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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Any tips on how to get intouch with a recruiter to get my application started? I left a message at the CFRC in Toronto about 8 days ago and still nothing.
*I am new to this forum, and I sincerely apologize in advance if there are already numerous posts like this.

I've been skimming through some pages on this forum, and I still felt the need to ask some questions.

To put it real simple, I'm currently 17 years old (Grade 12), and I want to become a pilot through the ROTP program at RMC.
I did a little bit of searching on my own, but it didn't really satisfy my curiosity/confusion. I guess I'm pretty much jumping into this blindly. :-[

I'm not very strong in Maths or Sciences, so I want to go into the Arts field, and the prerequisites state that I need English 12 and Math 12 (Preferably Calculus). So does that mean I can submit my application with English 12, Calculus 12, and two other random courses?

Also, if RMC starts looking at applications around October, which is in the middle of the first term, how are our marks judged?

I've heard that RMC looks for well-rounded people when selecting applicants. I feel as though that I'm not a very strong applicant for that. I just want your cold, hard, non-sugarcoated opinions on chances for an applicant like me. Here are my traits:

+ In school, I can maintain around 90% in average.
+ I have been playing on the school volleyball team for since Gr. 9. (Received MVP medal in Gr. 10)
+ I have taken and still am taking leadership-related courses at school.
+ A few club activities at school, may start a club right now.
+ Leadership at church
+ Work experience

- No volunteering. Is it too late to do some now?
- Didn't take part in student government or council.
- No cadets... :-\

Could anyone with experience with the procedures of becoming a pilot please share their knowledge with me?

Any other tips and information will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.
So anyway, FYOP is so. much. fun right now. If anyone here is at RMCC and has access to a computer, shoot me a PM and maybe I can say hi to you or something on campus haha.
Pegula37 said:
Any tips on how to get intouch with a recruiter to get my application started? I left a message at the CFRC in Toronto about 8 days ago and still nothing.

Try getting in touch with another center. I  left a message with CFRC Oshawa and was called the next day.
Also, not to insult you but I've witnessed very smart people do dumber things, did you leave a number they can call you back at?
Yes i did and i left a second message and got called, unfortunately for me i was in class and he just left the recruiting number for me to contact. So instead of me playing phone tag with a recruiter im just gonna walk into the CFRC and do it personally.
Hello everyone !
I apologize in advance if some of my questions seem very trivial.  I am a first year engineering student currently in a coop program. I was wondering if students in co-op programs are allowed to apply for ROTP (note, in coop programs the sequence is study-work-study-work etc. for 5 years without breaks)?  Also, I haven't had a chance to speak with a recruiter yet, but I did order the information package from the CF website, in the package there is an application. I'm wondering if that application is direct entry only, or if its for ROTP aswell? Do I need to go in and speak with a recruiter to get some special forms for ROTP or what? Any info is appreciated immensely.

Thanks ,
I cant say forsure as I have no gone through the process but I think you would have to give up the co-op to join the military and take the non co-op program. Think of the military as the co-op, working during the summer and even getting paid to go to school during the school year.
You could talk to your guidance councilor at your school for info on RMC or ROTP how to apply & whats required.
You could go to any Forces recruiting centre and talk to them , even take some apptitude tests that should let you know if you are suitable to be a cook or a pilot.
Hello everyone,

I am getting ready to apply for ROTP RMC in Feb 2013. I am currently upgrading the following grade 12 credits in Manitoba: Physics, Applied Math, English, Biology, Geography, World Issues and Psychology.

I went to school for film and did some of that before working heavily in telecommunications and made it to an operations manager role. I stay in shape and swim, run, cycle and weight train and have followed the available MIL workouts I can find online, I also study Krav Maga and always done some form of martial art since I was a child.

My interests include music and stage lighting (I also worked as a DJ for a few years getting hired for everything from weddings to bar nights and corporate events), video production and airplanes but with real passion for helicopters. My career choices for the CF are Pilot and Intelligence officer. I have finished half of the above mentioned courses and expect to finish with an 84% average in Feb 2013.

I have researched the selection process for Pilot and Intel and I must admit I do get nervous. Competition is fierce and everyone is so young. I am 28. I am a team player and want to show the CF I have been working on myself hard to fit the ideal profile of a successful candidate. I have 0 hrs flight time but I have logged about 50 hours fixed and 50 hours rotary in Microsoft Flight Simulator (As instructed by a CF Pilot who was the father of the bride at a wedding I did.) I am also scheduling a two discovery flights here in Winnipeg (one rotary, one fixed wing) to experience the hands on feel of flying for real.

I hope someone can give me some pointers on what else I can do to increase my chances.

Thanks so much.

sammyboi93 said:
Hello everyone !
I apologize in advance if some of my questions seem very trivial.  I am a first year engineering student currently in a coop program. I was wondering if students in co-op programs are allowed to apply for ROTP (note, in coop programs the sequence is study-work-study-work etc. for 5 years without breaks)?  Also, I haven't had a chance to speak with a recruiter yet, but I did order the information package from the CF website, in the package there is an application. I'm wondering if that application is direct entry only, or if its for ROTP aswell? Do I need to go in and speak with a recruiter to get some special forms for ROTP or what? Any info is appreciated immensely.

