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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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ZeiGezunt said:
So I applied for RMC yesterday and am in the process of assembling references and filling out paperwork. Here's the quandary: my Gr. XI transcripts contain several Gr. XII courses that I got excellent marks in. HOWEVER, they also contain a 68% in Math. This year, I've buckled down and raised my Math mark to 89%.
I applied for Armoured, Infantry, and Social Work. Is it worth it to wait till November when report cards come out, then get the transcript from those, or should I submit the 68% transcript and hope they give me an interview so I can explain?
Or even more drastically, should I wait till next year to apply so I can use those marks?
Help would be greatly appreciated.

Go ahead and apply NOW!  As part of the process, you not only have to upload your most recent transcripts but you will also have to complete the RMC Academic Questionnaire and there is an area on that questionnaire where you list "Current year courses" and it even asks for a "grade".

DAA said:
and it even asks for a "grade".

Does this mean year of high school (i.e. grade 12) or the score in that class? And do I list all of my 2nd semester courses as well?
StudentPilot23 said:
Does this mean year of high school (i.e. grade 12) or the score in that class? And do I list all of my 2nd semester courses as well?

If you already have the questionnaire, then it says....

Current Year Courses (High School/College or University): Please list below only those courses that you are presently completing or will complete in the next semester. This area must be filled in if you are currently in school.

There is a "column" for "Grade", so you should be able to comfortably show either a confirmed mid-term grading or something which "you" would consider to be a reasonable outcome once you complete the course.
Good God, this damned tablet. Disregard the above post.

@runormal: I have, and they recommended I apply now and show updated transcripts. My other marks were high 80s-90s, as like yourself I didn't really try in Math class.

I would wait till November, but apparently ARMD and INF aren't really in demand this year, and I'm worried about the spots filling up.

As to the rest, I think I've got good sports and extracurriculars, it's just that blamed Math mark that's the problem.

By the way, here's another doozy-- anyone got any tips on contacting the Liason Office?  I've been trying to arrange a tour but no one ever picks up the phone or returns my calls.
For your third choice - social worker - you won't be doing that at RMC.
To get into that classification you need an MSW, and no social worker degrees are done at the College.

9er domestic is a mil social worker, got her MSW at Carleton U.
Dang-- is there a chance they might decline my application because of that? Perhaps it implies a lack of knowledge about the military.
ZeiGezunt said:
Dang-- is there a chance they might decline my application because of that? Perhaps it implies a lack of knowledge about the military.

You're reading too far into it. If they're looking at your third trade choice, they're looking at you as a possible candidate.
Yes, I'm insecure about the strength of my application. But then, I worry a lot.

I do hear there's no real need for INF and ARMD officers anymore. Is this true, and could it affect my application?
ZeiGezunt said:
Yes, I'm insecure about the strength of my application. But then, I worry a lot.

I do hear there's no real need for INF and ARMD officers anymore. Is this true, and could it affect my application?

Chill out.  Make the application the best you can, go for the trades you want (and not just because they're available and you think you can change trades once in the CAF) and see what happens. 
Yeah. Again, I worry a lot, and this is a convenient thing to worry about. Really it's not that big of a deal-- what happens will happen, and if I don't get it in I'll apply until I do.
Hi there,

I'm 35 and currently looking at doing an undergraduate degree in engineering.  Is there a maximum age limit for RMC St Jean or RMC Kingston?  Are there many other people around my age that attend RMC?  My high school grades were less than stellar and I thought it might be a good idea to do a prep year at St Jean followed by an engineering program at Kingston. 

lifestronaut said:
Hi there,

I'm 35 and currently looking at doing an undergraduate degree in engineering.  Is there a maximum age limit for RMC St Jean or RMC Kingston?  Are there many other people around my age that attend RMC?  My high school grades were less than stellar and I thought it might be a good idea to do a prep year at St Jean followed by an engineering program at Kingston. 


"Prep Year" is not at your discretion.  If you apply for ROTP, RMC Kingston will preform an "academic assessment" based on the school transcripts you provide.  They are the ones who decide whether or not you are acceptable to attend RMC and also just what your academic standing (Prep Year, Junior or Senior) will be at the time of enrolment.

Other than that, 35 is NOT an uncommon age for some applicants, so you have just as much opportunity/chance as anyone else.

If you choose to apply for ROTP, I would however suggest that you also pursue academic acceptance at a Civilian University, in a comparable program, just so you have some sort of a back-up.
I'm applying for ROTP as you all know, and I'm currently in the possession of a whole whack of reference and security clearance forms. None of these are mentioned in any official correspondence I've received (only transcripts are) beyond vague references to "core forms" and "supporting documents". What do I do with them? Do I submit them with the questionnaire, do I bring them to the interview, what?

Also, I have one "general" form and one professional form. The general form asks for three references and appears more "modern" than the other, and the guidelines appear to be different from form to form.

So: should I fill out the professional form, and print two copies of the general form for personal and educational? Is the professional form outdated, meaning I should print three copies of the general form? Or should I print three copies and fill out the professional form anyway, even though references might overlap?

