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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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In response to HeavyD saying "Once again, good luck to everyone applying and hopefully I will be seeing you in the latter half of BMOQ this summer." I could be wrong but I'm pretty confident when offered ROTP you do not do basic until after your first year at RMC. My BMOQ ran April 25 until near the end of August so it is unlikely that they could get offers out, people sworn in, and everything and everyone arranged on a BMOQ course this summer. I believe you do recruit camp at RMC; then civi U and RMC split up and RMC students do their thing and civi U go to their university. Following your first year of study the first summer is BMOQ, second and third is I believe language training and I don't think they actually have plans for any trades courses until graduation then you plow through all the trades courses and get your first posting.

That's just my understanding based on going through my offer process last year. Each offer is unique and each situation is different so who knows but that's what I recall.
oaktown said:
I could be wrong but I'm pretty confident when offered ROTP you do not do basic until after your first year at RMC. My BMOQ ran April 25 until near the end of August so it is unlikely that they could get offers out, people sworn in, and everything and everyone arranged on a BMOQ course this summer. I believe you do recruit camp at RMC; then civi U and RMC split up and RMC students do their thing and civi U go to their university.

That's just my understanding based on going through my offer process last year. Each offer is unique and each situation is different so who knows but that's what I recall.

Thank you for the information. I am just unsure about my situation as my application is through a CT.  We will have to see what happens when the offers start rolling out.
I have been told the same thing, that there is no way that selected applicants will do BMOQ their first summer.  I believe it says that on the forces.ca website as well.  Also remember that many applicants are in their last year of high school, not graduating until June which doesn't leave enough time to do BMOQ before September.
Fair enough, it does make sense that way. A friend of mine had told me that is how it worked for him through his CT. It is true that every situation is different, either way I am looking forward to it.

I suppose I can change "latter half of BMOQ" to "recruit camp at RMC"  ;).
HeavyD are you a CT from an NCM trade or an Officer trade? I am a CT as well but I've already done BMOQ and was told I wouldn't have to re-do it - were you told differently or are you currently NCM?
From what I know, if you are a CT, you wouldn't have to do the recruit camp, but I am not certain of. What I am certain of is that the recruit camp for this year was not at RMC, it was at the MEGA in St Jean, and there are no indications that it will be different next year. Also, seeing as you are CT, you may be able to get the second part of BMOQ done if all the paperwork gets done in time (which is a very large and unlikely if). If you have to do the full BMOQ, however, then you will be doing it between your first and second year.

The bit about the CF not giving RMC any trades training until they graduate is not true. There are some people at RMC that are phase 3 (and maybe even phase 4) infantry officer qualified, for example. The priorities are BMOQ, then second language training, then element training, and then trades training. Obviously those who are already bilingual do not to SLT, so they move straight on to element and trades training.

The way it works out is on a case by case basis.
If you did a reserve BMOQ course you will not be required to repeat BMOQ is what I've been told. Recruit camp is something I'm not very clear on some say you still go, others say you don't. Pudd as I posted my original response I recalled that language training was just their first focus but that trades training can occur so thanks for clearing that up. Quick question if anyone knows - if you are CTing from Naval Res to Reg, do you have to do the NOAB? Even if your already in a Res officer trade?
LOLslamball said:
I have been told the same thing, that there is no way that selected applicants will do BMOQ their first summer.  I believe it says that on the forces.ca website as well.  Also remember that many applicants are in their last year of high school, not graduating until June which doesn't leave enough time to do BMOQ before September.
Hmm, I was told by the captain who did my interview that students already in civy U going into ROTP do their BMOQ before going into their next year, but I wondered how that would be possible considering offers take a long time to get out and such. Seems to be a lot of misinformation flying around  ::)
Quote from Bowen in the ROTP 2011-2012 thread


Good morning,

The following are your travel and Orientation Camp dates:

RMC St Jean

-travel to RMCSJ - 30 Jul 11 (Saturday)
-Orientation Camp - 31 Jul - 2 Sep 11

RMC Kingston

-travel to CFLRS - 13 Aug 11 (Saturday)
-Orientation Camp - 15 - 26 Aug 11

Civ University

-travel to CFLRS - 13 Aug 11 (Saturday)
-Orientation Camp - 15 - 26 Aug 11
-depart 27 Aug 11

The Joining Instructions for the RMC St Jean Orientation Camp are at the
following link:

I highly recommend ALL applicants read these as the RMC Kingston/Civ U
Orientation Camp Joining Instructions will be very similar!

Have a great weekend!"

This is the e-mail I got today.

So those selected from ROTP 2012-2013 do not go to BMOQ in the first summer no matter which of the three schools they will be attending. 

LOLslamball said:
So those selected from ROTP 2012-2013 do not go to BMOQ in the first summer no matter which of the three schools they will be attending. 

