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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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jwtg said:
Well, you didn't get a reaction the first time...

So you tried a second time....

I'm not sure what you're looking for here.  Are you making fun of people who fail CAPSS? If so, grow up.
Are you trying to offer statistics for the sake of our enlightenment?  If so, ball park figures (like about half the people failing CAPSS) based on your vague impressions aren't very reliable.
Are you telling me that failing CAPSS=failing Aircrew?  Because, the way I understood it, ACSO is aircrew too. 
Or...are you trying to get all forum readers to bow down at your feet because you passed CAPSS, and thus must be better than everybody else who visits these forums?

I just wanted to point out that Globemaster77 was in fact correct about the success rate.

Here is an excerpt from an article on http://www.rcaf-arc.forces.gc.ca/8w-8e/nr-sp/index-eng.asp?id=8252:

"The historic success rate for candidates at the CFASC is approximately 45 per cent, and this selection process contributes to a 75 per cent success rate at the subsequent pilot training. Ninety per cent of those successful at the CFASC also meet the aircrew medical requirements."
Globemaster77 said:
I already went through the training so I wouldn't worry about it.
Next time feel free to address all the content of my posts, and elaborate a bit.  You've added literally nothing worthwhile to this thread.  You've just earned yourself the first spot on my 'Ignore' list for wasting bandwidth and my time.
SeR said:
I just wanted to point out that Globemaster77 was in fact correct about the success rate.

Here is an excerpt from an article on http://www.rcaf-arc.forces.gc.ca/8w-8e/nr-sp/index-eng.asp?id=8252:

"The historic success rate for candidates at the CFASC is approximately 45 per cent, and this selection process contributes to a 75 per cent success rate at the subsequent pilot training. Ninety per cent of those successful at the CFASC also meet the aircrew medical requirements."

I stand corrected; thank you for the reference.  We'll attribute this one to luck on his part, and, maybe next time, Globemaster77 will learn from your example and provide support for his assertions.
Hey all, just joined the site! I applied for ROTP back in Sept and got everything done in a orderly fashion....except for my medical. I got everything done but I had protein in my urine so I had to wait about 2-3 months to see a specialist and have him do a boat load of tests to give me a little paper that said I was fine. I handed that in yesterday and my file is now being sent to Ottawa. What do they do in Ottawa? Do they call up the doc's or something?

Recruiting Center: 4900 Yonge Street
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Pilot
Trade Choice 2: Air Combat Systems Officer
Trade Choice 3: Armoured Crew
Application Date: Mid Sept
First Contact: Mid Sept
CFAT: Mid Oct
Interview: Nov 8
Medical: Nov 8
Aircrew Selection  :
Aircrew medical :
ACSO exam :
Selected for:
Daishi said:
Hey all, just joined the site! I applied for ROTP back in Sept and got everything done in a orderly fashion....except for my medical. I got everything done but I had protein in my urine so I had to wait about 2-3 months to see a specialist and have him do a boat load of tests to give me a little paper that said I was fine. I handed that in yesterday and my file is now being sent to Ottawa. What do they do in Ottawa? Do they call up the doc's or something?

Recruiting Center: 4900 Yonge Street
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Pilot
Trade Choice 2: Air Combat Systems Officer
Trade Choice 3: Armoured Crew
Application Date: Mid Sept
First Contact: Mid Sept
CFAT: Mid Oct
Interview: Nov 8
Medical: Nov 8
Aircrew Selection  :
Aircrew medical :
ACSO exam :
Selected for:

hey you will most likely have to wait to be deemed suitable for the trade or not, the doctor will have a look at your file and decide that. you may or may not have to switch trade choices depending on his decision. if you do pass your medical, you will be nominated on an aircrew selection course in trenton, after all my medical was succesful, it took about a month for the aircrew selection course, which i am starting next monday.

ALso, does anyone know how much high school marks really affect your application? i didnt have the best (70s) but was deemed admissible to RMC, i also have an upper hand by already being in the reserves, and the recruiter said i aced my interview
Daishi said:
I had protein in my urine
Funny. I don't remember having to supply them with a urine sample when I applied.