Any help would greatly appreciated.
I recall it being on the first page of the online application, did you apply online?

If I recall correctly you will need to eventually submit for a security clearance, I am thinking it is secret for officer, but you need to initially I think do reliability or enhanced reliability, which may be the reason for the references. If I recall you will need what is it 4, which are like 2 personal and 2 professional/school etc.. something like that.

I think they were needed by the time the interview happened. There are multiple steps.

Having recently also applied online for I think ROTP for comission I sort of recall the forms being mentioned on one of the first pages. While at the end of the application it references to the birth certificate/id and transcripts.

From what I understand the CFvRC needs those two peices of documentation to determine eligibility or suitability before sending you to the local recruiting real world location. I am thinking at some point you will need to supply the references and other forms as part of the application process. However, as stated they may not be part of the initial application.

If in doubt I suggest you contact the CFvRC or your local recruiting office if there is one.

You will if I am correct need to get the forms done.

This may help
http://cdn.forces.ca/_PDF2010/CF_ApplicationProcedure.pdf  <-- note  it is from 2010 though.

Note the last comment down here


with the GCKey you can start filling in the Canadian Forces online application form, which will take about 30 minutes. Once your online application has been sent to the Canadian Forces Virtual Recruiting Centre, a recruiter will send you an email reminding you to mail in photocopies of:

your birth certificate
a piece of government issued photo id
transcripts from your highest level of education
any proof of trade qualifications or professional licenses, and
any additional forms required for the job or program you selected.

Note the "remind you" part.

You may notice there are multiple pages on the online application process. With tabs for each step of the process step 2 goes into more background on part of how your references may be used.


If you applied online I'd suggest checking your email.

Example looking for something from an email like " eRecruiting@dnd.ca "
I have my transcripts assembled, I just need to know when to submit the reference forms and which to submit. I guess I'll contact my CFRC for a question this specific (and I have gotten my email, wish me luck).

Thanks for your help though!
ZeiGezunt said:
I have my transcripts assembled, I just need to know when to submit the reference forms and which to submit. I guess I'll contact my CFRC for a question this specific (and I have gotten my email, wish me luck).

Thanks for your help though!

Just "follow" the directions you received in the email which contains the link to the RMC Portal.  Anything over and above submission of the RMC Academic Questionnaire and Transcripts directly to RMC at this point in time, are forms used by your local CFRC only and will eventually go back to them at some point in time.
If you are applying for ROTP and are having problems completing the "RMC Academic Questionnaire" where you are not able to "save" the data directly to the form for uploading as a "pdf" file.

You need to "update" your Adobe Reader X program on your computer to the most recent version which is currently Version 10.1.8  The update should be available from the upper menu under "Help".
DAA said:
If you are applying for ROTP and are having problems completing the "RMC Academic Questionnaire" where you are not able to "save" the data directly to the form for uploading as a "pdf" file.

You need to "update" your Adobe Reader X program on your computer to the most recent version which is currently Version 10.1.8  The update should be available from the upper menu under "Help".

When I first uploaded my forms to the RMC portal 4 of my 6 forms were unable to successfully upload. Luckily, I was able to get them uploaded successfully (albeit a week later). Just bringing this problem up to see if there is any way to avoid this for people who have yet to upload their forms.

If there is no obvious solution to this problem, the only thing I did differently the second time was use a different browser. Good Luck!
Goose15 said:
When I first uploaded my forms to the RMC portal 4 of my 6 forms were unable to successfully upload. Luckily, I was able to get them uploaded successfully (albeit a week later). Just bringing this problem up to see if there is any way to avoid this for people who have yet to upload their forms.

If there is no obvious solution to this problem, the only thing I did differently the second time was use a different browser. Good Luck!

It could be an issue with the upload size.  While the portal does say "•All files must be saved as PDF and no larger than 6MB"  I would be more inclined to think that the "total" upload size should not exceed the 6MB limit inorder to prevent time outs from their servers.  The Academic questionnaire should be minimal and less than 1MB itself, so when scanning your academic transcripts, do it in the recommended "grayscale" and also NO larger than "150 dpi".

They are also experiencing "browser" issues as you mentioned.  They are having problems with "Safari 5" and some "IE" users, so the current recommended browser is "FireFox" (Mozilla) and Google Chrome should work also.
DAA said:
It could be an issue with the upload size.  While the portal does say "•All files must be saved as PDF and no larger than 6MB"  I would be more inclined to think that the "total" upload size should not exceed the 6MB limit inorder to prevent time outs from their servers.  The Academic questionnaire should be minimal and less than 1MB itself, so when scanning your academic transcripts, do it in the recommended "grayscale" and also NO larger than "150 dpi".

They are also experiencing "browser" issues as you mentioned.  They are having problems with "Safari 5" and some "IE" users, so the current recommended browser is "FireFox" (Mozilla) and Google Chrome should work also.

Okay so Safari 6 should be added to the list of problems because that is what I was using (and all my files were grayscale and under 6MB). Firefox is what I used when it worked so there you go!
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