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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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TylerBaller35 said:
I got my offer on Jan 30th for Infantry Officer. Anyone get their medical approved yet?

Congrats. Combat Arms for the win!
I was told by the way, that the medical they were referring to was the one you should have done already in the application process. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Hi all. I was wondering if anyone who has taken distance courses in the BMASc program would be willing to either a) PM me some of their syllabi; or b) reply here with examples of how many assignments on average you had per course, and how much reading you had on a weekly basis per course. I have a preference for (a), but basically I'm trying to get a sense of how much work each course is. Thanks very much for any help.
It depends on the course. HIE 208 consisted of three essays and a weekly discussion. BAE 238 was one group assignment, weekly discussions and an exam. I would say I read for a bout three hours a week per course.
Hello everyone,

I have returned to this forum as I feel obliged to answer the questions anyone here has about RMC or BMOQ Mod 1, since I have gained a lot of insights up to date and no one was there to answer my questions when my head was about to explode. When I originally applied last year, my thread reached 9 pages but this one only has 2... that is very odd.

I received my letter of offer on March 29, last year,


I quickly skimmed through the posts here and I would say, do not worry about BMOQ, or at least you shouldn't. For the prospective combat arms officers, basic training is a breeze compared to DP 1.1 and DP 1.2 (Phase 3 and 4). Keep your head up, Mod 1 is much harder than Mod 2. All your rucksack marches (5,8, and 13Km) are spread through this mod along with Basic First Aid, weapons handling drills, etc. The biggest problem is sleep. No matter how tough you think you are because you went to sleep at 4 in the morning on a school day finishing a 500 word paragraph, trust me, sleep will get you and you will feel shitty at first specially if you never took part in cadets like me. You will eventually get over it or VR like someone did on the first day in my basic.

Feel free to ask me anything either here on the forums or as a private message. I have completed Mod 1, am currently finishing my first school year in the arts programme, and am off to do Mod 2 over this upcoming summer. I know a bit about DP 1.1 and 1.2 for the combat arms trades. For any other inquiries, I will have to dig around and see what I can find.

Lastly, I'd appreciate it if you +MP me.

Hello, I want to apply to RMC through the ROTP program but am very worried about my high school marks. I was told you can apply as a mature student but it (the portal to the RMC application) is asking me to submit my transcripts and everything, with no option to enroll as a mature student. I researched online and have yet to find a definite answer.

Do you submit your records and then if your grades are not acceptable, you can apply as a mature student / for academic upgrading? Or is it just submit your transcript and then if accepted, great, if not, you're screwed?

I have an aptitude test scheduled for the 28th at 9am so I assume that factors into everything.

If anyone could please assist I'd really appreciate it. Thanks
Hey guys,

I just stumbled upon this thread.

I received an early offer as well for Infantry Officer at RMC on February the 6th.

I'm a first year university student already but as far as I have been told, I'm going to be restarting my post secondary education at RMC.

It's kind of a bummer to have a year of university go to waste but I have agreed to take it as a learning experience. University is no joke and it is super important to prioritize things over others.

Looking forward to meeting some of you at BMOQ this summer.

Feel free to get in touch with me whenever regarding anything!
MannySingh1337 said:
It's kind of a bummer to have a year of university go to waste but I have agreed to take it as a learning experience. University is no joke and it is super important to prioritize things over others.

It wasn't a waste. You can let the RMC's registrar know you went to university and hopefully they can validate some classes for transfer credits. Even if you are switching programs at RMC, all degrees require some mandatory arts and science credits so you will benefit with transfer credits one way or another.

If you are taking engineering, you may choose to take advantage of any spares you could get as you will then have a heavy world load , but if you are taking general arts, fill the spares in so that you can have more free time in later years.
Alarty said:
It wasn't a waste. You can let the RMC's registrar know you went to university and hopefully they can validate some classes for transfer credits. Even if you are switching programs at RMC, all degrees require some mandatory arts and science credits so you will benefit with transfer credits one way or another.

If you are taking engineering, you may choose to take advantage of any spares you could get as you will then have a heavy world load , but if you are taking general arts, fill the spares in so that you can have more free time in later years.

Of course, I didn't mean for it to come across as a negative experience by any means.

During my interview I talked about exactly that, if there would be any transfer credits available but he said to confirm that with the registrar.