Daishi said:
Trade Choice 3: Armoured Crew
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm almost 100% sure that Armoured Crew is an NCM trade.
eggert said:
ALso, does anyone know how much high school marks really affect your application? i didnt have the best (70s) but was deemed admissible to RMC, i also have an upper hand by already being in the reserves, and the recruiter said i aced my interview
If you browse through this website, especially the Recruiting thread and the RMC thread, you'll probably figure out that the answer to this question is always the same: NOBODY KNOWS WHAT YOUR CHANCES WILL BE!!!

If you ask any recruiter, they will most likely tell you the exact same thing
Good luck to all applicants, especially Nic32. I know that you wanted this bad last year and the circumstances weren't the best. We're waiting here for you buddy!

For all of you, this is crunch time and offers will be coming out in about 2 months.

My best advice is get into a routine and get your mind off it. I nearly broke down a few times last winter cause of the stress of the possibilities and unknown.

If you feel down, go work out or work on projects or do something productive. Time will only tell.

Lastly, I'd like to mention reservists don't have an upper hand as many have said, they just have a different selection pool to make it to the merit list. Furthermore, as mentioned, it is said Armoured Officer not Crew.

Keep your sticks on the ice boys!
FirstYear said:
Furthermore, as mentioned, it is said Armoured Officer not Crew.
Actually ... the classification is Armour Officer; "Armoured Officer" implies you have both a commission and pieces of metal bolted onto you.
FirstYear said:
Good luck to all applicants, especially Nic32. I know that you wanted this bad last year and the circumstances weren't the best. We're waiting here for you buddy!

For all of you, this is crunch time and offers will be coming out in about 2 months.

My best advice is get into a routine and get your mind off it. I nearly broke down a few times last winter cause of the stress of the possibilities and unknown.

If you feel down, go work out or work on projects or do something productive. Time will only tell.

Lastly, I'd like to mention reservists don't have an upper hand as many have said, they just have a different selection pool to make it to the merit list. Furthermore, as mentioned, it is said Armoured Officer not Crew.

Keep your sticks on the ice boys!

Thanks, really appreciated, it was the hardest decision of my life and It is nice to know that rmc guys and anybody else understand my decision for last year.

I will do an update after my interview to tell how it has been

Well I guess its about time I posted on here.  I applied for ROTP 2013 back in Sptember and my application process is almost finished!  I applied for Infantry Officer, Armour Officer and Artillery Officer. 

Good luck to everybody whoa applied this year!
Journeyman, thanks for the correction!

Sometimes, I like to think that it would be pretty cool to be an "armoured officer" though  ;D
Well, going on a bit of a stretch here, all the armour regiments are pretty much old Calvary regiments, and Calvary rode horses, and knights also rode horses, and they had armour.

So armoured officer do make a bit of sense  ;D
Hey everyone.

I am a first time applicant to the ROTP program and was hoping for some insight. I am first year student at Concordia University in Montreal studying economics as my specialization. My chosen trades are Pilot, ACSO and Infantry Officer. I submitted an online application roughly 3 months ago and completed the aptitude test this past Friday (Feb. 15) I am now scheduled for the interview and medical which will take place this Tuesday (Feb. 19). What kind of questions can I expect to be asked during the interview. I have no problem answering personal questions regarding my motivation in joining the forces however I was wondering what sort of things I need to know about the military before sitting down with a recruiter this Tuesday. For example I am memorizing the overviews and specifications of every aircraft in the air force, is this necessary?

My application was only for the Pilot trade but after completing the CFAT this past Friday a recruiter sat me down and convinced me to add two other possible trades. She also told me that the final selection for ROTP is in May and she believed that it would be practically impossible to finish all the medicals required for the Pilot trade before then. She tried to convince me to go ahead with the ACSO and infantry officer trades. Was this recruiter just trying to fill other positions since Pilot applications, I presume, are numerous. I know for a fact that there is no other trade I would rather do in the military, so my question is, if I continue my application for the Pilot trade is it possible to be selected this year (I still have to complete the tests in Trenton and Toronto). Also, if I were to choose another trade, what are the possibilities of switching to the Pilot trade after completing ROTP?

