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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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MaddogJR said:
...when 3 guys with about 10 000 hours a piece give you advice you take it and roll.

Okay, I'm going to hazard a guess that this is not all military time.  Given the rules that have been in place since I've been in that would mean that they've been flying for almost 17 years without ANY type of ground tour, not even as an OpsO, Flt OC, or any other job that requires any amount of paperwork.

The fact that 3 guys with that many hours apiece are all sitting in one room is quite a feat as well.  The only people I know that have hit that mark are retired WWII vets.

I'm not saying this can't be done, but my spidey senses are tingling on this.

Loach?  How any people do you know with that many hours?  Especially with kids that are uni age?
Strike said:
Loach?  How any people do you know with that many hours?

Nobody with only military hours.

That would include WWII vets - surviving that many military hours would have been rather a miracle.

I suppose that it is possible that some of our transport guys might get up around that level.

One would still get far better advice from somebody currently in the recruiting/selection/training system than someone who went through it in a completely different era, or even from somebody who just went through it and can really only speak about their own experience.
Strike, my sqn  has 2 pilots with over 11 000 hours....all military.
Okay - amend my last to read "... and MP ..."
My last peice of advice on this is. If you are in the Toronto area come in to see us we have a real live (I saw him move once) Pilot on staff. Can't miss him. He's the guy in a flight suit flying the mahogany bomber. He can answer all your questions on the CURRENT standards and the CURRENT application and training process.

2 years as an Officer Cadet or in the process does not make anyone an expert. Nor does 30 years in the Navy make me a expert on pilots but, I do have the expertise at my disposal and it's CURRENT!!
CDN Aviator said:
Strike, my sqn  has 2 pilots with over 11 000 hours....all military.

But can anyone really call flying a racetrack pattern for hours on end REAL flying?  ;D

Just kidding...sort of.
You will have to apply at the same time everyone else does, regardless of your previous university education. RMC ROTP starts only once a year. You come to RMC in August, do recruit camp, which is like a mini boot-camp, then you do FYOP (First Year Orientation Program) while you start your classes in September. Unless you are transferring as an NCM under the UTPNCM program, recruit camp and FYOP are mandatory, which is why you cannot be accepted at any other time of year. Since you already have previous academic credits, you should get some of your mandatory courses written off. However, don't count on it, it depends on what the Engineering department at RMC considers to be equivalent. So if you really want to come to RMC and start your whole university career over again (it is EXTREMELY rare for anyone to be able to skip a year here, due to all the other requirements other than academic. I should know, this is my fourth university, and I already have a degree equivalent), then get your application in now, if it's not already too late. Your grades seem fine, but it's up to the selection board, and what the average is for this years intake - you basically have to be one of the best of that year to get in. If you're too late to apply, you'll have to wait until next year, or just do your degree on your own and apply to the CF as a DEO.
A decent multi-tour (or one flying the SGOD) will garner the average pilot close to 2000hrs.  Aurora drivers get a bit more, mostly because of the nature of the flying missions (10-14hrs).  Buff drivers get a loss less.

I have a daily vantage of what goes on in all three phases of pilot-making in the CF.  I have chaired PRBs and seen dreams killed - getting through the CFRC is the easiest part of the transition from civilian to military aviator.
I havent read this whole thread.....but I'm in my first year at CMR/RMC and just got got told my mosid is PIlot....anyone with questions feel free to ask
breezie said:
You will have to apply at the same time everyone else does, regardless of your previous university education. RMC ROTP starts only once a year. You come to RMC in August, do recruit camp, which is like a mini boot-camp, then you do FYOP (First Year Orientation Program) while you start your classes in September. Unless you are transferring as an NCM under the UTPNCM program, recruit camp and FYOP are mandatory, which is why you cannot be accepted at any other time of year. Since you already have previous academic credits, you should get some of your mandatory courses written off. However, don't count on it, it depends on what the Engineering department at RMC considers to be equivalent. So if you really want to come to RMC and start your whole university career over again (it is EXTREMELY rare for anyone to be able to skip a year here, due to all the other requirements other than academic. I should know, this is my fourth university, and I already have a degree equivalent), then get your application in now, if it's not already too late. Your grades seem fine, but it's up to the selection board, and what the average is for this years intake - you basically have to be one of the best of that year to get in. If you're too late to apply, you'll have to wait until next year, or just do your degree on your own and apply to the CF as a DEO.

1)Sorry just a few corrections: After you apply and if you are accept you have two places they may send you for your frist year....RMC kingston, or CMR st jean.... There are about 120 firstyears that go to RMC sj for thier first year.
2) FYOP is only done and mandatory at RMC kingston, RMC sj does not do FYOP, however it overall has more military trainning during the year.
3) DEO is no accepting in alot of trades, so if that your plan, make sure you know what is available, because trades like pilot are closed and infantry is becoming hard to get...
How to apply?

I want to apply to RMC, but it's not listed while applying to Universities.

I had to go on ED&T because of school, and MWO asked how my grades were. I told him and showed him my report card a while back, he told me to apply to RMC.

I can't find it on the Ontario Universities Application site. Do I have to apply directly with them?

