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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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I applied for pilot, for the this year and didn't get it. I didn't even get to go to Trenton. This was because I applied in late december and even though I rush to get the medical and the eye test done they weren't done in time so I didn't get to got to ACS. When I went for my interview I was told that I was in the top of the merit list because of my great score on the aptitude test. But none of that change the fact that HQ never reviewed my medical, so no ACS.
I am very happy with my other choice, as an engineer (I wanted both lol), so no harm no foul. But I also told the ACS works on a first come first basis and if you were at the end then you have a lower chance of getting in.
My side of the story to this is an interesting one:

I have spent the last 2 years as a reserve infantry officer, and applied for a component transfer to the RegF through ROTP as a MARS Officer. My first letter of offer that I received was sending me to CMR to complete a 4 year program in Arts at RMC. (Now this confused me as I had already completed 2 years at a civi university. ) After doing some digging however it was found that a mistake was made on my file that did not have all my current university years recognized. When the problem was sorted a new letter of offer was made for ROTP Civ U.

Now for you are you looking to get back in ROTP through RMC or is Civ U still on the table for you? From what they have done with me I cant see you getting into RMC just do to the schooling that you already have and they would just continue to keep you at the academic institution that you are currently attending. That is the easier way it seems to me.

@ MMChai

I posted this in the application process samples

I applied for civilian university as I am almost done my degree.
A month and a half ago, I was informed that I was accepted into Rotp(Senior).
That means I was to go to Kingston to finish my bac. I was quite confused and asked
them to check and re-check to make sure.

On July 29th, I was sworn in. All my paper work and instructions were for Kingston.
On July 30th, I received a call from the recruiting center. Apparently, I am not going to Kingston.
The clerk who entered me into the system originally did it wrong. I am supposed to
continue going to my civilian university. I also have to leave August 8th
for St-Jean instead of the 14th for Kingston.

It has been a confusing few weeks. I am happy that I am in the system now and hope that everything falls into place.
I am happy that I did not de-register from my university. I would have had a panic attack if I had.

I think we fell through the same crack in the system. Fells good to know I'm not alone.
If you are already enrolled in a civilian institution, there is a good possibility they will let you stay there, particularly if you only have two or fewer years to go.  That's what happened to me.
I too am looking at going to RMC, i just got some questions about grades etc. my grade 11 year wasnt the best lets leave it at that, im going into grade 12 im taking physics 30 math 30 pure....all the classes i need to take an engineering degree but what sort of average am i going to be looking at getting to get in and what would be the minimum they would take. Im also inrolled with the air cadets and have gone up through ranks to flight sgt. any sort of info to point me in the right direction and set goal would help. thanks
Jp_noble1 said:
I too am looking at going to RMC, i just got some questions about grades etc. my grade 11 year wasnt the best lets leave it at that, im going into grade 12 im taking physics 30 math 30 pure....all the classes i need to take an engineering degree but what sort of average am i going to be looking at getting to get in and what would be the minimum they would take. Im also inrolled with the air cadets and have gone up through ranks to flight sgt. any sort of info to point me in the right direction and set goal would help. thanks

You would be advised to strive to get the highest marks you can in all your classes.  Applications for ROTP are very competitive.

Right now my advice to you is to pay more attention and put more effort in your ENGLISH classes.  Your writing skills are atrocious.  You write like a Grade 3 student.

If you want your questions answered more to your satisfaction, they have been asked and answered dozens of times, and in detail, in topics on this site.  Your Research, Reading and Comprehension skills will be exercised when you read through them.
Just some insider info, the number of people they're taking into the ROTP program (both civvieU and RMC) has decreased from the normal 500 to 400.  Chances are there are still going to be the same amount of applicants, they're just not taking in as many.  My guess is that they'll take 250 to RMC and 150 to civvieU.  As you've already been instructed, strive to get the best possible marks you can and do as much extracurricular activities as you can.  To make it at RMC you have to be a good multitasker.  You have to juggle military training, inspections, parades, homework, sports and trying to have a social life.  I loved my time there, but it certainly wasn't a walk in the park.  Good luck!

Hello all,

I am currently 16 years old, and I am aspiring to become a infantry officer and ultimately a JTF2 SOA. As for my application, is there anything that is really important to have a strong ROTP application? Here's what my application looks like right now:
I am  an honour roll student(My grades are generally in the high 80's and 90's. I have served on Student Council three times, and I'm looking to run again in Grade 12, I am a member of National Honour Society, and the Association to Kill Apathy(a local social activism group at my school). I am a former Flight Corperal with the Royal Canadian Air Cadets(2 yrs Experience), and I have attended Introduction to Leadership camp and was appointed Flight Commander of my Flight. I volunteer at the hospital on weekends, and as far as athletics go, I've been doing Martial arts for 11 years. (I've also done other sports-swimming, soccer, basketball, etc.) I have been to numerous leadership conventions and I am fortunate to have plenty of experience in that area.I have also been playing Violin for 10 years(I played in a strings orchestra) and I am going on an exchange to Quebec next year to learn french. To top things off, I plan to join the local Artillery reserve unit in town before transferring into the ROTP program.

After telling you all of this, my main question is; how good of an application would this be(for Infantry Officer). Is there anything else that I can do to improve it? If you also know anything about the Spec Ops side(JTF2 or CSOR) please fill me in on that as well(in terms of recruiting, application, and the whole nine yards). Anyone is welcome to answer, but I would prefer if former CF personel pitched in as well.