Lastly I'm curious about the calibre of applicants sought after for the Pilot trade. What sort of grades are they looking for in high-school and CEGEP? In terms of physical attributes, what do they look for? My high-school grades always hovered between 75-80% and CEGEP was very similar however I am not satisfied with my first semester university grades and am hoping to have a fresh start at RMC. I've been on a college swim team and continue to practice 3-4 times per week. I am perfectly bilingual in French and English. I simply want to get a better idea of what my chances are in order to confidently make what will be the most important decision of my life to date.

Thanks in advance for all your help and advice, I truly appreciate it.

So, when a student is in grade 12, obviously then would be the time to apply for university. But unlike other universities, RMC applications cannot be sent through a civilian university website. I don't even think it's supposed to be online. My concern is that: How do you apply for RMC? I will be applying for ROTP. So how do you do that?

And, when I go into RMC as an Officer Cadet under the ROTP program, after the 4 years, what degree am I exactly earning? Military and Strategic Studies? I am not sure. And does RMC provide you an officer job after you have graduated from RMC?
This should answer many of your questions:

Journeyman said:
Actually ... the classification is Armour Officer; "Armoured Officer" implies you have both a commission and pieces of metal bolted onto you.

Ah yes sorry, I was in a bit of a rush and I just realised this now.

Hopefully everything is good an Ottawa clears me. I was told to call back in two weeks to the CFRC to see what the status is. The recruiting officer said I could still possibly make a basic flight training session. Fingers crossed.
Char546 said:
Hey everyone.

I am a first time applicant to the ROTP program and was hoping for some insight. I am first year student at Concordia University in Montreal studying economics as my specialization. My chosen trades are Pilot, ACSO and Infantry Officer. I submitted an online application roughly 3 months ago and completed the aptitude test this past Friday (Feb. 15) I am now scheduled for the interview and medical which will take place this Tuesday (Feb. 19). What kind of questions can I expect to be asked during the interview. I have no problem answering personal questions regarding my motivation in joining the forces however I was wondering what sort of things I need to know about the military before sitting down with a recruiter this Tuesday. For example I am memorizing the overviews and specifications of every aircraft in the air force, is this necessary?

My application was only for the Pilot trade but after completing the CFAT this past Friday a recruiter sat me down and convinced me to add two other possible trades. She also told me that the final selection for ROTP is in May and she believed that it would be practically impossible to finish all the medicals required for the Pilot trade before then. She tried to convince me to go ahead with the ACSO and infantry officer trades. Was this recruiter just trying to fill other positions since Pilot applications, I presume, are numerous. I know for a fact that there is no other trade I would rather do in the military, so my question is, if I continue my application for the Pilot trade is it possible to be selected this year (I still have to complete the tests in Trenton and Toronto). Also, if I were to choose another trade, what are the possibilities of switching to the Pilot trade after completing ROTP?

Lastly I'm curious about the calibre of applicants sought after for the Pilot trade. What sort of grades are they looking for in high-school and CEGEP? In terms of physical attributes, what do they look for? My high-school grades always hovered between 75-80% and CEGEP was very similar however I am not satisfied with my first semester university grades and am hoping to have a fresh start at RMC. I've been on a college swim team and continue to practice 3-4 times per week. I am perfectly bilingual in French and English. I simply want to get a better idea of what my chances are in order to confidently make what will be the most important decision of my life to date.

Thanks in advance for all your help and advice, I truly appreciate it.


Well, if you already finished your interview and medical, then I suppose you only have aircrew selection left, which correct me if I'm wrong, runs every week (?), so I am pretty sure you can have that done before May. Maybe you misunderstood the recruiter?
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