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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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mausman4 said:
I noticed that the pre-requisites for Civil Engineering include Pre-Calculus 12, English 12, Physics 12 and Chemistry 12. Given this, is your application average based on these four grades? Thanks.

The courses you mention above, require a minimum of 75% in each of them.  Your overall average will be all your available grades.
So I've been considering RMC as a possible post secondary choice however going there I am understanding completely that it will be a different college experience. I do not on the other hand want to miss out on a college experience all together. Just looking for a run down on maybe dorm life, just how strict it is, is there actually a curfew, are you aloud like video games and such in the dorms, is partying still a thing at RMC. In the just I was just wondering how different RMC free time is from other college free time.

Thanks a bunch
ineedadollar said:
In the just I was just wondering how different RMC free time is from other college free time.

Life at RMCC

Royal Military College of Canada (RMC)
17 pages.

Fun at RMC?

RMC vs Civi U
4 pages.
In all honesty the college/university experience isn't entirely what it is cracked up to be.

Frosh week/first semester is a lot of fun. But after that providing you aren't a moron you buckle down pretty quickly because you know you have to (Or you are on probation).

I have a buddy who went to RMC I saw pictures of him and his friends
Somewhere down south over reading week. I'm in my 5th year of university and still haven't done the "spring break thing". I also don't know too many friends who have (business major).

Not actually being a student I can't comment but when I toured the campus there was a 360 and a big screen TV in the common room.  A bunch of thre guys had xbox's but some said there was a problem getting a TV in their room. The mess also had beeer bottles in it and I've heard that there are still some pretty good parties. They also did a gangman style parody which you can see on YouTube.


Flip side of the coin I've talked to some engineers while on exercise and a few stated that they got more sleep I'm the field than at RMC.

If you want to do well in school and do anything extracurricular you won't have that much first time after the first month.

Party on but watch your bank account and GPA  :subbies:

ineedadollar said:
Just looking for a run down on maybe dorm life, just how strict it is, is there actually a curfew, are you aloud like video games and such in the dorms, is partying still a thing at RMC.

Lumber said:
Yes, bring a laptop, desktop, cell phone tv, coffee maker, xbox, whatever. First year's are a little more restricted on what they are allowed to have in their rooms, but after 1st year it's pretty much anything goes as long as your room is kept tidy.

It's not a normail university. You will have mandatory sports and early morning activities. That being said, you will have a ton of free time. There is a campus pub, and Kingston just a 15 walk away, 4th year psych students have like, 9 hours of class a week, and they spend the rest of their time during the day napping, working out or playing videogames. Video games are very popular there, as is drinking and exercising, go figure.

Perhaps this thread can be merged with the 17-page RMC super-thread sticky for future reference,

Royal Military College of Canada (RMC)

Merged as requested.

As you can see, ineedadollar, there is a lot of information on this Site already. Please read through older threads, and try the Search Function, before asking questions that have been asked and answered before.
Hello All:

I'm new here and not sure if there is already one of these boards running...

Anyways- I have applied to RMC for the 2016-2017 school year and have completed everything (tests/medical exam/interview) and am currently waiting to hear back on whether I've been accepted or not. There's talk of early acceptance this year which would be awesome. Just wondering if anyone else has been accepted yet. Thanks :)
-RMC hopeful

Thanks for the reply, I did actually see that board but it was from last year.

Looking to start a new group for the applicants who will be starting in the fall of 2016.
Yes, I thought RMC thread for this year is relatively dead, compared to previous years.

Hello, grunman! Glad to hear you are almost done with everything. Hope you get an offer soon. [:D

It's quite a long story but let me introduce myself. I decided to go to RMC in 2012 during my final high school year. However, I could not do so because I received my canadian citizenship after the application deadline. Then I applied in 2013 but was rejected brutally in the early stage  :'( (still don't know the reason why. Maybe I screwed up the essay section). So I didn't even have the chance to write the CFAT.  :P

But, since I had this strong desire to be a part of Canadian Forces, I applied again on April 2015 this time as NCM. So I wrote CFAT, did NCM interview, and finished the background check, and was at the end of the process.

Then, I met a new Chaplain transferred to my town whom I saw at my church. And Fortunately, I had a chance to be close to him since his son is applying for ROTP this year and was asked politely by the chaplain to be his son's tutor for CFAT.