Thank you for your answers! It is much appreciated. :)
Hi Jyote25, sounds like you have a really strong application. I would be looking to maintain that level, get on your students' council again, continue with your martial arts, maybe try to just get 90s instead of  both 90s and 80s? Lol. From my understanding you can do cadets until your 18, perhaps you should continue that, as I'm not completely positive, but the paper work would be less difficult and time consuming as compared to being in the reserves. But I am assuming your in grade 11 this year and am applying next year? If your local reserve unit has some availabilities now then perhaps go for it, as you would have about a year of experience with them. Anyway, solid by the looks of it, keep it up.
nairna said:
Hi Jyote25, sounds like you have a really strong application. I would be looking to maintain that level, get on your students' council again, continue with your martial arts, maybe try to just get 90s instead of  both 90s and 80s? Lol. From my understanding you can do cadets until your 18, perhaps you should continue that, as I'm not completely positive, but the paper work would be less difficult and time consuming as compared to being in the reserves. But I am assuming your in grade 11 this year and am applying next year? If your local reserve unit has some availabilities now then perhaps go for it, as you would have about a year of experience with them. Anyway, solid by the looks of it, keep it up.

Fair enough. Thank you for replying  :)
nairna said:
Hi Jyote25, sounds like you have a really strong application. I would be looking to maintain that level, get on your students' council again, continue with your martial arts, maybe try to just get 90s instead of  both 90s and 80s? Lol. From my understanding you can do cadets until your 18, perhaps you should continue that, as I'm not completely positive, but the paper work would be less difficult and time consuming as compared to being in the reserves. But I am assuming your in grade 11 this year and am applying next year? If your local reserve unit has some availabilities now then perhaps go for it, as you would have about a year of experience with them. Anyway, solid by the looks of it, keep it up.

You can do Cadets until you are 19 actually.  :)
Seems like you have a nice application but obviously no one here can say you are getting in with that application. There are CF given tests such as the CFAT, Medical, interview that they will also weigh for your candidacy. Should you feel like comparing your resume versus others or you have other ROTP questions this thread probably has the answers already.  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/92302.0.html  You can also search for the 2010/2011 thread and see who did and did not get accepted there.  Good luck.
Hey I'm 17 right now and i"m going to finish grade 12 by June. I wanted to go to the RMC in Kingston and do my undergrad there.  Is it to late to apply?
That info is on the RMC website. It isn't too late, I think the formal deadline for when they stop accepting application is usually in February (once again, refer to the RMC website), but I strongly urge you to apply ASAP if you are serious about getting into RMC for next year. The sooner you get your application in, the better your chances of being accepted, all else equal. Also, if any hiccups come up in your application and you applied early, then it gives you plenty of time to deal with them. I suggest you plan on having your applications in by the New Year, but even sooner than that would be best.

As for the minimum word lengths; there is no minimum as far as I know. I would suggest you don't go overboard though. They give you two pages, so I don't suggest writing 12. I also don't suggest writing half a page. Try and say everything you want to say eloquently and using proper English, while still remaining concise and without rambling.

My advice is to take your time when you write your application, and don't be distracted by anything. Mistakes on your forms equals more time for them to process your application, which means a lesser chance of getting everything done on time. Get your applications done NOW, but be very careful and accurate when filling them out.

First time poster, long time reader.

I would like to apply to rmc as mature student, for the 2011 fall semester.
My grades back in high school; will not be acceptable for an admission to a regular program.
My age is 22 years (1988)

Although my high school transcript is laughable, I ask that you do not get the wrong image of me.
I would like to get my wings, and learn how to fly.

Earlier today (jan 19), I was at the recruiting center.
The recruiter told me that in order to get my wings, I have to be at 85% avg. (which I am capable of achieving)
The recruiter also informed me that, only -->40-50<-- applicants from a pool of 500+ get accepted!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was also told that RMC would be the best option to chase this.
Trying to get a BA at another university, shows less hope as the air force apparently chooses their applicants through RMC.

Help me out! Advice needed!

**recruiter also informed me that applications start in may. that if i am to apply, my application will be put on priority in hopes of making it in the administraion by deadline. 

I would like to get my psych ba, with a minor in business admin. or visa versa.
I also want my pilots wings.
j_rus said:

First time poster, long time reader.

I would like to apply to rmc as mature student, for the 2011 fall semester.
My grades back in high school; will not be acceptable for an admission to a regular program.
My age is 22 years (1988)

Although my high school transcript is laughable, I ask that you do not get the wrong image of me.
I would like to get my wings, and learn how to fly.

Earlier today (jan 19), I was at the recruiting center.
The recruiter told me that in order to get my wings, I have to be at 85% avg. (which I am capable of achieving)
The recruiter also informed me that, only -->40-50<-- applicants from a pool of 500+ get accepted!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was also told that RMC would be the best option to chase this dream.
Trying to get a BA at another university, shows less potential.
I learned that a large pool of applicants who want their wings, are chosen through RMC.

Help me out! Advice needed!

Well, in terms of 'potential'- two of our past four Chiefs of Defense Staff, Gen. Rick Hillier and Gen. Maurice Baril, both attended civilian universities; Memorial, in Newfoundland, and University of Ottawa respectively.

I would submit that it doesn't show 'less potential' to get a BA at another university. Both avenues have their own strengths and disadvantages.

But yes, at 22 and with crappy marks your odds of getting into RMC are slim. You're much more likely to get 'mature student' status at another university.
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