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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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You will find on both this site and in the CF that liars and fakers are not tolerated at all. The one guy who lies or cheats on a course sets the example for everyone else, because he does get very publicly sorted out. It‘s especially bad for officers, because the second that you lose the respect of the NCOs, your ability to lead them is absolutely 100% gone. Non-commissioned officers are the linchpin of one‘s command and of the Forces as a whole, they will make or break and officer‘s career. If you act with absolute integrity, their ability to bring the best out of the troops under your command will absolutley amaze you.

As for what happens, after being accepted to RMC you would head to St-Jean-sur-Richelieu for what used to be called BOTC - Basic Officer Training Course... it may have a different name now since all the courses have been rearranged. Then you‘ll head to RMC to get started with school. It begins with Recruit Term where you are sorted out into RMC life.

Your first summer you will head to CFB Gagetown for the Common Army Phase (CAP), which used to be called Phase II. Here you will learn basic skills of leadership and the basics of infantry operations at the section level. It‘s all arms, everyone learns how to conduct a section attack and so on.

Then the next summer you start training in your MOC (your military occupation) with the relevant school. If it‘s in the Combat Arms, you‘ll be back to Gagetown. The following summers you‘ll either be on more courses/second language training or "on the job training" until graduation, at which point you‘ll be commissioned and sent on your way.

For starters, join Cadets and learn the basics.
what if i wanted to get a degree? i thought i could do that too? 4 years right?
if you are an officer you usually have to have a degree. if you are accepted into the rotp program, they basically pay for everything during university. however, that means you have to be an officer. NCM‘s can get degrees with the military as well through continuing education plans, usually remote, so you can do it while serving.
Yeah, officer is a bit high in the ranks (2nd lt.) but if the pay is good and it‘ll give me some field experience, and let me go places (do they?) then sure.
You shouldn‘t become an officer, if your only reason for doing so is higher pay. And a Corporal makes more than a SLt anyways. And for field experiance, you would get more if you were serving in the ranks, while getting a degree through a continuring education plan.
I also get to command :)
But at this age im not sure if I like giving orders or taking orders...
One very important thing to remember: in order to give orders, you have to be able to take orders...good leaders, generally, are always good followers.

I have a few question I want to ask and to mention this before I start, I dont have any experiance in Cadets and reserves so some of my questions might sound Easy but please bear along.

For aplication in the military I dont have great vision So I need glasses for reading and such can I wear them on the field.Or do I have to get eye surgery to make me see better?

For application to RMC what kind of marks and Volunteering and athletic accomplishment/experiance do I need?Where can I learn more about RMC other then their Website?

About tours overseas: Do you get to volunteer for UN peacekeeping tours or do I get assigned?I mean by this can I choose it or do I hope im in the right unit?

I read somehwere that Infantry take Parachooting cources with their whole platoon is that true?

Thanx in advance
Originally posted by GD:
[qb] Hello!

I have a few question I want to ask and to mention this before I start, I dont have any experiance in Cadets and reserves so some of my questions might sound Easy but please bear along.

For aplication in the military I dont have great vision So I need glasses for reading and such can I wear them on the field.Or do I have to get eye surgery to make me see better?

For application to RMC what kind of marks and Volunteering and athletic accomplishment/experiance do I need?Where can I learn more about RMC other then their Website?

About tours overseas: Do you get to volunteer for UN peacekeeping tours or do I get assigned?I mean by this can I choose it or do I hope im in the right unit?

I read somehwere that Infantry take Parachooting cources with their whole platoon is that true?

Thanx in advance [/qb]
#-1 Get you eye sight checked first from your one Doctor ! because laser eye surgery IF IT WORK‘S take‘s 6 month‘s or more to recover from.

#-2 I don‘t have the link handy but ask your Local Recuiting Office about ther Entry Qual.‘s.

#-3 At time‘s with in each Unit there will come request‘s for Volunteer‘s for over seas duty but on the whole you will go with your Unit if it‘s tasked for overseas duty.

#-4 No,you submit your name for the Jump course and it‘s normaly based on merit as only the best get a jump course same goes for a Combat Diver‘s Course with in the Engineer‘s.

The Elite Course‘s are awarded on Merit.

Hope this help‘s.

Lot‘s of Luck
Wow thanx That helped Ill call the recruiter.

Does anyone know whats training for officers like?I mean in RMC you study during the year but during the summer you go on Training.

And what does it mean when First year officer cadets are confied to barakes during weekends?Does that mean you stay in your appartment all weekeb long?
I actualy ave a CD from the RMC recruiter that came to my schol and I looked indeapth and found that they had a lot more info.If anyone wants a copy I might be able to gwet you one but It will sure be in recruiters office it is very imformative.
You study during the year and then, come summer, you do your phase training. Basically, you are on a combat training course for summer 1 and summer 2 from May through July. After that, I believe you do your trade training during the summer.