I did do many introductory courses so that should be of help. On top of that, I learned a hefty lesson on time management in that year!

Thank you for your insight!
Hello everyone, Brian here.

Please come, introduce yourself, talk about your application, share information, and network!
If you are current on ROTP (RMC or CIVIU), feel free to share information or ask questions.

I'm a naval reservist, enrolled 6 yrs ago, 3 years of Class B service and still going, complete PLQ, instructed BMOQ 2015 in Victoria BC, and work as a SHO supervisor (trade is FSA). I wanted to stay Class B as it's a great gig and I'm eligible for promotion... but I decided to apply and start my officer career as I always wanted to for past few years.

I am ROTP-CT applicant for 2017-18 for trades INT-SEA and SIG. They are only considering me for civiu (I'm accepted to UBC 2nd yr).

Right now, I've done my CFAT re-write (upgraded quite a bit), the new TSD, and two interviews (I made a change in trade choice from MARS). So all I need to do is done, and I just need to wait and pray for the CT offer letter.

- I doubt it would be different between ROTP-CT and regular ROTP off the streets, but what CT-Cell Ottawa said was that for all ROTP applicants and their scores, 60% is CFAT score (they can't tell you score but may tell you your percentile if you ask nicely), 15% is TSD (you can't improve that score as it is personality test), 25% is interivew (which includes grades, experience, skills). So I think many people would be surprised how little grades may affect your competitiveness! Definitely 90% avg will be seen better than 80%, but it's important to note that CFAT score is weighted heavily. So if you want to CT, ask CT Cell your CFAT percentile and do a re-write if you're barely making the officer cut-off 80-90 percentile is great.

- For ROTP-CT, depending on your previous rank in the reserves and experience, you may go to 3-4 years of schooling with great pay! Ex. I know a friend who was MS IPC 4 in reserves before ROTP-CT'ing, and his offer letter stated 4 years of schooling as RegF LS IPC4 pay.

- As mentioned already, I'm accepted 2nd yr UBC. That means my subsidized schooling will be 3 years, and whatever remaining years of VIE I get offered is as a commissioned officer. Does anyone know if ULO's or ROTP allows for program changes while you're going to university if the program you want to change into (1) does not lengthen subsidized education = no additional cost (2) is a program suitable for the officer trade you were accepted to? (ex. switching program or faculty from Arts to Engineering, if my trade choice is SigO).

- I understand that ROTP students do their military trg and career courses during their summers in between schooling. I will have BMOQ exempted with PLAR. Will I then start off (if I get SIG) with my SIG O phase 2 (and maybe 3 too?) at Kingston after my first (2nd) year of school?

Thanks in advance,

jyk608 said:

Does anyone know how tough BMOQ will be?
That is what concerns me the most at this moment.


Don't worry about how tough it would be. You won't fail it. BMOQ/BMQ is tough to anyone, and in different ways depending on the person. Some people find the academic portion tough, some people physical, some people with attitude problems (will be fixed!). But the toughness will bring something out of you, and out of your course as a team and as a whole.

Instead, you should aim to excel! Aim to graduate as top student or with a parade position for graduation! Having done PLQ myself and having trained naval BMOQ candidates, I think the toughest / hardest thing that students struggled through was the Battle Procedures, TEWTs (tactical exercise without troops), and the field assessment. This is basically a leadership / management / planning assessment. You lead your fellow candidates in 3-4 hour scenario, and you use everything you learned in your BMOQ course and conduct a mission from the start (receiving warning orders) to the end (after action report). I suggest you familiarize (memorize) yourself with the 16 steps of the battle procedures, understand each steps thoroughly, and you will have a huge advantage in your course. PM me your email address if you want materials.
Hey guys,
I recently completed my CFAT and I have 10 days until my interview..
During my debrief, the officer told me that I was eligible for early admission and that my application would be considered top priority.

What are the requirements that are needed to be met for early admission and how is it different from regular admission?


I applied back in September, did my CFAT in December but due to consent issues couldn't continue anything until last week. I have my medical on Thursday and my interview in 2 weeks. I applied for Computer Science with Intelligence as the ultimate goal but now I'm being (strongly) encouraged to consider other option.

