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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Hello, I hope I am not intrudin on this topic. :)

I am currently applying to RMC, but my math marks are also much lower than my other marks.

Enfield, was the recruiting centre able to transfer your file for RMC to the reserves easily?

Thank you.

Of course you can. Dude, the more education u have or obtain through college or university, the better it will be for you in the army
You can take anything at RMC and become an Infanteer. The only restrictions on courses/moc‘s at RMC are the engineering trades which obviously require an engineering degree.

So AERE, MARE, CBTEng, etc all require engineering degrees.

The rest of the MOC‘s are pretty much open to any degree RMC offers.
The CF will prefer it if all its engineers have an engineering degree, but this doesn‘t always happen. In fact, quite a few AERE, CBT Engineer and Navy fruit-cake engineers do NOT have engineering degrees. The AERE trade, like most other airforce officer trade are common stomping grounds for failed out pilots, who really joins the airforce to become a navigator?? :)
Uhhmm... That last post now only applies to officers who were in BEFORE the degree requirements... No career manager Ive spoken to has told me anyone but someone with an eng degree is getting an eng job (thats for new officers)
I‘m interresting to go at the RMC.
I want to know if someone can tell me if it hard to be accepted at RMC.
At High School my grade was 80%
At college, i got some bad result, but my average i 60-65%
And this year i‘ll start university.
If i want to go at RMC next years, do you think i have good chance ?
Because of the double graduation year in ontario the RMC has been recieving an insane amount of apps, so I would guess that a 65% is not going to cut it but talk to a recruiter
recommended highschool average is 86%, i have heard taht you should have 90% average in highschool to compete effectively. It also helps if you have been active in your community, participated in sports, and have taken on leadership roles (such as student‘s council).
You don‘t necessarily need good marks to get into RMC. The course officer on my Engineer QL3 got in with a 68% average. The thing is he says he did a lot of extra curricular activities. Just don‘t be discouraged, it‘s still possible to get in with lower marks. Good luck.
Yes, thats true, its just this year i have heard that the standards are a lot higher just because of the double cohort in ontario, competition seems to be insane...
I think it should be returned to normal next year ?
I think it should be returned to normal next year ?
I wouldn‘t bet too much on it. It may be better, but I have my doubts it would be back to normal.

A lot of fellow students I know are taking a year off to work, or spending another semester in school (hey, its free education) before moving on, in order to avoid some of the crowds. Of course, a lot of people are doing it, so things will still be crowded.

RMC would probably return to normal faster than most post-secondary schools, however.
I applied to RMC this year, I did not get in, even though I had a good average and did extra activites outside of school. ie Cadets.
This year was tough, probably due to twice as many people graduating in Ontario.
I got into RMC this year, but i have to go to St. Jean first, however i was told that basically I only got in because of my reserve experience I.E. they knew i ‘could adapt to a military lifestyle‘.
also, i only had about an 80% average.
My advice to get into RMC
good marks
extracurricular leadership things
sports teams

hey, it worked for me...
Hi everyone,

I‘m looking into ROTP through RMC but their site isn‘t very informative. I‘m headed down to my recruiting office later today (cuz I know you were going to suggest it), but I was wondering if anyone had been to RMC or known people who were there. I‘d just like to get an idea of what it‘s like.

If I were accepted to the school, would I do Basic Training first or is that part of what they‘re talking about when they say you do summer training? Also, there is no mention of what courses are required for which occupation. As I understand it you are enrolled with a specific occupation already chosen but what if I fit the requirements for the B.A. courses but not the Engineering or Science, how do I tell which occupations I can enroll under?

To make matters more complicated I am married and my husband just graduated Basic Training. So my going to RMC is not a sure thing, I‘m just looking into it, but I will go back to university somewhere so I thought why not?

Skye ;)
I have a question about the Royal Military College in Kingston ontario:
(a few really)

1. If accepted it says you do basic training in the summer previous to 1st year, would that mean after i complete high school they would send me straight to basic?

2. Anyone gone through the RMC? What‘s it like? And whats good about being an officer rather than a regular (non-com)

3. Is it easy to learn french, ive taken classes all the way to grade 9, and i have recently take an online course (i have gotten to leason 9/10).

4. What is a good achievement in marks? it says a good or usual acceptance mark is about 80%, but what would be good to get to?

5. What should i prepare for in the 4 years before i go (3 before application) to (if i make it) RMC? Activites, Physical Fitness.

6. What types of classes should i take and which are most important to get into RMC?

Andrew Power
NB, Canada
3-4 years to RMC/CdnForces :)

(secondly that thing where i said i was SpecOps, and i lied was the first time ever lying on a forum, and im usually as honest as honest can be)
also i know im somewhat young to be thinking about getting into the forces but i have my mind set, and im the younger person in my grade (most moving on to 15)
Hi Andrew,


2. No. Both Officer‘s and NCO‘s play important roles in the Forces: neither would exist well without the other. In both systems you‘ll have to "grow up". You have a little more time to do so as an NCO.

3. Depends on how bad you want it.

4. When you join the Forces as an Officer you‘ll be expected to maintain a 90% average in whatever you do....not sure how that applies to RMC, but better to have the marks and not need them.

5. Play team sports, volunteer in the community, and run a lot! Aerobics will help too.

6. University prep courses in your major area of interest. RMC is big in engineering, so maths and sciences won‘t hurt, but make sure your studies are well rounded and include humanities and arts.

Good luck- Garry

PS- don‘t lie anymore.
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