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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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canada94 said:
My recruiter (or soon to be one) is only available Tuesday and Friday, I did the same as you I have everything ready! I am simply just waiting for Tuesday!

I got my transcript to discover that what I thought (that my grade 9/10 mark were terrible) was actually wrong and I have an overall average throughout high school of 84 which I was not expecting.. I was expecting literally a 77 or something haha.

Everything is completed however, the security, application, ROTP questionnaire blah blah, just gott'a hand it in :D

Nice, I was I could say the same about my overall High School average. I reckon it may be around the low low 80s. Also, I thought we were just supposed to hand the questionnaire in and transcript? According to RMC's application procedure's page ( http://www.rmc.ca/adm/rratq-ppqape-eng.asp ), they make no mention of submitting any other documents. Regardless, if I need to submit more forms such as the application and security forms, I already have them ready since I planned on joining the reserves a few months back.
scriptox said:
Nice, I was I could say the same about my overall High School average. I reckon it may be around the low low 80s. Also, I thought we were just supposed to hand the questionnaire in and transcript? According to RMC's application procedure's page ( http://www.rmc.ca/adm/rratq-ppqape-eng.asp ), they make no mention of submitting any other documents. Regardless, if I need to submit more forms such as the application and security forms, I already have them ready since I planned on joining the reserves a few months back.

I called CFRC Hamilton and they told me to have everything in as quick as I can, (Security, Applicatio etc). I hope they end up "needing" them as its been a pain in the @$$ getting them to properly print at home!

I assume you should also bring your birth certificate, and other documents when you hand in your questionnaire.
canada94 said:
I called CFRC Hamilton and they told me to have everything in as quick as I can, (Security, Applicatio etc). I hope they end up "needing" them as its been a pain in the @$$ getting them to properly print at home!

I assume you should also bring your birth certificate, and other documents when you hand in your questionnaire.

I see.. that's good to know then. I will be going to CFRC Hamilton as well so let's see what happens from there.  :salute:
scriptox said:
I see.. that's good to know then. I will be going to CFRC Hamilton as well so let's see what happens from there.  :salute:

Funny that you are going to CFRC Hamilton hehe, but I will be now going to a recruiter in St. Catherines as it would be closer for me. They provided me with his number, so if in turn you are closer to St. Catherines rather then Hamilton PM me and I'll give you his number and times of availability.
scriptox said:
I called CFRC Hamilton and they told me to have everything in as quick as I can, (Security, Applicatio etc). I hope they end up "needing" them as its been a pain in the @$$ getting them to properly print at home!

I assume you should also bring your birth certificate, and other documents when you hand in your questionnaire.

There is a checklist of what you need to bring, I believe it is on one of the last pages of the application form. 

That being said, it states "birth certificate OR proof of citizenship" so I brought my passport, and I got a call the same day asking me to bring my birth certificate.  So bring your birth certificate just in case. 
I will be now handing in my application Friday rather then today.. I called and got a-hold of him personally (the Recruiter), he was busy with a line up and said to come Friday morning.. hopefully this time for real :D

When I began to make an application last year with a reserve regiment they took a picture or I guess a scan of everything, every document that is.
Just finished my CFAT.  I wasn't told anything afterwards, just brought into a room with 5 of the 6 people and told to fill out the drug survey form. 

I brushed up on math and breezed through the CFAT, like it has been said before, if you study it is easy.

Medicals booked for one week from today, eye test booked for tomorrow morning and going to see my doctor in an hour to find out about the rest.

Also, they paid us for travel expenses/lunch, haven't heard of that, maybe people thought it wasn't important enough to mention, I'm not complaining.

Pretty excited, got my sn, and nothing else to worry about until ACS.
LOLslamball said:
Just finished my CFAT.  I wasn't told anything afterwards, just brought into a room with 5 of the 6 people and told to fill out the drug survey form. 

I brushed up on math and breezed through the CFAT, like it has been said before, if you study it is easy.

Medicals booked for one week from today, eye test booked for tomorrow morning and going to see my doctor in an hour to find out about the rest.

Also, they paid us for travel expenses/lunch, haven't heard of that, maybe people thought it wasn't important enough to mention, I'm not complaining.

Pretty excited, got my sn, and nothing else to worry about until ACS.