Seeing these 90+ averages has me wondering why the man I spoke with was so adament that they'd want me even though I'm so incredibly behind. My average is at best high 80s but I have a couple courses to finish still. My higher grades are from grades 9 and 10.

My biggest question is how exactly the bilingualism component works. Do the classes also bounce between English and French or is that only outside life?

Thanks for any answes :)
I hope this isn't off topic but am I correct in guessing that 'Climbing' means something along the lines of Rock Climbing? Or am I completely off base?
I have been following this form for some time since I started my application process back in September, I received my offer on March 3rd for infantry officer and will be attending RMC Saint Jean for my first  year. Who else has BMOQ starting on June 26th?
Hodg95 said:
I have been following this form for some time since I started my application process back in September, I received my offer on March 3rd for infantry officer and will be attending RMC Saint Jean for my first  year. Who else has BMOQ starting on June 26th?

Congratulation! My son received an early offer at the beginning of january dated from December for infrantry officer and he will be attending RMC St Jean for his first year too. I think he will be with you.

I began my application in September of last year. Since then, I have submitted all required documents to my recruiter. I am applying from out of Canada (from Mexico), so I haven't done my interview or medical test yet. Does anybody know what the deadline for selections is? I'm worried that I am behind schedule, and that this will affect my chances of getting in.
DirtOnMyBoots said:
My biggest question is how exactly the bilingualism component works. Do the classes also bounce between English and French or is that only outside life?

During FYOP, you will take a French language comprehension test. Based on your score, you will be placed on a certain module. When I got tested, some chose to hand in the test right back to the administrator and began soon after at Mod 0 and some people like me, scored high enough to have the chance and get tested right away for their French language profile which you will need later in your career to advance in senior officer appointments. You will have the chance to get tested around the time you complete Mod 10 if you do not get given the chance right away.

There are three components to a language profile: grammar, reading, and speaking. You take all tests separately, and all are assessed with the following grades (from lowest to highest): X, A, B, C, E.

"A" means you know French but not that well. "B" means that you are able to defend yourself in a French environment; this is the minimum you must acquire across all three language profile components in order to graduate from RMC with AFAN (have the right to say rmc after your name; e.g. A. B. C. Bloggins, rmc). Beyond B is quite admirable with E meaning you won't ever be tested again.

After you get a minimum of B/B/B, you will have the chance to take classes in your second official language but personally I don't believe that is enough to do well in a class. Simply take the placement test seriously, because RMC's priority is to help you graduate with your AFAN, not just your academic degree and therefore if they believe is necessary, they will put you in for a whole summer learning French when instead you could be advancing in your phases of training or doing work experience.

Best of luck.
So I have finished up submitting all the required documents and completed my CFAT, and Interview. I guess all there is to do now is wait.

I have a few questions though. Firstly, I have looked around on this website and have seen that in the past some people received their acceptances as late as May, but if someone can confirm that I would appreciate it, I don't feel that I am one the most qualified candidates so if I do get accepted I assume it will be near the end.

Also if possible if anyone happens to know more detail about how the prep year works, some clarification would also be appreciated because from what I understand it is for applicants that need improvement in some way, whether that is grades or other things. The reason I am asking is because, my average is quite good, but I do not have a science or grade 12 math, which I don't technically need but is suggested for the Arts degrees and I want to know if there is a good chance I will be sent for the prep year to make up for that.

DSilver said:
The reason I am asking is because, my average is quite good, but I do not have a science or grade 12 math, which I don't technically need but is suggested for the Arts degrees and I want to know if there is a good chance I will be sent for the prep year to make up for that.

It's not a requirement and so do not worry about them. You will take a math placement test and depending on how you score, you will be put on MAE 103 (college pre-calc) or go straight to a more advanced course: MAE 106. As long as you submitted you application early, preferably before December, and you aren't failing any classes, your chances of getting selected are possible.
Alarty said:
It's not a requirement and so do not worry about them. You will take a math placement test and depending on how you score, you will be put on MAE 103 (college pre-calc) or go straight to a more advanced course: MAE 106. As long as you submitted you application early, preferably before December, and you aren't failing any classes, your chances of getting selected are possible.

Thanks for the quick reply. A placement test makes sense.

I had my application in by the end of September and I am not nearly failing any classes. So I hope I am good.
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