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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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mkil said:
Keep in mind that the minimum will NOT get her a spot.

Very true but academics are only one piece of the big puzzle.  The minimum will get you to the RMC academic assessment part, after that, it's all about YOU and how well you sell yourself!
When I applied they took the average of my grade 9-12 marks.  2010-2011

I had an overall highschool average of  74% when I applied 3 years ago.  I was declined eventually (was merit listed, and once everyone got offers I got declined) due to academic competitiveness.

If her marks are anywhere near the 75% average, it can't hurt to apply, there is always the CFAT,  extra curriculars and Interview as well.


Out of curiosity, would anyone from RMC happen to know how often cadets get charged for various offences.

Additionally, how long does this charge stay on your record for? I heard (from different sources) 1, 5, or 10 years.
Depends how much the charge was and what it was for.  If you had administrative action against you this stays on your pers file forever... How do I know this?  Every time someone does a pers file review of me my RMC AA and assortment of other stuff always comes up :-P
qwerty789 said:
Has this ever held you back in any way or is it something that's rather trivial?

No it has never held me back, nobody cares what happened while I was at RMC, all they care about is that I do my job now and I do it well.

Btw, don't take this message the wrong way, I am not saying go do whatever the you want because it doesn't matter because if you screw up bad enough you will get the boot.  If you did screw up though and you are worried about how it will affect your future career, don't worry so much.  Just understand that you made a mistake and learn from it, it is a training institution and you are there to learn, make your mistakes now because when you are out of RMC things get a whole lot tougher and mistakes become a lot more costly.  Also, don't ever make the same mistake twice. 

If you want to talk about anything specific just PM me.
qwerty789 said:
Out of curiosity, would anyone from RMC happen to know how often cadets get charged for various offences.

Additionally, how long does this charge stay on your record for? I heard (from different sources) 1, 5, or 10 years.

As to your first question I haven't a hot clue. All court martial and summary trial raw data is collected by the Director of Law/Military Justice Policy and Research on a monthly basis and included in the JAG's Annual Report. Unfortunately the report does not break the data out by units.

As to your second question see DAOD 7006-1 http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/dao-doa/7000/7006-1-eng.asp and note that under "Removal of an Entry - General" the following:

"An entry relating to a conviction which has resulted in a fine of $200 or less, or a minor punishment, for example, seven days confinement to barracks, shall be removed from a member's conduct sheet:

      upon completion of the later of:
                  six months service from the date of enrolment or re-enrolment; or
                  the member's initial military occupation training;
      upon completion of any period of 12 months during which no conviction has been entered;
Any other entry stays on the Conduct Sheet for the duration of your career.

FJAG said:
Any other entry stays on the Conduct Sheet for the duration of your career.


Unless a pardon is granted.

See DAOD 7016-0, http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/dao-doa/7000/7016-0-eng.asp
I have always wondered about this as well, will having been charged in the past affect promotions in the future?

Will a promotion board look more favourably towards a candidate with a clean conduct sheet over someone who has been charged before?
Cui said:
I have always wondered about this as well, will having been charged in the past affect promotions in the future?

Will a promotion board look more favourably towards a candidate with a clean conduct sheet over someone who has been charged before?

I have never seen a promotion board call up a conduct sheet.  Good thing too, or I would have been stuck two ranks ago!
Cui said:
I have always wondered about this as well, will having been charged in the past affect promotions in the future?

Will a promotion board look more favourably towards a candidate with a clean conduct sheet over someone who has been charged before?

According to CFPAS,

convictions under the Criminal Code of Canada or the National Defense Act that occur during the reporting period must be detailed in a brief factual statement (including date of conviction) when the conviction results in restricted employment, has an adverse effect on performance, or results in a reduction of rank as a result of a sentence awarded by a service tribunal;

charge laid against the individual in the reporting period but which has not been resolved within the reporting period will only be mentioned in the PER, in the case of the Regular Force, with NDHQ/DMCSS 2's written authorization and in the case of the Reserve Force, IAW the appropriate Environmental Command order or equivalent direction. Authority will only be granted on an individual basis through DMCSS 2 and normally only when the accused person has freely admitted to all of the particulars after being properly cautioned and afforded the opportunity to consult legal counsel

Thus, it is possible for a disciplinary action to appear on a PER which may in turn influence the board members.
So I applied for RMC yesterday and am in the process of assembling references and filling out paperwork. Here's the quandary: my Gr. XI transcripts contain several Gr. XII courses that I got excellent marks in. HOWEVER, they also contain a 68% in Math. This year, I've buckled down and raised my Math mark to 89%.

I applied for Armoured, Infantry, and Social Work. Is it worth it to wait till November when report cards come out, then get the transcript from those, or should I submit the 68% transcript and hope they give me an interview so I can explain?

Or even more drastically, should I wait till next year to apply so I can use those marks?

Help would be greatly appreciated.
November isn't that far away, and SHOULD be enough time to get everything done before the deadline. When I applied originally for ROTP my application was misplaced and I didn't start until late Dec. Throughout the process I continuously brought updated transcripts, midterms report cards. As with you I had a poor math mark the year before

Personally I don't see the harm in applying now and just handing in updated stuff as it moves along. I am not sure how the process has changed as I applied before the new online system. I don't see why anything would change, with you being able to update your marks as they come.

The person with the best answer to this question is probably someone at the CFRC...

Whatever you do, don't wait for next year. If you don't get in this year you don't get in. Just re-apply again the following year.

I'm just worried that all the spots in my trades will be filled by November (unless RMC doesn't work that way). My recruiter DID say I could drag my feet a little with the transcripts, so we'll se what transpires.

Anyhow, thank you very much for your help.
Oh also if you can-- how would one bring in updated transcripts? I was not aware you could do so.
I just brought in an updated original copy and asked them to add it to my file. I also had to do the same thing when I got my g license as well.

Unless rotp has drastically changed in the past year.
You could apply up until January. Everything had to be complete by mid march. Board sits around April and then offers go out late may, early June.

The real benefit to applying early is you have more time do stuff for the application process. So if there is a snag in medical, the security clearance, you fail the cfat.. There is time to fix these things.
Presumably the school or local board of education will print the updated transcript for you (usually for a nominal fee), and you can present that in person, or have it couriered or FAXed if you can't do it yourself.

Your trade and positions in RMC are not tightly coupled (to my knowledge), but I might want to ask that question in the interview process. If they are tightly coupled, then your best hope is you get selected by recruiting for your second or third choice.

Best of luck
Is it possible they might just reject it out of hand if they see the 68%? After all, they have to accept you for processing for you to even get an interview (or so I've heard).
When I applied I had failed Advanced Functions MHF4U. I waited until mid terms came out to show that I was now getting an 85 in that class for that exact reason.  ;D

Personally I don't think a 68 Isn't awful, it is by no means good. But if everything is sitting at mid to high 80s + and they see you are re taking it, I doubt that they would decline you just like that. I read on the ROTP thread for the year, that cut off this year is 75% overall average.

When I applied there was a 9 page questionnaire and there was a section specifically for courses failed/retaking and a reason why.  (Again, I have no idea if this form still exists this was pre online). All I did was indicate I was taking the course again because "I didn't try".

If you are really worried about and want to make the best first impression (As I did), then wait. If not apply now and be prepared to bring updated transcripts from your school as they come. (It cost me like 10$ a transcript for me)  The other thing to add it isn't just grades, I've been told they would rather have someone with lower grades with a lot of leadership experience as opposed to some who just studies all the time and doesn't really do anything outside of school. Sports are good as well.

Have you tried contacting your local CFRC yet??????

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