While I was at his home tutoring, he had a chance to talk to me and strongly recommended me to reapply for ROTP. And I gave a thought, 'why have I not been honest with myself? Going to RMC is all I have ever wanted.'  :D

So, I switched my application from NCM to ROTP in the middle of this January, and was selected for further processing. Since my CFAT score was high enough, I did not have to redo it, and I am left with ROTP interview, which is my last step.

Just to be honest, I wouldn't be let down anymore even if I don't get accepted this year. Because I would have next year. It will actually be better because I will be more mature to have more quality time in RMC if they are still willing to accept me.  ;)

So if I have the opportunity to say something to fellow ROTP applicants this year, I would say this. 'Be true to what you want to do in your life, and all things will turn out well even if you do not receive what you want right away. Because in that process, 'you' are made to be equipped with what you deserve. Good luck everyone! [lol:

P.S. I live in Kingston, and know some RMC cadets and graduates. So if you have any specific questions, fire away and I will ask them. Then I will post here or PM you Haha ::)

I contacted the recruiting center this morning for scheduling interview, and the recruiter told me that I received the conditional offer of acceptance from RMC.

If I don't have problem with the interview and background check, I guess I'm in.  [:p
Fiji_Boy_ said:
I contacted the recruiting center this morning for scheduling interview, and the recruiter told me that I received the conditional offer of acceptance from RMC.

If I don't have problem with the interview and background check, I guess I'm in.  [:p

No, that doesn't mean your "in".  It only means that RMC has found you "suitable" to attend their institution.  You still have a long way to go.  Good luck!
DAA said:
No, that doesn't mean your "in".  It only means that RMC has found you "suitable" to attend their institution.  You still have a long way to go.  Good luck!

Thanks DAA, for the clarification. Yes, I was a bit confused about the meaning of 'conditional' offer as to whether it means anything at all. So, I would have to do faithfully the remaining steps like any other applicants, because in the end all acceptances are the same whether one gets conditional offer or not.

Anyway thank you DAA for all the helpful answers to me until now. All has been indeed a great help!
Fiji_Boy_ said:
Thanks DAA, for the clarification. Yes, I was a bit confused about the meaning of 'conditional' offer as to whether it means anything at all. So, I would have to do faithfully the remaining steps like any other applicants, because in the end all acceptances are the same whether one gets conditional offer or not.

Anyway thank you DAA for all the helpful answers to me until now. All has been indeed a great help!

You crossed one more hurdle in your processing, better than most.  Time to concentrate on the next one.

Keep plugging away and you never know just where things will lead.      :)
I am really interested in the ROTP/RMC and the military in general and I think I could make a half decent career officer. However if that doesn't pan out I would like a usable bachelors degree rather than something like military history. I don't think I am really cut out for engineering as I do have decent marks but not competitive ones for grade 12. I have been looking at criminology and the military police officer route and also the trades. How viable is a career as an unspecialized military officer through the RMC.
kierancannae said:
I am really interested in the ROTP/RMC

This may help,

Royal Military College of Canada (RMC)

kierancannae said:
I would like a usable bachelors degree

You can read about BA's at RMC here,

RMC Bachelor's Degree

kierancannae said:
How viable is a career as an unspecialized military officer through the RMC.

Not viable at all, seeing as there no such thing as an "unspecialized military officer".  Your occupation is assigned to you at the time of enrolment and your academic pattern will be based on what is considered to be an acceptable degree for the assigned occupation.

Here is what you have to pick from if you are applying for RMC.    http://www.rmcc-cmrc.ca/en/registrars-office/undergraduate-academic-programmes

I do wonder why this thread is so dead compared to last years. Does this mean there's less amount of interest or just no one wants to chat on forums with other people who are applying? Anywho, hopefully everyone's application is coming along nicely!
Nomulous said:
I do wonder why this thread is so dead compared to last years. Does this mean there's less amount of interest or just no one wants to chat on forums with other people who are applying? Anywho, hopefully everyone's application is coming along nicely!

Totally agreed. I was active on this forum since 2013 and have looked over every ROTP threads, but it is strangely not so this year...
Come on guys! Come and join our party!  :D
Officially mertit listed for eme(#1) and aere, was told selections are April-May!
- University applicant
menezes said:
Officially mertit listed for eme(#1) and aere, was told selections are April-May!
- University applicant
Congratulations! I feel for you.Hope you get an offer as soon as possible. I'm just left with interview on Feb 26th. Haha
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