Thanks and Happy New Year,

Go to a recruiting center and apply for ROTP.

You are in the CF already, this shouldnt be a surprise to you.
From the Recruiting Site:

Regular Officer Training Plan

Regular Officer Training Plan The ROTP trains leaders in the Canadian Forces. Successful applicants enter the Canadian Military College (CMC) system as an Officer Cadet, and attend either the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) in Kingston, Ontario, or the Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMCSJ) in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec.

If there are more applicants to the ROTP than the Colleges can accommodate, or a student’s preferred programme of study is not offered through the CMC system, students may be subsidized to attend another Canadian university.

PDF document to learn more about the Canadian Forces Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP) – the first step towards your university education and a job as an Officer in the Canadian Forces.
Hey guys,

I just got back from dropping off my ROTP (RMC) application a couple hours ago. I'm looking into a Bachelor of Arts through RMC, then career Infantry Officer. I spoke with the recruiter, and there was one major anomaly that he said could prevent my acceptance, and I was wondering if you all could help shed some light on this issue.

I graduated last year, with sub-par (high 60's to mid 70's) on my core subjects. I didn't apply myself. This year I've gone back, to upgrade my marks, and to take Math 30 Pure (which I hadn't taken at all prior). I have Math Pure coming up next semester. The recruiter told me that the main two marks they'll be looking for are my English and Math. He said that since I had yet to take Math Pure, I might not be accepted this year.

At any rate, I feel my application is fairly competitive otherwise. I've got 5 years of Cadets under my belt, all the volunteer experience included. As well, I've played hockey for ten years. And so far this year, my grade average is 86%

So, that all being said, do you think not having a grade for Math 30 Pure until next semester is going to cost me my RMC admission this year?
I don't want to ruin your hopes, but last year we had 4000 ROTP applicants and only 650 were successful.

This year they're going to cut back on the numbers ... you're competing against people who have ALL of thier ducks in a row ... so it is quite conceivable that you will not be successful this year ...

I recommend you don't get too discouraged by this however. Keep trying, it may yet still work out, but do not put all of your eggs in one basket. Have a backup plan for next year in case you aren't in ROTP.
My situation is quite complex so I'll start with a short summary.

I'm 26, I already have a degree in Biology. I want to go back to school for Engineering and I want to do ROTP to be a CSE Engineer. My first, main question is whether or not they will grant ROTP for people who already have Bachelor's Degrees.

So the more complex side of this is that I'm already in the Navy. I'm a leading seaman, but I recently applied for (and was given an offer) a component transfer to join the Reg Force as a MARS officer. I will probably be declining that offer so that I can start a degree in Engineering, but of course ROTP would be a great opportunity because I love the Navy and would definitely be interested in going full time. Because I have a serious relationship with a girl who has to stay in Calgary for at least 4 more years, I'll be staying too. After that I will be free to go where the Navy needs me. I'm also fairly certain my Bio degree is not enough to land me a job as a military Engineer. I'm also curious about pay levels. In my component transfer offer I was offered a pay rate considerably higher than a DEO, which is also higher than an ROTP student. The increased pay is due to my service as an NCM.

So hopefully someone can help me out by telling me if I will be able to get ROTP for a second, more useful degree, and what I can expect to be offered for a pay level keeping in mind my 7 years of reserve service.

EDIT: Oh, also I will be going to a Civvy U, most likely University of Calgary. I have no desire to go to RMC.
CEOTP is an option as well, I just don't like the 12 year commitment it requires. I'd rather do the 5 years and then be able to make a decision.
Talk to the recruiting office about whether they're willing to subsidize a second degree. As far as I remember, they will subsidize a second degree if it is required by the occupation. CEOTP won't work for you because it might see you leaving for occupational training right away - not to mention that you might need a fair bit of the university courses for engineering, before you could take on your occupational training (I'm not an engineer or know anything about it, but that seems to make sense to me).

As an aside, you seem to be focusing entirely on pay scales and how the forces are willing to work around your situation while providing you the most money. I mean, you have a degree and you received an offer. Your biology degree is far more useful than my English degree, I can tell you that. Are you going back to school for four years just because of the girlfriend, or because you've always wanted to be an engineer?

This isn't mean to be a jab, merely an observation.
Thanks for the advice Hold_fast. I'm not sure about how CEOTP works either, I'll have to talk to them. The fact that I'm currently being offered a CT to MARS and turning it down might be a detriment to me.

Anyway, my personal situation is really complicated. I'm definitely turning down the CT because of my girlfriend. My Bio degree is useful but I'm getting out of the field because I don't like it at all. I had never really considered joining the Reg Force until about 6 months ago, but I hated research and chose to get out of there.

I definitely want to go into Engineering. I'm not going back to school for anyone except myself, I have a good job right now and if I wanted to I could continue on my current career path. I just figured that ROTP or CEOTP would be a good way to pay for school instead of taking on a bunch of debt, as well as guaranteeing me a good job in the future that I know I will enjoy. I'm not trying to be greedy when it comes to the payscales, I just want to know what to expect. It really wouldn't matter what they paid, although something similar to my CT offer would be nice.
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