemistry 3U - 95%
Functions 3U - 94%
English 3U - 92%
Physics 3U - 90%

I have also been enrolled in the Air Cadets Program for more than 5 years. Some of my other major extra curricular activities & abilities are:

- Duke of Edinburgh's Silver Award (currently finalzing on Gold)
- Cadet Summer Camps / Various Cadet Awards
- School Music Council
- School Concert Band / Jazz Band
- School Varsity Boys Soccer Team (been playing competitive soccer since I was 8 years old)
- 325 volunteer hours (volunteered mainly with Legions, Scouts, Youth Camps and Museums)
- Fluency in Korean

I was notified of the early acceptance just before my interview started. I am currently waiting for my medical to be fully processed so that I can sign my contract for the AERE trade as soon as possible. From my understanding, the CAF is currently in need of more AEREs than ever before; everything worked out for me since it was my first choice. :christmas happy: I was told that my aptitude test scores were very good; for the interview, I will concur with the aforementioned posts that you need to have a very strong background knowledge on your trades. I really hope to see everyone at BMOQ in the summer!
Is it usual receiving an early offer for RMC or CMR? I heard it was just for top level applicants!
If you are looking at seoulhamilton's post while making that comment, I would suggest that he/she is a top level candidate!
I'm currently a 2nd year Civ. student under ROTP for a Pilot. If anyone has any questions about Civ. U, ACS, other extra stuff. Feel free to ask here or PM me and I'll happily answer any of your questions. As a note, I applied during my 1st year of university, and got accepted.
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