I think you get a bit of August off before heading back to classes.

Contact the recruiter, because the application process for RMC is very competitive, and you should be looking to start the process the Sept before you actually want to go.

There are other entry programmes that you may also want to look into. Again, call the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre in Toronto (at Yonge and Sheppard):

Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre Toronto
4900 Yonge Street, Suite 100
North York, ON M2N 6A4
(416) 952-2000

You can get more info on Reserve Army here (especially the entry programmes):

RMC is NOT as hard to get into as you would think. They dont let everyone in, and many more are accepted into civilian universities under ROTP (my preferred choice, and even though they claim they dont, they have at least 250 Ocdts going each year to Civy U).

That said, don‘t think youll coast in.

Year one, you go during your summer (usually after high school) to IAP at CFLRS in st Jean. after IAP (about 9 weeks, depends on the course, they keep playing with the length), and if you pass (IAP = QL5 supposedly, or at least if you have yoru QL5, you dont do IAP, you go straight to BOTP). THen you go to BOTP for the rest of the summer, finish and three days later you are off to Kingston. You do a month of FYOP (first year orientation) which kinda sucks and most say is much worse than Basic, and then you go to school like any other frat boy/girl until May. You usually get a couple weeks off here if you were good in school, then you either have more time off, or you start your course (CAP if you are Combat Arms). This depends on when the course dates are. Soemwhere here before you start year 2 at kingston you get some time off, usually about 2 weeks or so. You keep doing this cycle (kingston, summer course) until you finish your phase training and kingston, and you get your scroll and your first salute and a way you go to be laughed at and made fun of behind your back by the many NCMs waiting to pick on their new 2lt.

Of course any multitude of things could happen, you could be recoursed, medically or for other reasons, etc..

Funny thing is, I know of not one person who went to BOTP that did not go on to kingston unless they VRd. Even when they were recoursed for cause, they still came back the next year.

*shakes head*
Does anyone know the standards for math for Manitoba to get into RMC? I was told Applied by some people but Pre-Calculus by others. Any help is appreciated, thanks.


The undergraduate programmes at RMC include courses from multiple disciplines, so the programmes are challenging. To prepare yourself to meet the demands of the curriculum, we encourage you to take a strong academic program in high school.

We recommend that you aim for high marks and take the following subjects:

- four years of English, with a strong emphasis on composition, grammar, literature and oral comprehension
- two years of French
- Mathematics (preferably Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus)
- Chemistry and Physics
- other types of courses that will help you be prepared for the first year at RMC: history, geography, civics, economics and basic computing
To see the specific courses you need to enter one of the undergraduate programmes at RMC, review our Course Requirements .

Google is an amazing resource.

Right now i am i grade ten at BIshop Carroll high school and I‘m going to apply to RMC as an engineering officer so i am aiming for insanely high marks when I graduate. My school is self paced (there‘s no classes) and I have many different options for choosing my workload and when I will take different courses. When I apply to RMC it will be early in my grade twelve year so the only mark I will have will be my grade eleven mark. So my question is do I take more courses in grade eleven so I can get a beter grade twelve mark or should I focus on achieving higher grades in grade eleven?

One more question, at Bishop Carroll taking religion is mandatory but I don‘t get very good marks on it because I have been focusing on more important subjects like math and science. So will the recruiters care about my marks in option courses like religion and such?
Trust me do not cram grade 12 courses into your grade 11 year. I did that now I am stuck taking grade 11 physics, chemistry & biology in my senior year with a bunch of younger kids which will be odd. Not only that they will look at your first semester marks of your gr 12 year so they will have aa good idea. And they wont consider religion marks.
Originally posted by RJG:
[qb] Trust me do not cram grade 12 courses into your grade 11 year. I did that now I am stuck taking grade 11 physics, chemistry & biology in my senior year with a bunch of younger kids which will be odd. Not only that they will look at your first semester marks of your gr 12 year so they will have aa good idea. And they wont consider religion marks. [/qb]
On the subject of cramming grade 12 courses into your grade 11 year, that‘s what I did, and I didn‘t really find them all that difficult, as I had done the pre-req grade 11 courses in grade 10... end result? Grade 12, I had room for a internship course that took up a quarter of my schedule, as well as a home ec course (Nothing like fresh baked cookies in the morning), a course in small engines, and a wood working course (Also AP physics and a requisite math course).

Regarding the religion marks, why would you say they won‘t look at them? If the fellow is applying as an officer, he needs to be well rounded. Sure, they won‘t carry as much weight as math and physics courses, which he should definitly concentrate on, but it‘s still important to have a view of the world beyond a sigle sphere... they say an expert is somone who knows more and more about less and less till they know everything about nothing... I‘ve met some absolutely brilliant professors who could barely dress themselves.

If he can find the time, outside school, a course (Shouldn‘t last more then a day or two over a weekend) on ettiquette or somthing else unique would look interesting on an application.
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