That is awesome good for you!
LOLslamball said:
Just finished my CFAT.  I wasn't told anything afterwards, just brought into a room with 5 of the 6 people and told to fill out the drug survey form. 

I brushed up on math and breezed through the CFAT, like it has been said before, if you study it is easy.

Medicals booked for one week from today, eye test booked for tomorrow morning and going to see my doctor in an hour to find out about the rest.

Also, they paid us for travel expenses/lunch, haven't heard of that, maybe people thought it wasn't important enough to mention, I'm not complaining.

Pretty excited, got my sn, and nothing else to worry about until ACS.

Good for you man! One step closer I guess eh ? Haha, so I've talked with my parents and what not, my mother seems to keep forgetting that we have to go down to the CFRC to hand in my documents. Unfortunately, she only gets back from work at 4:00, and the CFRC closes at 4:30. Coupled with that is the 20 minute commute, so, hopefully tomorrow she will rush home in time. However, this problem would be rectified if I had my own car by now. Got the license but no car... shame haha.

If you don't mind me asking LOLslamball, how exactly did you brush up on your skills? Through a text book? Tutoring? Or just simple review through various websites around the internet?

Thanks and congratulations once again on moving forward!!  :salute:
Hey Scriptox,

I started by just brushing up on not using a calculator, long division, dividing/multiplying fractions etc. 

I then used two sites,


which I found by googling "ASVAB practice test"  just did the word section and arithmetic.  They're great because its a full 30 questions each section and only 2-4 questions aren't applicable to the CFAT (ie calculations that have you convert feet to inches). 

Be careful though because I think the short tests use questions from the long tests, so you can't really do both.

The other site I used is


It was a link that didn't work from some old CFAT posts but I looked around the site and it was still there.  Those 6 tests (3 on each site) plus just doing some math worksheets is what I did and I feel like I destroyed the CFAT haha.  I was finishing the ASVAB tests at around 90% (for arithmetic)and I would be surprised if I did worse than that on the math portion of the CFAT.

I also used this site

I probably studied 20-30min/day (one test) for the 10 days before the test and I was more than prepared, but it was worth it just so that during the time waiting for my results I wasn't worried haha.

So I went to the CFRC today at in Hamilton...

Recruiter did a pretty good job of talking me out of my current choice for occupations. Basically he explained to me that it would be useless to go to RMC for a Computer Science degree (that's what I'm pursuing) just to join a trade that doesn't use it all that well according to him.

My 3 choices were Armoured, Signals and Artillery in that order.

He seemed to understand why I put down Signals officer but not why I put down those 2 combat trades. When asked, I simply explained that the life style and circumstances of having a position in a combat trade really appealed to me. And it was what I wanted. After explaining he sort of kept pushing Engineering onto me. Being an EME himself and a Captain in the Air Force...

So, I never handed in my application, simply because I thought that I should take a couple more days, or maybe just tonight, to figure out what I really want. He offered to take it, don't get me wrong, the choice to not hand it in was all me. 

I'll think about it for a couple of days.. then hand it in.
I know this is a very silly question and I will probably be highly criticized by everyone in the forum but as long as you pass the fitness test they couldn't possibly deny your ROTP application based on your physique right? ;)

I mean I'm athletic and I love playing sports but nothing I eat seems to show on my body and consequently I am very slim...

Yeah, now you can see my predicament, or not. Maybe it's just my mind playing with my decision of applying for this program. If anyone has some positive words on that would be greatly appreciated.

Anyways, I'm also in grade 12 at the moment. I'm planning on applying sometime in the near future. I really don't want to put this off until the last second. Good luck to everyone!
scriptox said:
So I went to the CFRC today at in Hamilton...

Recruiter did a pretty good job of talking me out of my current choice for occupations. Basically he explained to me that it would be useless to go to RMC for a Computer Science degree (that's what I'm pursuing) just to join a trade that doesn't use it all that well according to him.

My 3 choices were Armoured, Signals and Artillery in that order.

He seemed to understand why I put down Signals officer but not why I put down those 2 combat trades. When asked, I simply explained that the life style and circumstances of having a position in a combat trade really appealed to me. And it was what I wanted. After explaining he sort of kept pushing Engineering onto me. Being an EME himself and a Captain in the Air Force...

