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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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AlexLarade said:
I'm actually going to be going down my CFRC to drop off my application on Monday, I really hope those two marks don't effect me too much. I hope what I lack academically I make up for in MP.

Merit points?

I'm pretty sure academics are weighted much higher than extra-curricular and such.
From what I've heard they use something called Military potential to see who's a good candidate for RMC. I may be wrong though
AlexLarade said:
From what I've heard they use something called Military potential to see who's a good candidate for RMC. I may be wrong though

And how exactly do you think you have military potential without military experience?

Apply and find out.

Not to derail the topic, but is there an actual scale or series of check boxes for 'military potential'?  This isnt the first time Ive heard of a reference to such a thing, and starting to wonder if its an actual thing and not just someone's wishful thinking...

Greymatters said:
Not to derail the topic, but is there an actual scale or series of check boxes for 'military potential'?  This isnt the first time Ive heard of a reference to such a thing, and starting to wonder if its an actual thing and not just someone's wishful thinking...

I've heard of it once before, but had nothing to do with Recruiting, so I am on the same boat.
Starting to get the CF Fever! Medical got the green light from Ottawa :-) I received my second university acceptance today in the mail. Which kind of sucks too, because I have to give them a $200 deposit before Christmas; long before I will know anything about ROTP. So, now that my application is complete I guess I just sort or wait. I do have a couple questions, so hope some knowledgeable mod is watching :-) Last year on my application I listed my top three trade preferences, with Nursing being number one, Pharmacy being number 2 and to be honest I am not sure what I put for number three. Am I able to change those now, even though it is technically still the same application? (or is it?) Should I check in with the CFRC every so often? Just want all my duckies to stay in the nice little row I worked my butt off to put them in.
Hi my name is Tashi and i'm currently in grade 12 this year and want to go to RMC for sept 2013 if possible.
My school average is around 80%, I'm joining the wrestling team and am going to take part of the tennis team during the spring, go to the gym 3-4 times a week and currently work at mcd's.
I used to be in cadets, but that was in grade 7, way before i knew what RMC was. So i only stayed in Cadets for 1 year max.
What are my actual chances of making RMC. feed back is very helpful. (tell me what i need to do more LOL)
Here's something you can try to improve your chances:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=5Hl9bLHmuMA#!


I'm also in the process of putting an application together for this ROTP. I'm almost 30 years old with 8 years served as a NCM and then left to go to university. In my second year now and doing quite well, I just hope my university marks trump my high school grades since I didn't do to well back then.

applying for: ACSO, MARS, and LOG

GL all and keep us updated
I emailed my academic transcripts and questionnaire to RMC already, its been about a week and a half since. How long does this process usually take?
Depends on what you plan on taking.
If all shit goes according to plan you should be in by next academic year.
That being said email and call and follow up.
I mean like how long before they call or email me for the next series of application requirements
After application deadline my buddy got a response within a month apparently.
He applied directly to RMC.

If you're going through your university it will take longer. Spoke with recruiter last week who told me it would take under 8 months (that being said I'm looking to transfer from engineer to air force pilot so that in itself is a headache for them). The smaller your file the faster the response time. It has to go through Ottawa of course.

KEEP BUGGING THEM. Never assume they will do everything on time, I've had my education files "lost" 3 times and transfer paperwork go missing. Your file might be waiting on a desk collecting dust as we speak. When I joined up the actual process was quick but if I didn't harp on it who knows. I've heard of people waiting for a year or more. Good luck.
I originally applied through Forces.ca and I got a response within a day. Then, I was emailed directly from RMC, and I was told to fill out things like what trades I wanted and what school choices I had in mind.

Isn't the process all online?
jack3d17 said:
I originally applied through Forces.ca and I got a response within a day. Then, I was emailed directly from RMC, and I was told to fill out things like what trades I wanted and what school choices I had in mind.

Isn't the process all online?

Took me quite a bit longer to get a response, likely related to the fact that I'm already part way through university and only applied for pilot with no 2nd or 3rd choices. I call them about once a week and it seems like every time I get a reply it's pretty much the day after calling.

Also 95% of the time I call in I get the "The person you are trying to reach is unavailable" or w.e message.
Sounds like a new and interesting topic for the Radio Chatter channel - compiling a working list of criteria for evaluating a person's 'military potential'...

PrairieThunder said:
And how exactly do you think you have military potential without military experience?


You have a BMQ under your belt.

Just saying.
PPCLI Guy said:

You have a BMQ under your belt.

Just saying.

I'm trying to learn, as my other post in this thread said "I've only heard of Military Potential once, and it had nothing to do with recruiting." I never heard it used when I applied in 2008, or in 2010 etc. I'm not the only one that's never heard of it either as per - Greymatters post.

I'm not trying to "peacock" or anything... I was asking a question.
To clarify, I have read numerous times of people refering to their personal 'military potential'; Ive just never heard of there actually being an actual checklist or assessment scale that could be used to evaluate whether a person has military potential or how much of it they have. 

Maybe its one of those instinct things?  Only people with an undefinable military potentail can evaluate if they have military potential...? 

My viewpoint - I met numerous people during my career who thought they were God's gift to the military and weren't...

Honestly, like any other university your chances are determined by whoever else is applying this year. That said, try to improve all areas of your application: try to get the best grades possible, get in better shape, maybe look at learning some French, ect. The better you are in everything, the better your chances. Simple as that.
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