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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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canada94 said:
Ask someone who is a recruiter and see if they say the same. I was told to hand everything in as quickly as possible. Which I did.

Ask anyone who has any life experience and they would say that it is better to be safe than sorry.
I totally agree. He was the only person there helping people. I am planning on going back in tomorrow with my completed application!
Chanbomb11 said:
I totally agree. He was the only person there helping people. I am planning on going back in tomorrow with my completed application!

So there was nobody behind the front desk? Just a regular civilian helping people? That's odd..
Went for my medical today, everything went well, but I had to take another form back to my doctor because I mildly strained my LCL (lateral knee ligament, not serious), I think he is getting sick of filling out forms because they charged me $30 haha.  Should be faxed off this afternoon and then just waiting for a call for my interview.  I might as well put up the recruiting report card, I pulled it off scriptox's thread, so thanks scriptox.

Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Pilot
Trade Choice 2: Pilot
Trade Choice 3: Pilot
Application Date: August 22nd, 2011
First Contact: August 30th, 2011
Aptitude:  September 14th, 2011
Medical:  September 20th, 2011
Interview completed:
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:

scriptox said:
So there was nobody behind the front desk? Just a regular civilian helping people? That's odd..

No, scriptox, there was a CF member behind the desk helping people, but he stated that he was not a recruiter.
Chanbomb11 said:
No, scriptox, there was a CF member behind the desk helping people, but he stated that he was not a recruiter.

I guess I was confused. I had the assumption that if someone worked behind the desk at a recruiting centre, that they would be a recruiter.

My apologies.
LOLslamball said:
Went for my medical today, everything went well, but I had to take another form back to my doctor because I mildly strained my LCL (lateral knee ligament, not serious), I think he is getting sick of filling out forms because they charged me $30 haha.  Should be faxed off this afternoon and then just waiting for a call for my interview.  I might as well put up the recruiting report card, I pulled it off scriptox's thread, so thanks scriptox.

Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Pilot
Trade Choice 2: Pilot
Trade Choice 3: Pilot
Application Date: August 22nd, 2011
First Contact: August 30th, 2011
Aptitude:  September 14th, 2011
Medical:  September 20th, 2011
Interview completed:
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:

Glad to hear your medical went well.  :)
Originally I applied for Combat Engineer, Infantry soldier and Medic but I'm thinking about changing my application for Infantry Officer, Artillery Officer or Engineering Officer.

I hated high school so I assumed that I wouldn't like university but so far its been very different and I find myself more and more interested and involved everyday. I'm going for a Major in Biology or a double Major in Biology and Chemistry/Physics. I also love how chaotic my life became. I get up at 5:30 everyday and don't get home till 18:30 on weekdays. It's awesome.

The only thing that I think will hurt my chances for ROTP 2012-2013 is my high school marks. I had 75% average taking all advanced science courses. Then in my last semester I had all 80's until I missed a lot of school before exams because of a broken bone and ended up getting 60's in Calculus, Physics 12 adv. and English 12. Although I've already wrote the CFAT and qualified for Officer so I think I'll still go for it.

Good luck to everyone putting in their applications. Mine should be in there in the next couple of weeks.
I'm excited to go back to start the process again I really like the recruiting center here in Halifax.

Mkenzie said:
Originally I applied for Combat Engineer, Infantry soldier and Medic but I'm thinking about changing my application for Infantry Officer, Artillery Officer or Engineering Officer.

I hated high school so I assumed that I wouldn't like university but so far its been very different and I find myself more and more interested and involved everyday. I'm going for a Major in Biology or a double Major in Biology and Chemistry/Physics. I also love how chaotic my life became. I get up at 5:30 everyday and don't get home till 18:30 on weekdays. It's awesome.

The only thing that I think will hurt my chances for ROTP 2012-2013 is my high school marks. I had 75% average taking all advanced science courses. Then in my last semester I had all 80's until I missed a lot of school before exams because of a broken bone and ended up getting 60's in Calculus, Physics 12 adv. and English 12. Although I've already wrote the CFAT and qualified for Officer so I think I'll still go for it.

Good luck to everyone putting in their applications. Mine should be in there in the next couple of weeks.
I'm excited to go back to start the process again I really like the recruiting center here in Halifax.

Not sure what they will be doing with your averages and if they will take your application or not, but this is taken directly from the RMC website with regards to applicants from Nova Scotia:

Please note:  Students must offer a minimum course mark of 70% for each of the required courses and have an overall average of 70% on the best 6 courses completed in grade 12.

Link: http://www.rmc.ca/adm/apns-pans-eng.asp
Mkenzie said:
The only thing that I think will hurt my chances for ROTP 2012-2013 is my high school marks. I had 75% average taking all advanced science courses. Then in my last semester I had all 80's until I missed a lot of school before exams because of a broken bone and ended up getting 60's in Calculus, Physics 12 adv. and English 12. Although I've already wrote the CFAT and qualified for Officer so I think I'll still go for it.

Don't worry about your previous shortcomings (not a jab), worry about things that you can improve on. High school is in the past and there is nothing you can do but focus on your university courses, extra-curriculars and so on.