So, I never handed in my application, simply because I thought that I should take a couple more days, or maybe just tonight, to figure out what I really want. He offered to take it, don't get me wrong, the choice to not hand it in was all me. 

I'll think about it for a couple of days.. then hand it in.

Nothing wrong on your part, so long as they say "it can't be done" then it is your choice. Your the one sacrificing when making a decision this big in your life. Although I would value his opinion and take what I (I mean you) can take, overall it is my life and I should/ will choose what is best for me, and if the military doesn't like it then hopefully common ground can be found a compromise can occur. Regardless, good luck man!

I go tomorrow morning! Very excited.
raykwon said:
I know this is a very silly question and I will probably be highly criticized by everyone in the forum but as long as you pass the fitness test they couldn't possibly deny your ROTP application based on your physique right? ;)

I mean I'm athletic and I love playing sports but nothing I eat seems to show on my body and consequently I am very slim...

Yeah, now you can see my predicament, or not. Maybe it's just my mind playing with my decision of applying for this program. If anyone has some positive words on that would be greatly appreciated.

Anyways, I'm also in grade 12 at the moment. I'm planning on applying sometime in the near future. I really don't want to put this off until the last second. Good luck to everyone!

You don't do a "physical test" before you do BMOQ. Regardless, you stated your athletic they won't judge you by your cover (weight), but the material you have to offer (mental/physical ability). You will however complete a medical and if a doctor finds it would be dangerous for you to do BMOQ you will be denied (I assume).

And about when you hand the application, according to the recruiter in St. Catherine's I will be going to, do it "NOW"; In his own words,

Good luck!
Remember I am not a member (yet ;)) but from what I read is the answer I have given.
Where exactly do you find the trades that you can apply for?
Is it the jobs section on the Canadian Forces website?
raykwon said:
Where exactly do you find the trades that you can apply for?
Is it the jobs section on the Canadian Forces website?

Yep. I've contacted a recruiter before by e-mail about previously applying to combat trades. I asked if it was possible to apply to combat trades even though on the website it did not say that they were accepting applications or in demand. The recruiter explained that because you are entering through ROTP, and graduating 4 years from your enrolment, that is it impossible to predict which trades will be closed or open. So essentially, you are allowed to apply to any Officer trade you wish according to the recruiter..
If you decide to put Medical Officer on your  "Occupational Preferences - Part 7"  of the application how is it possible for you get that job once you are completed RMC? ROTP doesn't give you a medical degree and therefore you cannot possibly work as a physician in the military.

On the Forces.ca website under the Paid University section it says that Medical Officer is one of the jobs that can be subsidized through RMC.

But I also noticed that Medical Officer does not have the (RMC Eligible) tag on it like the other occupations, so would this mean that I am unable to put this down as an option?

I'm sorry if this question has been asked before but I could not find it anywhere...

Thanks in advance.
Studying to become a doctor does not fall under the ROTP heading. It is called the Medical Officer Training Program:


This requires that you are already accepted into an accredited Canadian medical school. Generally that also means that you have, or have three years towards, an undergraduate degree.

The way that I understand it, it is possible to get your initial degree through ROTP - but you will have to choose another trade to train towards. Once you have finished your time at RMC and completed your time commitment in your trade, you are able to apply to medical schools and transfer into the MOTP.

Again, this is how I understood the CFAO. Please read it yourself and speak to a recruiter to get solid info.

I finally went into my local CFRC today. I picked up my ROTP application today thinking I was very late. The man, who was not a recruiter, told me not to hand it in until October because no
one would look at it until then. I am confused by this because of all the warnings to get everything done as soon as possible. I hope this doesn't affect my application or cause problems in the long run. Other then that I got alot of useful information, and am very excited to start the process!
Chanbomb11 said:
I finally went into my local CFRC today. I picked up my ROTP application today thinking I was very late. The man, who was not a recruiter, told me not to hand it in until October because no
one would look at it until then. I am confused by this because of all the warnings to get everything done as soon as possible. I hope this doesn't affect my application or cause problems in the long run. Other then that I got alot of useful information, and am very excited to start the process!

Ask someone who is a recruiter and see if they say the same. I was told to hand everything in as quickly as possible. Which I did.
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