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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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According to the CF site, it says that the early acceptance have been handed out since early September so from that I gather it's whenever your application reaches the merit list and they make a decision based on your overall score...

I found this website had some new information. Don't know if it's fully reliable but it seemed alright. http://www.royalmilitarycollege.ca

Under selection process they talk about the early offers that are sent out.

Just in case anyone was looking for more reading and hadn't already seen it.
My MCC has provided me with the following info that may satisfy the curiosity of some.

EME has 35 spots open at RMC.
First year transfers are required to do 4 years at RMC however transfer credits for courses such as intro to calc, chemistry, mechanics etc are considered as completed and we would receive a decreased workload.
Hey there! First of all, I want to thank everyone on this site because you really helped me through every step of the process. I just did my interview and medical on Feb 22nd and I just have to do a couple tests for aircrew done and I'm all done on my part. All I can do now is pray that I'll be selected.
menezes said:
Thanks for the info. Are these early offers on a rolling basis or do they come out in chunks similarly to the known April-May selections board?

Maxime C said:
it's whenever your application reaches the merit list and they make a decision based on your overall score...

There you go, someone already answered the question for you!   
I received a 55 in AP Calculus BC last year but I got a 5 on the AP exam, will the fact that I received a 5 on the exam be considered or will this 55 drag my average down by a lot?
This is probably a better question to directly ask RMC.

When you come to RMC (or immediately prior to) all your transcripts will be considered for transfer credit (including AP) by the PLAR Department (Prior Learning Assessment Request). So ensure that you send them an official AP transcript. By my experience, PLAR will probably only look at your exam score along side the curriculum of the course. From here there are a couple possibilities:

1) They will offer you credit for the first half Calculus 1, or with some luck, all of first-year calculus.
2) Normally, if a request is turned down and the credit is not granted, you will be able to write a challenge exam for the course provided you can demonstrate prior learning of it, alongside a reasonable grade. In this case the Department of Mathematics would consider your actual percentage grade and given that it is 55, it may not suffice.

AP Courses are treated as university transfer credits, however what they actually transfer to is not always so clear. Again, I would suggest inquiring with RMC directly regarding this, and soon too. In my experience you may get the credit, but they could just as easily make you repeat it.

In regards to just your general entrance average, to the best of my knowledge, consider the 55 included especially if it was taken in your senior year. The score you received on the official exam would likely not influence your entrance average, but whether or not they grant you transfer credit.

I did my interview this morning. The interviewing was friendly and kind, and it went pretty well. I am so glad I have finished every process.  [:-[

One thing that surprised me at the beginning of the interview was when he told me the reason why I was rejected  two years ago. He told me that a staff at the headquarter made a mistake something about my high school mathematics mark (BC transcript). At that time I thought I wrote the essay portion poorly. So I just told him that I understand mistakes can happen, and I am satisfied with how well it has been going now.

The officer told me this morning that HCA has 7 spots available right now out of 8, CELE 12 out of 13, AERE 14 out of 22 for RMC ROTP this year (the available spots will change as time goes on). Just to let you know

P.S. I know who got that first offer of HCA.lol
only 14 spots left out of 22? wow that is a bit worrying. I was merit listed for aere in December and i haven't heard a word yet. I got my acceptance to BCIT mechanical engineering but id still way rather join the military rather than go to civyU
clownfool said:
only 14 spots left out of 22? wow that is a bit worrying. I was merit listed for aere in December and i haven't heard a word yet. I got my acceptance to BCIT mechanical engineering but id still way rather join the military rather than go to civyU

I would still think there are a lot of spots left for AERE, in my personal opinion. And the fact that you have been merit listed a long time ago might mean your offer is at hand. I wouldn't worry that much yet.
mausman4 said:
I actually took the course in grade 10, would they care about that?

If it's on your high school transcript, it will most likely be included. However, I doubt one class is going to make or break your application . RMC looks at far more than just grades.

Read the grade requirements for your province.
Minimum 75% in each of the required classes, and minimum 75% over your best 6 grade 12 classes
Im in first year of university right now and I was wondering whether it was too late or not to apply for RMC for 16/17. Is it possible or do I have to wait for 17/18?
RSB97 said:
Im in first year of university right now and I was wondering whether it was too late or not to apply for RMC for 16/17. Is it possible or do I have to wait for 17/18?

When you apply in your second year, there's high odds they'll just subsidize your final two years of education. So you have to be careful to apply for ROTP via Civvie U, they might not accept you to RMC due to you already being half way done school. Either that, or might ask you to wait until you graduate and apply for DEO.
Nomulous said:
When you apply in your second year, there's high odds they'll just subsidize your final two years of education. So you have to be careful to apply for ROTP via Civvie U, they might not accept you to RMC due to you already being half way done school. Either that, or might ask you to wait until you graduate and apply for DEO.

Do you know if they take how many courses you have took into account? I've been working a lot so I haven't been able to take as many courses as is the norm.
RSB97 said:
Do you know if they take how many courses you have took into account? I've been working a lot so I haven't been able to take as many courses as is the norm.

You would have to be in second year standing as per your university's regulations. I'm a second year student at Carleton University in Ottawa, second year standing here would be 5-10 credits completed. Each class is .5 of a credit if only one semester in length, or 1.0 credit is two semesters in length. So 5 credits (one year full time) would likely mean 10 classes. Not sure what university you go to but it's likely similar.
did anyone have to wait on a security check to come through before receiving appointments for the interview and the medical?
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