Thanks slamball, that clears up a lot. Guess we get to do even more waiting this summer. ;)
Yeah, but the good kind of waiting haha  :)

There was an awesome word document that detailed all of the procedures for getting paid, what was covered (down to the dollar amount for calculators, medical equipment etc) as well as how leave worked and how you would be on LWOP (leave with out pay) before the first September of employment.  It was an official DND document and I think it was in one of the ROTP threads from either last year or the year before and now I can`t find it.

Not sure what will happen with me but I suspect I am going to BMOQ this summer, doesn`t make sense to pay me for a few weeks and then send me back to civy life for the summer.  Ill hopefully know on Monday though.
LOLslamball said:
Not sure what will happen with me but I suspect I am going to BMOQ this summer, doesn`t make sense to pay me for a few weeks and then send me back to civy life for the summer.  Ill hopefully know on Monday though.

If you're getting paid you will be working during the summer if not course loaded on BMOQ. 
oaktown said:
HeavyD are you a CT from an NCM trade or an Officer trade? I am a CT as well but I've already done BMOQ and was told I wouldn't have to re-do it - were you told differently or are you currently NCM?

I am an NCM - I was told that more than likely I will be able to skip the first part of BMOQ and complete the second half.
MJP said:
If you're getting paid you will be working during the summer if not course loaded on BMOQ. 

I'd hope they wouldn't pay me for nothing haha. By "send me back to civy life" I meant LWOP.

I didn't know if it was possible to "work" before competing BMOQ. 
Recruiting Center: CRFC Montreal
Regular/Reserve:  Regular
Officer/NCM:          Officer
Trade Choice 1:    Infantry
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date:                              02,  August        2010 
First Contact:                                    20,  August          2010
CFAT:                                                07,  April            2011           
Medical:                                            30,  May              2011 - failed
Medical re-evaluation:                      06,  October        2011
File and school grade evaluation:    05,  December    2011                       
Interview:                                        08,  December    2011
Merit Listed :                                    08,  December    2011

    So this is my application so far and like the rest of you I am waiting on that phone call.

Patience is not an issue with me. It was really an interesting process. I was lucky that they gave me a second chance to redo my CFAT ( I failed it 5 years ago), and they warned me that this was my last. I did not let there kindness got to waste.
I failed the medical for reasons of Nearsightedness (Myopia), I was considered legaly blind without my glasses. When they told me that, I went to get some advice from friends in the Forces and from the CRFC. I booked my laser eye surgery the next day. Got a 15/20 vision in both eyes, waited the required 3 months before giving in the medical papers concerning the results of my  surgery to the CRFC and  the rest is history.
Before they scheduled my interview, they had to check my file and my grades first to see if I was eligible for ROTP, and also finger prints if needed. A week later they called me and told me that I was eligible but I had to wait until January for a date for my interview. To my surprise 2 days later, they called me and scheduled my interview. I wasn't that nervous ( I already did an interview with the RMR last summer. I was supposed to start with them in August 2011. But my medical came back negative and the 3 month waiting period made me ineligible to be selected until my medical cleared. After that, when I got cleared for my interview for ROTP, the CRFC told me that they stopped my process with the RMR).
The interview went very well. The Captain told me to be comfortable, to take off my jacket if I wanted to because it was pretty warm in his office and that we had a long talk ahead of us. the interview lasted an hour around. Then, he told me to wait in the lobby. 20 minutes later he called me back and told me I succeeded in my interview and I was merit listed without any conditions. He told me that he sees no problems in my candidature as to be accepted unless the other applicants turn out to be very very strong. He said that I had his recommendation, showed me the dates as to when the board should meet and when the calls should start, made me read some  papers and made me sign them. Voila.

In short, if you really think this is your call in life, no one or nothing can stop you from trying to reach your goals. If it's not this year, than the next. The only person that can stop you is you.

Hope to hear or read some good news shortly from all that applied for ROTP.

Keep focused we are almost there.

LOLslamball said:
I meant LWOP

I didn't know if it was possible to "work" before competing BMOQ.

LWOP in this context is a short term thing for new entrants.  Established folks can and do go on LWOP for longer periods of time but not for lack of work. 

LOLslamball said:
I didn't know if it was possible to "work" before competing BMOQ.

BMOQ isn't required to push the go button on a photocopier somewhere or put paper in a file ;) 
MJP said:
LWOP in this context is a short term thing for new entrants.  Established folks can and do go on LWOP for longer periods of time but not for lack of work. 

BMOQ isn't required to push the go button on a photocopier somewhere or put paper in a file ;)

Very true, but I was thinking complete ignorance of the military system could be a problem.  I mean I wouldn't want to look stupid on my first day or anything (joking)  ;D

Thanks for the info though, not too long until I find out for sure!
matt1994 said:
Are you merit listed as soon as you pass your aptitude test, medical, and interview?

Depends on the trade. You are merit listed when everything required is finished(pilots, AEC and ACSO have to do aircrew selection, not sure about other trades).  You could be done medical, interview and CFAT but your medical or background check may not be finished or have gotten to the "recruiting headquarters" or wherever  they send it.
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