Also, if it's any consolation I dropped out of high school in Grade 11 and had poor marks throughout high school but I was still accepted into ROTP after completing two years of post-secondary with a 3.7 GPA. So just focus on constantly improving yourself in the present and the future. Don't worry about the past.
Gimpy said:
Don't worry about your previous shortcomings (not a jab), worry about things that you can improve on. High school is in the past and there is nothing you can do but focus on your university courses, extra-curriculars and so on.

Also, if it's any consolation I dropped out of high school in Grade 11 and had poor marks throughout high school but I was still accepted into ROTP after completing two years of post-secondary with a 3.7 GPA. So just focus on constantly improving yourself in the present and the future. Don't worry about the past.

Thanks for the advice.

Congratulations on the 3.7 GPA that's impressive.

I am doing a lot better in university right now because I'm applying myself more so hopefully it works out in the following years if not this one.

scriptox said:
Not sure what they will be doing with your averages and if they will take your application or not, but this is taken directly from the RMC website with regards to applicants from Nova Scotia:

Please note:  Students must offer a minimum course mark of 70% for each of the required courses and have an overall average of 70% on the best 6 courses completed in grade 12.

Link: http://www.rmc.ca/adm/apns-pans-eng.asp

I meet all the requirements except i have a 66% in English 12  :facepalm:

I'll go and see what they say but I'm still attending University right now so at least I can better myself for next year if I am unable to apply for this years selections.
Recruiting Center: Recruiter in St. Catherine's
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Infantry O
Trade Choice 2: Arm O
Trade Choice 3: Arty O
Application Date: September 13, 2011
First Contact:
Interview completed:
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:

Haha, if your going Infantry prepare for a bag-drive on Phase III.. You'll become a well oiled para-shuffling machine :P
I went to the recruiting center today to see about my marks and to ask some questions.

It looks like I have the minimum marks for entry into RMC. My average is just barely at 70% and from what I hear that won't be to competitive.

I'm considering joining the reserves and in 4 years after I finish my Civil Engineering degree (switching from science to engineering next year) I can try to go DEO.

Mkenzie said:
I went to the recruiting center today to see about my marks and to ask some questions.

It looks like I have the minimum marks for entry into RMC. My average is just barely at 70% and from what I hear that won't be to competitive.

I'm considering joining the reserves and in 4 years after I finish my Civil Engineering degree (switching from science to engineering next year) I can try to go DEO.

Is that average you mention just your grade 12? How are your academic grades from grade 9 - 12? How are your extracurriculars? There have been cases where people have been admitted with low 70s but have copious amounts of extracurriculars.

Going into reserves while in Civvy U then going into DEO looks good, I've considered that before and seems to be my backup plan in the event that I do not gain acceptance into the ROTP program.
Figure i would wish you all good luck on your applications to ROTP. Its a great place to be if anyone has any questions about either ALOY, RETP, ROTP or just even basic questions about RMC in general feel free to drop me an email. Its a tough road here at RMC but as long as you give it your all than life here is rewarding. Hope to see lots of you here at RMC in one year time. Dont be discouraged if you dont get a call right away but handing in your application sooner is better. I handed mine in early December and did not get called back till about last month of june to come in for interview,medical and CFAT. The earlier is better! Just remember though FYOP is tough and the do treat First years harshly during the first month just never give up I hate seeing during role calls that many VR during FYOP.
Yes and no. I am at RMC this year with a 58 in one of my highschool courses and im taking Engineering. Grade do count for a large portion, and the board of selection say they hardly look at anyone with below a 70 for RMC but some do not. a 68% is not a bad mark, just make sure you have lots of extra's and volunteer work those play BIG parts as well. They rather someone with a 60% thats well rounded than someone with 80s or 70s that had no extra's or anything else because it shows that you can manage work load and still get a pass while doing the other sides of RMC lifestyle.
Hello everyone.

I've recently joined this site after months of looking through other posts made by aspiring CF members.
The question that I am hoping someone would be able to answer for me is whether or not I'd still be eligible to join the CF through ROTP, and RMC.
Last year, I went through the application process for both RMC and ROTP. I managed to clear the Medical Exams, the CFAT, and the interview. After everything was said and done, I was told by the Recruiting Officers that I was not suited for RMC, but for a Civilian University and that I would be receiving a call to confirm my acceptance.

Thinking that I had made it in, I neglected to finish my last year of high school strongly and my average dropped below the Conditional Offer requirements for my University.

Currently, I'm taking a fifth year of highschool, taking the same courses I took last year. During my interview, I was told that I would be much more competitive if I had joined sports and extracurriculars in the past, and so this year, I've been joining as many competitive sport teams available to me within the school.

I had a lowly average of 72% last year which is subpar considering I'm applying for Electrical Engineering.. For this year, I'm trying hard to receive a 90% average, and am focusing on extracurriculars as recommended by the Military Councillor.

In short, I was wondering if I'd still be eligible to join the ROTP, despite my mistakes in the past. I still would like to join the Canadian Forces very much, and am trying my best to do so.

Would the Canadian Forces be willing to give me a second chance? I would appreciate any comments, as it will help me decide my plans for the future.
I still plan on applying again but I'm hoping for some reassurance from someone who's made mistakes but was still accepted.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'm looking forward to any comments regarding my eligibility, or even ways to improve my chances.

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