Thanks ,

Nothing is stopping you from applying, be prepared to be told that your current program will not be accepted.  Programs involving Co-ops generally aren't accepted.  For those applying, all the additional forms (ie ROTP questionaire) will be completed online.  Also the program choices must be "ideal" as apposed to merely "acceptable" according to your occupation's entry standards, if you are apply via the ROTP route.  This is new this year.  DEO aren't effected by this.  This is apparently a TB edict. 
I am not sure if this is the right place to post this or not but I am wondering about the trade choices.

I am applying to ROTP this year as I stated above a while ago and my trade choices are Pilot, Infantry, Artillery.

I also read that the failure rate for becoming a Pilot (if I even get accepted for that) is about 60%.

What my question is... lets say I go through the training and fail to become a pilot, would I then get kicked out of ROTP? OR would they (hopefully) offer me another trade choice like my 2nd one, Infantry Officer?

I ask because I have zero flight experience, but I would like to become a pilot (however, I would love to be an infantry officer too... almost could flip a coin to choose with is #1 on my list). Would I be shooting myself in the foot for ever getting into the military if I go for pilot and fail to become one
The time is almost here to apply and I am very nervous/excited.  That is besides the point however.  My questions are:  When can I start my application process and when I apply, what marks will the military look at?  I already have Gr 12 Advanced Functions complete (did it last year) but only received a 70% due to lack of effort.  When I apply will they look at the marks for all the classes that I am currently doing/will be doing next semester or just gr 12 math from last year and my mid terms from this semester?

Edit:  I am trying exceptionally hard this year and WILL average above an 86%

Thanks a lot!
They look at your 6 most recent completed university credits. Meaning your grade 11 courses. But, you also update them on your current marks as you receive them.
During the process you have to hand in a transcript directly to your recruiting center. They will be able to look at ALL of your grades, it's simple as that.

In terms of academics, for security, be shooting for 90s while balancing your other activities.
They look at all of your marks from high school. Your average for consideration is calculated from grade 10 on.  They are not looking for individuals that can turn on the effort when required and give lack of effort at other times.  You should supply them with updated report cards and information as received.  One son now in first year and another in third and this is what they were both advised..... you average is calculated based on your marks from grade 10 on and is ........  I think that a lot of potential applicants think that they can put the effort into only their last year and this is simply not the case. Think about it... would you rather have a consistent high performer or one that does it only when necessary.
Hi, I am applying to RMC right now and while I am in decent shape and have already started training I am worried I might not pass the RMC fitness test. Does anyone know what would happen if I pass the EXPRESS test but not RMC's test?
I've applied for RMC for 2013-2014. I applied last year as well, every recruiter I met with told me I was an outstanding applicant however I just couldn't score high enough on the aptitude test because quite frankly, I suck at math but I excel at everything else, along with athleticism, bilingualism and extra curricular.  I'm nervous as heck to take it again although I've been studying a lot and convinced myself If i don't successfully get into RMC, it will NOT be because I couldn't score high enough on the CFAT. I have a scheduled tour of the RMC campus tomorrow I'm super excited. I've applied for Business and Admin in hopes of becoming a LOG O (Logistics Officer).

If I can give any of you aspiring applicants some advice, PREPARE for your aptitude test (the practice test is utterly misleading)

Good luck to all! Hope to see you around.  :salute:
zulu95 said:
Hi, I am applying to RMC right now and while I am in decent shape and have already started training I am worried I might not pass the RMC fitness test. Does anyone know what would happen if I pass the EXPRESS test but not RMC's test?

If you do not pass the RMC Fitness test you get placed on SPT which means 5am wake up to do PT until you pass.
Thanks for the info. Not as bad as I thought it would be, but still I will want to avoid that.
I was selected for Pilot in April but I had accepted but unfortunetly I had big problem at home with my family and feel unconfortable to get out of home and left my family while they needed help and support. Now, problem are almost solve, (completely in like 2 months). I will reapply because seriously it was the hardest decision in my life since I wanna be a Pilot for so long. But now I feel confortable with my choice and it's time to take care of myself. My test are life's good so I just need to redo interview and if they like me redoing my Aircrew medical !

People, be patient, be your best (don't joke with the aptitude test), do good choice, think positive, be a good person and chance that you will be selected are going to be good !

So, reapplying for Pilot, ASCO

Great Chance to everyone

Recruiting Center: Quebec city
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Junior ROTP
Trade Choice 1: Pilot
Trade Choice 2: Air Combat Systems Officer
Trade Choice 3: Aerospace engineer
Application Date: November 4, 2011
First Contact: November 14, 2011
CFAT: November 29, 2011 - completed
Interview: December 20. 2011 - completed
Medical: December 20, 2011 completed
Aircrew Selection  : January 30th to February 3rd -- completed
Aircrew medical : February 2, Done
ACSO exam : Done and complete by February 27.
Selected for Pilot : Had to refuse for family reason.

Need to redo Interview and Aircrew Medical
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